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Taking Steps to Be Safer While Behind the Wheel

Personal Injury Law Firm

By Greg Prosmushkin, P.C.Published about a year ago 4 min read

Car accidents can occur for a variety of reasons. Distracted driving, speeding, drunken driving, and failure to follow other traffic laws are some of the most common reasons for why critical car accidents occur.

According to data from the World Health Organization, road accidents are one of the leading causes of death around the world for children and young adults between the ages of 5 to 29. Approximately 1.5 million people die each year because of these accidents. Many sufferers sustain lifelong injuries, and many families lose their loved ones as a result of such accidents.

It is essential to take precautionary measures to minimize the risk of becoming involved in these types of accidents. However, if you get into an accident, you can contact a Philadelphia personal injury lawyer to learn how you can seek appropriate compensation for your injuries. In many cases, your safety is in your hands, and you should always follow some basic safety guidelines. Here are some of the steps to take to help you reduce your risk of incurring injuries in a car accident.

1. Keep your eyes on the road

A minor distraction can take away all of your attention, and it can result in a critical injury. Therefore, it is vital to be fully attentive while driving on the road. You should keep your eyes on the road and pay attention to the actions of any nearby vehicles. Avoid multitasking while you are driving, and leave the phone calls, eating, drinking, and grooming for another time. Focusing on things other than the road could lead to disaster for you and others.

2. Drive at a safe speed

Driving beyond the legal speed limit could be dangerous and is also against the law. Speeding can result in severe injuries and hefty fines, so you should always drive within posted speed limits. In Pennsylvania, the maximum speed limit is 70 mph.

In addition, different areas have different speed limits. In school zones, the safe speed limits are lower to prevent potential risks to children, and the penalties are steeper. Additionally, violating the laws and driving beyond the speed limit could also result in the suspension of your driving license.

3. Wear your seat belt

Failing to wear a seat belt could result in severe injuries, even in a seemingly minor accident. You can prevent many devastating injuries by wearing a seat belt in a car or wearing a helmet on a motorcycle. Driving without wearing a seat belt is illegal in Pennsylvania and could result in penalties if you are caught.

4. Look for blind spots

Adjust your mirrors and always be cautious when making turns. A blind spot can result in critical consequences. To prevent an accident caused by a blind spot, you should ideally wait for at least two seconds before changing lanes or making a turn. It may help in preventing blind-spot collisions, because it gives you an extra chance to see whether another vehicle was obscured. In addition, you should consider taking a defensive driving course to sharpen your skills and learn how to drive more carefully. You will learn about different techniques and situations that can help you decrease the risk of road accidents.

5. Avoid driving under the influence of alcohol

Drunken driving is one of the leading causes of critical accidents. Driving under the influence of alcohol or other substances is against the law, and you could face criminal charges if you are caught. If you are intoxicated, you should either take public transportation or ask another person to drive. When you are drunk, your poor judgment and reflexes may lead to such accidents. The penalties for driving while under the influence may even include license suspension, hefty fines, and imprisonment. It is important to ensure that you take measures to avoid driving under the influence.

6. Avoid driving when you are feeling sleepy or fatigued

Drivers who are unwell or feeling sleepy often cause accidents. In these conditions, drivers are at a higher risk of becoming involved in crashes. For this reason, there are laws that limit the number of hours a professional driver may operate a vehicle within a 24-hour period.

7. Watch out for other vehicles and pedestrians

It is a driver’s responsibility to be careful and attentive on the road. All drivers owe a duty of care to other vehicles and pedestrians on the road. A minor mistake could result in a critical accident and put everyone’s life at risk.

The tips listed above can help you reduce the risks of car accidents. Pennsylvania is a no-fault state; if you experience injuries in a crash, you should reach out to your own insurance company for compensation. However, dealing with an insurance agency can often be a daunting task.

There are certain exceptional situations in which you can also file a third-party claim against a negligent driver. If you are injured in an accident, you should consider hiring a Philadelphia car accident lawyer to help you determine the best course of action. Drive carefully and always follow these steps to protect yourself and others on the road.

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About the Creator

Greg Prosmushkin, P.C.

At The Law Offices of Greg Prosmushkin, P.C., you can consult an experienced legal team for personal injury, auto accident, criminal cases, and many other complex claims. Our reputed attorneys are skilled in negotiation and litigation.

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