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The 10k diaries

Come along on my journey to running 10k

By Alice ElizabethPublished 3 months ago 43 min read
The 10k diaries
Photo by Jenny Hill on Unsplash

I’ve decided to run a 10k race in February, just under four months away (from the date I started this diary). I’ve never run 10k before. I’ve done 5k once and I felt that was pushing my limits, but I’m going to give it my best and keep a diary of my progress along the way.

The race I’m doing is the Soja Kibiji Marathon, but just the 10k course, obviously.

I’ve chosen a free program from The Marathon Handbook that is supposed to get me to a 10k in 12 weeks. There’s 16 and a half weeks until race day so I should have plenty of time to finish it, even accounting for the occasional missed day. Of which I know there will be many.

This plan should take 84 days (12 weeks) and I have 117 days(16 weeks) to complete it so I’ve got some allowance for missed days as there will inevitably be. Against all good sense I’m starting on a Tuesday, and on the 31st of the month.

Week 1

Week 1 training schedule

Day 1 - Completed 31 October 2023, plus some extra.

This run looked ridiculously easy to me, but I’m following the plan so I’ll do it. I’ve been running semi-consistently for a couple of months so this one was a piece of cake. Before starting this plan I was running 4-5 km and I’d do intervals of about two and half minutes run to one minute walk. I’d increase the running interval by one second each time I went out. A little mind game I played with myself to try and build a consistent running habit. As well as that, when I go to the gym to do weights I warm up with 10 mins running on the treadmill, about a 6:50 pace.

I tried to run quite a bit faster than my usual pace in the run intervals. It started a lot quicker, but was probably only a teensy bit quicker by the last interval. I’d gone out and turned around at the 8th interval, so after the 5 min cool down walk I started running again at a slow pace until I got home, which was about eight minutes.

Mostly I was surprised that I ran non-stop for that long outside. I’ve been doing it inside on the treadmill, but I find running outside to be harder so I generally just do short intervals.

Day 2 - Completed 1 November, plus some extra

Today was cross training so I went to the gym and did the usual weights program that I’ve been doing for a while now. I figure I’ll keep doing that for cross training until I feel like it’s starting to impact my running.

My weights program is based on a three day split. Each day has a primary lift of either bench press, deadlift or barbell squat, followed by a secondary lift. Then I do accessory exercises but they’re pretty unstructured, just whatever I feel like really. The primary lift is done at a higher weight, the secondary is a lower weight and more reps. I try to do them in order, but as the gym has pretty limited equipment, sometimes I just have to do whatever is available.

Today’s session was about 45 mins or so. I started with bench press as primary- 4 sets of 6 at 30kg. Then followed up with deadlift as secondary - 3 sets of 10 at 42.5kg. Accessory exercises were front raise, lateral raise, lat pull down machine, and dumbbell overhead press. I finished with five minutes on the rowing machine.

I usually start with 10 minutes on the treadmill but I skipped it today because I wasn’t wearing a sports bra and didn’t want to put the girls through that.

Day 3 - Completed 2 November 2023

Rest day. Easiest day so far 😛

Day 4 - Completed 3 November 2023

This was still a pretty easy run really. One minute on, one minute off is not much of a push for me these days. I didn’t push my pace in the run intervals really, maybe I should have? This was the first early morning run I’ve done in a while and maybe I felt the lack of fuel?

Day 5 - Completed 4 November 2023

I’m counting a couple of hours walking around as a tourist to be my cross training. We went to Hiroshima for the long weekend and spend a couple of hours walking around Peace Park and Hiroshima castle so I figure that was sufficient activity to claim as cross training.

Day 6 - Not completed 5 November 2023

Good to see that it’s taken me less than a week to fall off track from the scheduled plan. But to be fair on myself, I expected it and that’s why I’ve allowed myself 16 weeks to get through a 12 week plan. We got back from Hiroshima today about lunchtime and I intended to get my run done in the afternoon, but instead went to sleep. I had such terrible sleep the last two nights at our hotels. The first hotel we were at the mattress had zero support and we both just sunk into the middle. We moved to a different hotel the next night, which was much better, but there were only two pillows and Steve was tossing and turning all night because he didn’t have a leg pillow. Also, my new tattoo made it difficult because every time I rolled over I would brush against it. So with 2 nights of terrible sleep, I just crashed when we got home and napped for an hour and half. I could have happily napped longer, but I dragged myself out of bed because I knew I had to unpack and go to the shops and make dinner and all that other boring stuff.

Day 6 (Day 7) - Not completed 6 November 2023

Not even a week and already missed two days in a row. Yep, that’s pretty much how every attempt at this kind of thing has gone in the past, so I can’t say I’m surprised.

I woke up early this morning but decided I would enjoy a lie in and run after work instead. That was my first poor decision of the day.

I started to get a headache around lunch time. I tried to fight it off with ibuprofen, lots of water and caffeine but it persisted. It wasn’t too bad by the time I got home, but it was bad enough that it didn’t take much convincing for me to not bother going for my run. I’ll do it tomorrow morning.

Day 6 (Day 8) - Completed 7 November 2023

Third run of the program done. This one was still easy for me. I went out to what I know is 2.5km so that my entire run was 5km. Took me 38 minutes. I finished the programmed run at about 4 km so I just jogged it slowly back home to fill up the 5km.

I was supposed to run in the morning, like I promised yesterday. But - surprise, surprise - I did not. I made sure I did it after work though. I’m glad I’ve told Steve I’m doing this program because he’s helping me stay accountable. He put off his gym session until the evening as well so that while I was running he was at the gym.

Before starting this program I would finish my runs with squats, push ups and sit ups. 1 for every 100 metres. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep doing it. At least for now it’s ok, 50 of each when I get home only takes 10 mins or so. It might get too hard when I’m doing longer runs though, I guess we’ll see.

It’s getting dark earlier now. By 5.30pm it was almost full dark and I felt like I should have had a light or at least some reflective gear with me. I feel pretty safe here, I’m not worried about being jumped or anything, mostly it’s being visible to vehicles. I shouldn’t be complacent though.

Day 7 (Day 9) - Completed 8 November 2023

Rest day. The rest day was scheduled but I considered running anyway because I’ve already had two unscheduled rest days. I thought about it, but didn’t. Stayed home and ate bento instead.

Week 2

Week 2 training schedule

Day 8 (Day 10) - Completed 9 November 2023

My first full dark run. I regret taking that rest day yesterday, I should have run instead then I wouldn’t have been out in the dark. Oh well, I’m going to have to get used to dark runs considering winter is coming. This run surprised me by being harder than I thought. 90 seconds on one off isn’t a tough run for me nowadays but it felt hard last night. I’m going to put it down to not much fuel.

Because it was dark I didn’t do the warm up walk. I had just ridden 10 minutes home from the train station so I figured I was pretty warmed up already. I got home, changed and was back out again so I didn’t really cool down, but maybe that was a factor as well? I didn’t do any extra, just out and back for the required intervals. I also didn’t do any squats, push ups or sit ups afterwards either, my excuse being that it was late.

Day 9 (Day 11) - Completed 10 November 2023

I swapped today’s cross training and tomorrow’s rest day because I’m going hiking tomorrow. So today was rest day.

Day 10 (Day 12) - Completed 11 November 2023

Cross training today (swapped with yesterday’s rest day). Some girls I met from Okayama University took me to visit Smile Rock, one of the local sites. I wasn’t sure what to expect as it was called a hike, but it also seems pretty accessible. I prepared for a serious hike so I was a little disappointed when it was just a bit of a walk around for about 40 mins. I suppose that technically meets the needs of my cross training, but I do feel like a little bit of a slacker. All that said, the actual sightseeing part of the trip was amazing. Great views, a cool rock, a bunch of cats and I even hung out with people and managed to be somewhat social and not entirely awkward the whole time.

Day 11 (Day 13) - Completed 12 November 2023

This was the first run that was starting to get close to the types of runs I was doing before. 2 mins on 1 min off. The run felt pretty easy and I ran for about an extra 5 mins at the end. I found a loop that I can run that makes a 5.5km circuit. So PR for distance today too! Part of the route I took today is the actual 10k race course. I want to scout the entire course on my bike soon. I know vaguely where it goes, but I want to follow the actual path as much as possible while training to get used to any hills.

Day 12 (Day 14) - Completed 13 November 2023

Cross training today and I went to the gym for a weights session. It’s been almost 2 weeks since I last did weights as I’ve had other things to do for cross training. I did 10 mins on the treadmill for warm up, deadlifts and the push press machine. I started on some lunges but was saved from having to finish them by Steve finishing up his workout at that point. I hate lunges. It’s been almost three weeks since I’ve done deads so I think I’m going to feel it tomorrow.

Day 13 (Day 15) - Completed 14 November 2023

Really pushed myself to run in the morning before work today because I don’t like taking away from evening hang-out-with-the-husband time to run. Also I have four classes today so there’s a good chance I’ll just be too tired or have a headache at the end of the day and chances of bailing are high.

So I did the morning run. It was very cold. 5 degrees. It wasn’t too bad though once I got going, which is promising. I’ve been a little worried about running in full winter. The run itself was easy. I only did the prescribed amount, no more. I surprised at how short the 30 second rest breaks felt.

Started feeling the DOMS from deads later in the day, so I have another reason to be glad I ran in the morning. The idea of running in the cold evening with post deadlift DOMS, ergh…

Day 14 (Day16) - Completed 15 November 2023

Scheduled rest day. I’m wondering if I should run though as I have English Camp the next two days which I think means early start and late finish. There’s a high risk I won’t run because of that so maybe I’ll run tonight instead.

Week 3

Week 3 training schedule

Day 15 (Day 17) - Incomplete 16 November 2023

I should have run yesterday. As predicted I didn’t run today because a) I had to get up early for English camp, and b) when I got home I was super tired and didn’t want to, so I didn’t.

Day 15 (Day 18) - Incomplete 17 November 2023

Didn’t run again because of English camp. These camps really take it out of my, mostly because a lot of my day is spent around the other ALTs and I just can’t deal with people anymore. Especially noisy Americans. I end up drained and headachey.

Day 15 (Day 19) - Complete 18 November 2023

This run was scheduled for 8 intervals of 2:30 run, 1:00 min walk. This was about what I was doing before starting the program so I knew this would be a fairly straightforward run, and it was. It was super cold too, probably the coldest I’ve ever been running, about 5 degrees, I think. I’m going to need to get some gloves and a headband that can keep my ears warm for future winter runs. My poor ears were so cold they were hurting.

Day 16 (Day 20) - Complete 19 November 2023

Cross training today was hiking and it was amazing! We headed out to the local hiking mountain where we’ve been before, with no expectation of how far we’d climb. It’s been a long time since we went there and the last time we only made it to the halfway point. But today we made it all the way! It was such a fun hike too, with some actually difficult bits here and there where you actually have to scramble up rocks and use the ropes that are placed there in order to pull yourself up. It was so much fun! I can’t wait to do it again.

Day 18 (Day 21) - Complete 20 November 2023

Decided to skip rest day and try to catch up a little. Today was the first day of the conference and I got home a little early so I went out as soon as I got home. I took a slightly different route to what I have been lately. I’m glad it was still light because it ended up being through some windy back roads that I hadn’t expected.

The run itself was easy - only 8 intervals of 1 min on, 1 min off so I tried to push a bit on the run intervals. I also finished with some extra running, about 12 mins straight, which I’m still surprised I can even do.

Day 17 (Day 22) - Completed 21 November 2023

So today ended up being rest day instead. I had fully intended to just continue on and do a cross training session today, but I didn’t. It’s a pretty lame excuse too. Steve messaged me about 4pm saying he was heading to the gym. I had been planning to go with him when I got home, but even that slight change was enough for me to say “my plans are ruined, might as well not even do anything now!”, because that’s just how I am.

Day 18 (Day 23) - Incomplete 22 November 2023

I intended to run today, even though it’s cross training day, but I didn’t. I don’t really even have an excuse. It was the last day of the conference so I think my mental battery was just completely drained by having to socialise so much.

Day 20 (Day 24) - Complete 23 November 2023

I know my next session was meant to be cross training, but I felt like running today instead. Today is a national holiday so I have no excuse. It was sunny out, actually a little warm so I only had to wear a t-shirt, I didn’t need to worry about long sleeves. This last week or so has just been a bit squiffy training wise, what with switching days around and English camp and conferences.

This run was the first time it’s really pushed me past what I’d already been doing before starting this program, so I was a little apprehensive, but still pretty confident that I could do it. It was 6 intervals of 4 mins run, 1 min walk. I was worried that I’d be out of gas for the 4 min intervals but I was mostly ok. The last two intervals I was starting to feel like it was a push but I got through it ok. I felt more drained at the end of this run than I have any so far, so I think I’ve found the point where this program is going to start to get hard. There’s some big jumps coming up - like 5 min intervals, to 10 minutes, to 3km no stopping all in the space of a week. This might be where I tap out. Not that I want to, but historically that’s what’s happened. The program makes a big jump that I can’t keep up with and I quit. This time, if I can’t keep up with the intervals I’ll just repeat days as much as I need, or add intermediate steps in there. Like 7 min intervals, or 2kms without stopping. I have extra time - there’s 65 days left of the program and 92 days until the race, so that leaves me room to slow things down and add in additional training if I need it. What I shouldn’t be doing is using those days for extra rest days, unless absolutely necessary.

Day 19 (Day 25) - Complete November 24 2023

Picked up the cross training session that was meant to be yesterday. I’m actually missing the heavier gym sessions a little so it was nice to go in for a full weights day. I would normally start a weights session with a 10min treadmill run, but I skipped it today because I wanted to grab the squat rack while it was empty. Did squats, bench, lunges, split squats, tricep extensions and curls. Took about 45 mins, I think, I wasn’t paying attention to the time to be honest. Definitely more than the scheduled 20-30 though.

Day 21 (Day 26) - Complete November 25 2023

Rest day.

Ouch. Ouch. Ouch.

I should not have done so many leg exercises yesterday. This is bad.

Week 4

Week 4 training schedule

Day 22 (Day 27) - Incomplete November 26 2023

Nope, it’s not gonna happen, my legs are still wrecked from Friday.

Day 22 (Day 28) - Complete November 27 2023

Felt confident that I’d make the run ok. It was only a minute longer intervals than my last run, after all. My legs were mostly feeling better. I should have done this run in the morning, but I slept in instead and ended up running in the dark again. I went through the rice fields this time, and it’s actually really nice running out there in the dark. I’m sure it’s pretty safe as well, but all it takes is one psycho to jump you in the dark and it’s all over, so I guess I’ll try and avoid it in future.

The run itself felt pretty easy. I miscounted my intervals as I was running and I thought I’d finished, but then the timer went for one more. I was actually ok with this, I was fine to run another 5 minute interval, which is not a point I ever really thought I’d be able to get to. In general I’m quite surprised at how well my endurance is coming along and a part of me thinks I might actually be able to do this.

Also noticed that today’s the first time I’ve actually done the “Monday” session on a Monday.

Day 23 (Day 29) - Complete November 28 2023

Actually pulled myself out of bed early for once. Considered running today even though it’s not scheduled, but I didn’t. I did some bodyweight stuff at home - squats, pushups, sit ups etc. I don’t think it was for 35 mins but I’m counting it as my cross training. I’ve done extra on other days so I think it evens out.

Tomorrow is scheduled for a rest day, but I think I’m going to run anyway as I have the day off for a trip to the licence centre (urgh).

Day 25 (Day 30) - Complete 29 November 2023

I’m very impressed with myself for completing this one. Two 10 minute run intervals with a 1 minute walk inbetween. I had been dreading this jump up from 5 mins to 10 minutes but it was fine. Dare I even say that it was easy? I’m not sure whether it’s the program, all the groundwork I’d already put in before starting the program, being consistent for once or what, but I’m really amazed at how easy it’s been to increase my running time.

Day 24 (Day 31) - Complete 30 November 2023

Took yesterday’s rest day today.

Day 26 (Day 32) - Incomplete 1 December 2023

Had intended to cross train after work, but didn’t. I’m not really sure why but just kinda wimped out on it.

Day 26 (Day 33) - Complete 2 December 2023

Eventually got cross training done today. We decided to go to the gym before lunch but when we arrived it was absolutely packed. Not a spare machine in the place. So we turned around and went home. We came back later in the afternoon though and it was much quieter. I still couldn’t get some of the equipment that I wanted so mostly just did a bunch of dumbbell stuff.

Day 27 (Day 34 ) - Complete 3 December 2023

The run schedule was the same as last run except a 30 second walk break instead of a full minute. I wasn’t too concerned about this one, I knew it was more of a mental barrier to run with no break, than a physical one. I did the scheduled part just fine, walked for 5 mins cooldown then I was going to run again the rest of the way home, which would have been almost another 10 minutes. I did it in two sections though because I was hit with some pretty bad stomach cramps. Maybe I went out too soon after lunch? I really tried to push through anyway because I figure what will I do if I get cramps on race day? I have to learn to keep running through pain that isn’t causing damage. I’m glad I made the scheduled part of the run though, it was a good confidence booster to repeat the feat of the last run.

Day 28 (Day 35) - Complete December 4 2023

Rest Day. Considered skipping to catch up a day, but decided it was too warm in bed.

Week 5

Week 5 training schedule

Day 29 (Day 36) - Complete December 5 2023

3km without stopping completed!! That’s something I haven’t done in nearly a decade. I’m pretty happy with myself right now.

I took it reeeeeeeal slow, which is fine. And it felt good! I could have kept going!

Also proud of myself for getting out of bed to run in 4 degrees. To be honest, apart from dragging yourself out of the warm cocoon of bed, it’s not that bad and it does give you a boost for the whole day. I just have to try and remember that when the alarm goes off at 6 and it’s dark and cold and I’d rather stay in bed and snuggle up to my sleeping husband.

Day 30 (Day 37) - Complete December 6 2023

Went to the gym for a weights session. Bench, deads and a bunch of dumbbell stuff. Was a pretty short session, probably not the 40 minutes scheduled, but I’m counting it anyway.

Day 31 (Day 38) - Complete December 7 2023

Rest day

Day 32 (Day 39) - Incomplete December 8 2023

Was supposed to run, but it was one of my early start days so there’s no way I was getting up at 5am to run. Planned to run when I got home, but it was raining so I used that as a lame excuse to not go.

Day 32 (Day 40) - Complete December 9 2023

4km non stop! I was pretty sure that I could do it after my previous 3km, but it still seems weird to me that I can now run 4km non stop. I’ve not been able to do that for a long, long time, and last time I could do it, it wasn’t this easy. I’m still going really slow, but I’m not dead by the end and I feel like I could go further.

Day 33 (Day 41) - Complete December 10 2023

Cross training at the gym again today - deadlifts and a lot of dumbbell work. The schedule said 30 mins cross train or 15 minutes run. I ended up doing about an hour of cross training, so I’m thinking that in future I will try and do less weights and a bit of extra running. I’m a little worried about how my feet and knees will go with extra running though, so I’m a little hesitant to increase it over the scheduled runs. I’m going to have to get used to it though, I’m going to be doing a lot more kms in the weeks to come.

Day 34 (Days 42-44) - Incomplete December 11-13 2023

Things got a little rough here. I had a massive binge episode and I spent a lot of time cocooning in bed and I just couldn’t pull myself out of my little depression for three days to get myself to work, let alone to go for a run.

I suppose this was triggered by the one year anniversary of mum’s death. I hadn’t expected to be bothered by it, but in the week or so leading up to it, I did start thinking about it a lot. I think it’s finally starting to sink in that I’m never going to see her again. Living in another country, I don’t think the reality of it has really settled on me, because even if she were still alive I wouldn’t have seen her. I would have called her or texted with her, but even that wouldn’t have been super often. We weren’t that close before I left, she didn’t play a massive role in my life. Generally contact with her was always a hassle, it was emotionally draining. But now, after a year, I think I’m finally starting to miss her.

Day 34 (Day 45) - Complete December 14 2023

This was the second 4km non-stop run. I was a little worried that after 3 days of nothing I might not be able to just step back into where I left off. But it was fine. Started getting a little tired during the last kilometre but was still able to finish strong.

Day 35 (Day 46) - Complete December 15 2023

Another rest day. Thought about skipping it, but the next scheduled day is a 5km non-stop run and I don’t want to do that straight after yesterday's 4km non-stop run. Also it’s a Friday so that means an early start, and it will be dark by the time I get home.

Week 6

Week 6 training schedule

Day 36 (Day 47) - Complete December 16 2023

My first 5km of the program and my first non-stop 5km run for a decade. I made it. I was struggling a bit for the last km, and a lot for the last 500metres, but I made it. I didn’t stop.

I’m might finally be learning to tell when it’s just your brain saying “I don’t like this, let’s stop” and when your body actually needs to stop. When I want to stop I check in with my lungs and see if they are just working hard, or if they are burning or struggling to get enough air. I check in with my calves to see if they are actually hurting, or just tired. Usually I find that I’m just tired and working hard, but not actually hurting, which means that I can keep going.

The last couple of runs I’ve noticed my left knee feeling a bit strange. It’s not hurting, it just feels a little swollen or puffy. It doesn’t look swollen, it’s just the sensation it has, like it’s a little harder to move, perhaps? I’m not really sure how else to explain it. It always feels better after an hour or so, but it’s something I want to keep an eye on.

Day 37 (Day 48) - Complete December 17 2023

Cross training at the gym today. Bench, deads and dumbbell work. I then jumped on the treadmill for a bit as well. It was only for 7 or 8 minutes while I was waiting for Steve to finish up.

Day 38 (Day 49) - Complete 18 December 2023

Rest day.

I feel like I could have skipped this rest day, but I had an unexpected earlier than usual start this morning so that’s enough reason for me to keep the rest day. I think I’m going to swap around some days later in the week to better suit my schedule as well.

Day 39 (Day 50) - Complete December 19 2023

Today was only a 3km run. Funny that I now think of that as a ‘short’ run, when it’s not that long ago that 3km was all I was doing each time I went out, and it was a walk/run. But it was also the first time I’ve had to vary my pace. The program called for 3km, the first half of each mile (? I think this just got missed in the conversion from miles to kilometres, so I did the first half of each kilometre) running hard, the second half easy. I don’t really have enough experience yet to know what ‘hard’ and ‘easy’ feel like in this context so I just ran a little bit quicker for the first half of each km, but kept it to what I thought I would still be able to maintain. Looking back at my apps for pace and heart rate etc, I can’t see a huge difference, but it’s the first time I’ve done something like this so I’m not really sure what to expect. I pretty much going with the theory that being able to finish the run is the most important factor, rather than pushing too hard and wiping out and not being able to finish.

It was pretty cold this morning, about 3 degrees, but didn’t feel too bad. I’ve taken to sleeping in my bottom layer of running clothes when I have a morning run so that I just have to chuck on my outer layer before stepping out the door. Takes away some of the horribleness of having to change clothes in the freezing morning.

Day 41 (Day 51) - Complete 20 December 2023

I’m shuffling the days around to better fit my schedule and make skipped days less likely. I nearly bailed on the early morning run today, but I’m learning some tricks to make it more likely that I’ll actually do it. The first I’ve already mentioned - sleep in running clothes. The second is to skip my usual evening shower so that I have to shower in the morning. That means I have to get up early anyway so I may as well just do the run and shower afterwards.

The run went fine in the end. In the first km or so I kept looking at my watch and being disappointed at how little distance had gone. I thought there was no way I was making 5km. But I did, so hooray for me. I feel pretty confident with the 5km distance now that I’ve done it twice. I’m not sure how I’ll go adding distance to it, I’m pushing pretty hard by the end. I guess it’s just repetition and more running that gets you to those longer distances though.

My knee didn’t hurt at all during the run this time, but it did hurt a little afterwards. Something to keep an eye on, I guess.

Day 42 (Day 52) - Complete 21 December 2023

Rest day.

Early start and dark by the time I get home so moving rest day here.

Day 40 (Day 53) - Incomplete 22 December 2023

I’d been expecting that I’d be allowed to leave work early today seeing as it’s the last day of work for the year, but no such luck. The cynic in me suspects that I’m not being given the lenience I once was because I’ve advised that I’m not recontracting for another year. I’m not sticking around so they’re not laying out the red carpet for me anymore. Or maybe just no one thought to say, “Hey, you can probably go home now”. I was thinking of going to the gym for weights after work, but I didn’t really have time in the end because I had to pack for our holiday! Yay! I’m very excited for our holiday, but I’m not sure if I’ll get much running done.

Day 40 (Day 54) - Complete 23 December 2023

I’m being a little lenient with what counts as cross training, but I’m going to count the hour plus walk around Fushimi Inari shrine. We went to Kyoto earlier this year but it was in the middle of summer so we didn’t do much sightseeing. I was disappointed I didn’t get to see this place so we stopped on our way through Kyoto this time around. It was packed with tourists, of course, but it was still amazing to see. I didn’t quite get to see it all, so I’d still like to go back again if I can, but I’m pretty stoked with what we got to visit anyway.

Week 7

Week 7 training schedule

Day 43 (Day 55) - Complete 24 December 2023

We’re staying on Lake Biwa for this leg of the trip and we didn’t have any activities planned for the day so I got a run in along the lake. It was really cool to run in a new place and I’d love to be able to run on a lake everyday.

The run was 5.5km, but I set out unsure if I would complete the full run. I didn’t really have a course planned or anything, I just set out to follow the lake. As usual, for the first km or so I thought there was no way I was going to make the full distance. Is that something that ever goes away?

Day 45 (Day 56) - Complete 25 December 2023

Rest day.

It took a bit longer than I had expected for us to drive to the next stop on our trip so there wasn’t really time for any sightseeing or running.

Day 44 (Day 57) - Complete 26 December 2023

Today’s cross training was more walking while sightseeing. Today we went to see the snow monkeys! It was so awesome, one of the best things I’ve done while we’ve been here. It was about three hours walking around on icey, snowy trails and standing about watching snow monkeys jump in and out of the hot springs. Would absolutely recommend you go see them if you get the chance.

Day 47 (Days 58-60) - Incomplete 27-29 December 2023

Got caught up in holidaying and didn’t have time for running at all. Did lots of walking though so technically could count any of these days as cross training, but I have something else in mind for that.

Day 47 (Day 61) - Complete 30 December 2023

We arrived home yesterday and this morning I had to return the rental car. The rental place is about 2.5km from us so I figured I would run home after dropping it off and that would be my easing back into running after nearly a week with no runs and it would count as cross training, since the schedule now says cross training OR running. The cross training day runs are much shorter than regular day runs though.

I made the 2.5km in about 18 mins, but it felt pretty awful. I didn’t think I was going to make it without breaking for a walk, but I did. I did have to stop for traffic lights once, but it was for less than 10 seconds. My pace was quicker than usual though, so maybe that’s why it felt so hard. I still have a lot of trouble with knowing what my pace is.

Day 46 (Day 62) - Incomplete 31 December 2023

I totally meant to run today, but I didn’t. I used the rain as an excuse, but I actually like running in the rain, so I guess I just didn’t want to run.

Day 46 (Day 63) - Incomplete 1 January 2024

I did get out and run today, but I didn’t finish the scheduled intervals and distance. The program called for 5 kms with 10x1 minute intervals of hard running interspersed. I made it through 9 intervals and to about 4.5kms and was then overcome by a stitch. I’ve not had to deal with stitches before so I initially just tried to push through it, but it just got worse until it stopped me from running. When I got home I asked Steve if I could count it as complete, given that I was sooo close to finishing, but he said no.

Day 46 (Day 64) - Complete 2 January 2024

I repeated the run from yesterday to try and complete it properly. I did and it was fine. I was hyper aware of anything that might be a stitch starting and tried to take big deep breaths to ward it off.

Day 48 (Day 65) - Complete 3 January 2024

Just a straight 5.5km today, no intervals or anything. It still blows my mind that I can just bang out a 5k now. I’ve basically run 5km everyday for the last 3 days. That’s insane to me, I’ve never been able to do that before.

Today’s run was easy and enjoyable apart from one thing towards the end. I really needed to go number 2. I always try and go before I head out, but I don’t always need to go so often there’s no action, if you know what I mean. I was almost finished my run when I felt the urge, but it wasn’t too bad so I continued. I finished the run and had about a 5 minute walk home and that was the most uncomfortable walk of my entire life. I honestly thought I wasn’t going to make it back in time. How do runner’s deal with unexpected number 2’s during a long run?

Day 49 (Day 66) - Complete 4 January 2024

Rest day

Week 8

Week training schedule

Day 50 (Day 67) - Complete 5 January 2024

6km run today. I actually about 6.3. It was mostly nice and easy, the last half a km or so was difficult though, I was starting to get pretty fatigued by then, I think. Took it real slow, as usual, and finished in 46 mins.

I really enjoyed this run. Steve came with me on his bike and he rode beside or behind me the whole way. He’s easing back into exercise after his knee flared up while we were on holiday and he pushed it too far with all the walking. It was a beautiful day, too. The sun was out, it was about 14 degrees, so warm enough for a t-shirt but not too warm that it I started to get uncomfortable. I hadn’t planned my 6k route, I’d just been planning to go out for 3km and then turn around. But because Steve was with me and it was such a nice day we took an unplanned trip through some rice fields and along a river, through an area I don’t usually go. That’s why the run ended up being a little bit longer, because I was kind of eyeballing the distance.

Day 51 (Day 68) - Complete 6 January 2024

Went to the gym for the first time in nearly two weeks. I took it really easy because I don’t want to knock myself out with DOMS. A little bit of whatever was available, all at lower weights. The gym was really busy. Either because it was Saturday, or perhaps a bit of a New Year’s influx.

Day 52 (Day 69) - Complete 7 January 2024

Had been planning to skip rest day, but even though I took it easy yesterday I’m feeling it. My glutes in particular are really sore today.

Day 53 (Day 70) - Incomplete 8 January 2024

Supposed to run today, but had a headache. It started yesterday evening and I took some painkillers for it, but then I also slept really badly and it was still around in the morning. I took some more and started to feel better. I should have gone out then, when I started feeling better, but before lunch. But instead I decided to have lunch and then I’d head out after giving myself some time to digest. That was a mistake. I had lunch, the headache got worse again and I bailed on running for the day.

Day 52 (Day 71) - Complete 9 January 2024

The alarm went off at 6 and I seriously considered just going back to sleep. But I didn’t. Got out and ran. It was -3 but it didn’t feel too bad. I thought -3 would feel colder, to be honest. I felt like I was running at a decent pace, and that the faster intervals were noticeably faster, but when I checked when I got home I was surprised at how slow it was. The run was 36 minutes, compared to the last time I did the same run it was 33 minutes. Maybe that’s the difference between rolling straight out of bed into a run and doing it after having been awake a while and had something to eat.

Day 54 (Days 72-74) - Incomplete 10-12 January 2024

Another depression pit. I didn’t want to do anything, just sat at home making excuses. I went to work, I came home, I stared at a screen and beat myself up about being fat and lazy.

I don’t know why I get like this sometimes, I just do. When this kind of thing has happened in the past it’s where I would quit. I got off program for three days so there’s point in just picking it back up, right? May as well just throw in the towel.

Day 54 (Day 75) - Complete 13 January 2024

I went to the gym today. I ran on the tread for 3km. Took me 22 minutes. Then I wandered around sitting on various machines without really achieving anything while I waited for Steve to finish.

Day 55 (Day 76) - Complete 14 January 2024

6km, 42 minutes. I think that’s pretty quick for me. The run was good, felt easy. I felt good for having done it. I might be struggling mentally at the moment, but when I’m actually running and after a run is when I’m feeling the best. Getting my foot out the door to start the run is another matter.

Day 56 (Day 77) - Complete 15 January 2024

Rest day.

Week 9

Week 9 training schedule

Day 57 (Day 78) - Complete 16 January 2024

I got out of bed at 6am and ran 7km in 53 minutes. I 100% believe that I can finish this 10k in the required 1 hour and 30 minutes now. Even if I only run the first 7km and walk the rest, I would still make it. But I’m pretty confident I’m going to be able to run the whole 10k with no breaks.

I’m starting to consider ditching the program and just finishing out the training on my own. The runs are getting long enough now that it’s hard to fit them in in the morning. Well, I mean it’s not hard if I could just get up on time. But it’s cold and it’s dark and I would rather stay in bed, generally. I can more easily drag myself out for a 5k before work, than for 7 or 8 or 9k that take an hour.

But there’s also a sense of satisfaction in completing the program as well. Maybe I’ll just have to be a little more lenient with what I’m considering as ‘completed’. If I don’t have time for the full distance in the morning, maybe I just call it done anyway. 5k is better than 0k, right?

The race is in 38 days and I have 27 days left on the program. I’m probably going to use up those spare days just with depression days. So maybe I should just every weekend from now go for the full 10k, and then during the week aim for a couple of 5ks and a gym session. Or something like that, I don’t know. My ability to make decisions right now is absolutely minimal, which is where following the program sounds nice, but also, I know some of these sessions just aren’t going to fit with my schedule so I have to plan around that.

Day 58 (Day 79) - Complete 17 January 2024

Went to the gym after work. I’m going to count it as complete even though I don’t think I was there for 50 mins. I started on the treadmill, but it was hurting my calves so I only did 10 mins. I wandered around the machines and did some of this and that under the rower was free, then did about 15 minutes on there.

Day 59 (Day 80) - Complete 18 January 2024

Rest day

Day 60 (Day 81) - Incomplete 19 January 2024

My usual excuses for a Friday. I was up early, home late and it’s Friday. I stayed in and ordered pizza.

Day 60 (Day 82) - Complete 20 January 2024

Skipped the easier short run or cross train day and instead figured I’d get the more difficult interval run out of the way on the weekend. 6.5 kms with 6x2 mins of hard running. I kind of did it. I ran 6.5 kms and I tried to do 2 mins of harder running each interval, but mostly I had to slow down before the 2 mins was up, and it wasn’t really that much of a faster pace than the rest of my run anyway. But I don’t really care, I’m focussing on just being able to make the distance, working on speed can come later.

Day 62 (Day 83) - Complete 21 January 2024

7km run. A little slower than I’d hoped for honestly but, distance first, speed comes later.

Day 63 (Day 84) - Complete 22 January 2024

Rest day. Was thinking of skipping rest day but changed my mind at 6am when the alarm went off. Stayed in bed instead.

Day 64 (Day 85) - Complete 23 January 2024

8km! New PB again. Took me an hour and one minute. I was surprised at how slow it was, but I think maybe its just how morning runs are. If I roll out of bed straight into a run with no fuel and still half asleep, it’s gonna be slow, right?

Struggling a little to find routes that are the right distance now, that also stay off main roads and don’t make me loop over the same ground again. I might have to do more out and back runs instead of loops, or run the loop twice.

I decided not to go back and pick up day 61 yet. I’ll leave it as kind of a free pass, an easy run when I don’t want to do a long one. I’m gonna get kind of creative with the program now, I think. Make sure long runs are on weekends as much as possible.

Day 61 (Day 85-87) - Incomplete 24-26 January 2024

Errrr, I don’t really know. I just didn’t have time/didn’t want to? It’s cold and dark and I don’t wanna run.

Day 61 (Day 88) - Complete 27 January 2024

I dragged myself out for 5k today. I’m gonna call that complete for day 61 which was 20 min furn or 30 min cross train. I tried to push the pace a little, but it still took me 33 mins which I was a little disappointed with, but still, it’s a lot better than I’ve ever done before so I can’t be too upset.

Day 65 (Day 89) - Complete 28 January 2024

I’m calling it quits on this program because today I ran 10k!!

I decided I would just give it a go and see if I could make it, and I could!

This program has done its job, it’s got me to 10k, and now I think I don’t need it anymore. There’s a month until the race, so I’m going to run to my own schedule until then, but now that I know I can do 10k I feel like I don’t need to rely on the program anymore.

I’m still in a little bit of disbelief that I can actually run 10k. I thought being able to ever run 5k was out of my grasp, so being able to run 10, and to be honest, run it easily, is just amazing to me.

My plan from here is to run 10k each weekend between now and race day. I’ll do short runs Mon-Wed, rest Thurs and Fri and see how I feel the other weekend day and decide what to do based on that. The Mon-Fri runs will probably be about 5k and I’ll put in some intervals to try and increase my speed a little.

I ran the 10k in 1 hour and 13 mins. I’m really happy with that time. If I could get to 1 hour 10 I’d be stoked, but honestly, just finishing is my number one now.

I’ll see you in a month to let you know how I did!


About the Creator

Alice Elizabeth

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