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Surviving the White Privilege Stans and Karens in the Arts

Art Can Slice Through Anything To Get To The Truth

By Flossie McKnightPublished 4 years ago 5 min read
Surviving the White Privilege Stans and Karens in the Arts
Photo by Road Trip with Raj on Unsplash

Oh its #MeToo, #BlackLivesMatter and Intersectional Badassery time alright, things are changing. Bigots, their Stans and Karens are screaming their displeasure only to be met with open resistance.

As little as a few years ago, if you are the target of misogyny, racism, transphobic folks in the industry would destroy your reputation by calling you "difficult" or "angry" or "political" (which is only cool if applied to white men, so committed to their craft).

Now, misogynist, racist, transphobic remarks by the glitterati of the arts industry are being openly called out and even cancelled.

The problem is the structures and people who supported their abuse are still the arts industry as a whole. Art makers and scholars who have made any kind of career thus far are here because they maintained the narrative that nothing was wrong and victims were just crazy. The vast majority of the Successful in the arts industry will still toss their grandmother in a wood-chipper to maintain their access to prestige. It's what they were taught, it was their everyday workplace, it was the only currency anyone could travel with. Denial of abuse and assisting in ruining the credibility of accusers is what got the so-called best and brightest of the arts world their access and awards.

We don't have to smile politely anymore.Now we smile and tear apart the systemic oppression and silence that murders so many.

This currency of silence using the credibility of (mostly) toxic whiteness/maleness is losing value minute by minute. The established members of the arts do not have the skills to participate in an arts workplace/classroom where inclusion is the norm. So what do they do? Silence, silence and more silence.

The dons of the arts world are keeping it up. Deep down, however... they know they can't for long. The smart ones, the truly gifted among them will evolve their knowledge and skills and become essential artisans in making a better world for everyone. The vast majority are going to get more and more panicked. This will make them vicious.

This is white privileged backlash. This will not be drowned with silence. It will be countered with facts and inclusive excellent work.

So let's destroy the idea of "Crazy, Angry," or the "PC Snowflake" with our skill, joy, community and energy. Challenge bigotry until it is an urban legend they use to scare children at camp.

The fight is about to get nastier. Prepare to be attacked by the pack of wild dogs you once called your mentors, colleagues and friends. But you will win, gloriously. You are going to have to work with and alongside folk who are feeling cornered, losing impulse control in their desperation, and they will come after you at work. They will say and do vicious things to you because they are projecting their anxiety and inadequacy onto you. Or if you are POC, constantly hold their hand to teach and guide and help them become better people.

Not your job BTW.

This is the beginning of then end of abuse in the arts workplace and classroom, but it will hang in tightly to the bitter end. It will be utterly deniable and denied by still credible folks in the arts. The lie they're trying to peddle is that there are just a few bad apples who will be cancelled and removed. The problem is that traditional arts institutions are based on elitism, racism, misogyny, queer and transphobia and colonialism. This denial is sanctioned and pervasive and will beat the shit out of you when you bring up reasonable concerns.

But don't panic. Everything is still moving in the right direction, and your work isn't futile. That is what abusers want you to think.

Here's what you do when dealing with Panicky Bullshit/Oppressive Violence/Silence in the arts workplace and classroom:

Just because no one helps you, doesn't mean you are helpless. You have resources, your skill, your courage. Use them. Predators use isolation as a tactic to break down their targets. Stick to your guns. Just be very polite about it.

Don't fight a war on multiple fronts. If something in your arts classroom/workplace is wrong document it. Bring it up (once) with the appropriate persons in writing. Avoid meetings unless you can record them. Be helpful and generous to everyone in that space until you get out (the job is over, you the year is over). Then when you leave bring your documentation to the highest authority and fight like hell. If abusers and their allies have proximity to you they can abuse you more intensely.

Keep calm and know who your friends are. The courage of many of the industry has been stoked by recent events, and also most folks who are working in the arts will not help you no matter how egregious things get. You're better off getting your support from people who are younger or not in the arts at all. Be careful about those who will pose as allies claiming they want justice when they are spying on you to give info to your predators and their allies. Remember too that nothing pisses off evil people more than being polite to them, even when they are doing and saying horrible things to you (which you document at every turn).

Have a plan. Once you start speaking up about injustice everyone you've ever known will show you who they really are. You may find yourself trolled, shunned, attacked and threatened in public spaces while your so-called loved ones watch. Do not waste your time asking the cowards in your life to step up they never will. Just politely step away from them and get on with your work.

Remember what your goals are. So what do you really want to achieve by speaking up? Remember that people who have built their whole lives being predators and bystanders do not change overnight if at all. The institutions that house misogyny and racism in arts work are changing. It's a slow process because it is a permanent change. It is frustrating and heartbreaking. You will lose your illusions about who actually loves you, where you are safe BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY you will see the new bright expanse of what is possible. If it calls in your heart, it is meant to be done. Do it. Do your work. Take care of yourself. Do not give up.

Fighting for justice is worth it, just like art is worth it AND YOU ARE WORTH IT.

I believe in you.



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