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Strategy for Social Media Marketing in Vancouver

Social media marketing

By saintcode511Published 3 years ago 8 min read

Social Media Marketing Vancouver

Social Media Marketing is a new player in this field of Digital Marketing where brands and consumers face each other. If this is so, there is no doubt that there is room to ask ourselves: has advertising changed? Has the way of seeing the product or the brand changed? Has the consumer changed? If this is the present, what does the future hold when it comes to marketing? Evolution reached marketing and advertising. In fact, Digital Marketing agencies have had to tackle these changes and adapt the services they provide to their clients. As expected, techniques and approaches had to change. Not only because the speed at which the world moves requires it, but also because of the value and weight of the market today. In this article, we will tell you about social media marketing techniques and how we do social media marketing in Vancouver.

What is Social Media Marketing?

Social Media Marketing is a series of tools that when put into action open different communication channels in the digital world.

The key to all the concepts is that Social Media Marketing refers to the strategic creation of a new communication channel with a 100% digital audience. It's no surprise that marketing has had to find a way to evolve with consumer needs.

Those who have gone from being just a consumer entity to become an audience, with opinions of such great value and weight on the web that they can give wings to a campaign or destroy it in a two-for-three.

This is how Social Media Marketing was born; the answer to the search for a new communication path to relate brands and products with each and every Internet user who surfs the web daily.

Social media marketing agency Vancouver

For its part, Social Media Marketing is such a broad term that many people who seek to boost the image of their company ask: "What is Social Media Marketing?" This is a common question, especially since it is too broad a term and also encompasses many things. A very popular definition says that it is the methodical use of Marketing with other technological and technical concepts to achieve specific objectives for a company. In simple terms, Social Media Marketing means building a business through many different media, such as viral videos and blogs, in order to give a business exposure and run different purchasing processes.

The participation of the community of people and society, in general, has driven the growth of Social Media Marketing.

There is hardly anyone who is not participating in one or another type of social platform. Either exchanging emails, using chat or posting photos and exchanging music, etc.

With the increasing number of online community engagement, social media has become an important medium that is being explored by marketers.

We as an agency of social media marketing in Vancouver provide you with the best service that will create your brand awareness. We will boost your business by using the target keywords searched by the people. Our strategy of social media marketing is creative and we emphasize organic reach.

Social networks: which is the best?

Social networks mean space or a platform where the audience connects in different ways. Each Social Network has different functions and within Social Media Marketing every one works in a unique way looking for specific objectives to be achieved with the strategy.

Can we say that one social network is better than another?

The answer is no. The truth is that each one is important due to different variants and differs from the others due to its characteristics and functionalities. All are important for one objective or another, depending on the strategy, the audience and the goals we want to achieve. Each social network has characteristics that satisfy the specific needs of the users or the audience. Here we leave you a count of the functionalities, which for us, stand out the most:


For years, Facebook has represented the most used social network that has been developed in the world and tops the list of favourites. Most people use Facebook for shopping as well as for business. We also focus on Facebook while doing social media marketing in Vancouver.

So far in 2016, this platform has 1.550 million registered users, which represents almost three or four times the number of the rest of the social platforms.

If you wonder how Facebook has managed to have these numbers, the answer is very simple: they are open to change.

This platform was the first to generate continuous changes in its algorithm, its look and feel and its options. Always looking for better features that generate better experiences for its users.

Videos and photographs generate approximately 70% of the engagement of this platform.

This has given rise to many experts in digital matters, to study audiences, their tastes and needs within the web.

Given the continuous change and movement of the digital world, many have predicted the downfall of Facebook for years.

However, this platform has fought tooth and nail to keep its audience happy, be that as it may.

Thus we were introduced to videos, GIFs, memes, live streaming and even a continuous change to visually make the platform more and more friendly to the eyes and to handling within it.

Without a doubt, Facebook does not seem to slow down its route on the empowerment highway within Social Media Marketing, but we cannot forget that every day hundreds of new ideas become part of the game of digital content and communication.

Can Facebook survive for many more years?


In an age where the audience wants to consume content immediately, the text has taken second place.

Video and images have been used to reign and give the consumer what they want in a faster and more visually gratifying way, which makes that content one that gives more positive results within the Social Media Marketing strategy.

This is how YouTube has become the king of videos, a unique platform of its kind where almost 1.3 billion users have found a community that satisfies their tastes and needs.

This platform, in addition to being a perfect space for Digital Marketing, in its search to implement a more effective strategy according to audiences is a space where the same audience has a voice.

This occurs through the comments they can leave within the videos, and through creating their own channels, where they can echo their ideas and join the brand or product.

In addition, the consumer is not only seen as a final link in a chain of consumption, but also as a companion to the product or the brand itself.

YouTube has become a perfect space to make Social Media Marketing much more organic (and therefore more efficient), since the content lends itself much more to open creative spaces and have constant communication between the brand or the product and the consumer or the audience.


The king of photographs. Flickr is in the past, being crushed by this titan with more than 400 million registered users.

Instagram is undoubtedly one of the audience's favorite platforms (of different ages) as it refers to the immediate sharing of moments through photographs.

The power of this platform in Social Media Marketing has significant weight to the extent that brands or products show experiences with which the user can identify.

In 2016, advertising officially arrived on Instagram and in this way users then have a space, every certain post, that suggests brands or products that they invest to be visible to potential new customers.

Some loved this measure, others hated it, but it is here to stay, making the network one of the platforms with the most requests to invest in the market.


Much has been said about the death of this social network and it is happening that before you entered Twitter every day and now perhaps you do it a few times a week when you want to inform yourself of a specific news.

But although it has been difficult for this social network to join the changes and we no longer use it like other social networks , it remains one of the most used social networks, with 320 million users by 2015.

There is a fundamental factor why it continues to remain among one of the most famous social networks: the chronology of messages in real time.

Do you know why I still like this feature? Because today's audiences want to know everything now and Twitter tells them at the moment.

Do you want to know how much your favorite team's game is going? You're probably looking for it on Twitter .

The first action of a user before finding out about a world news is to enter the Trending Topic of Twitter and see what it is about, a functionality that you do not get in other social networks.

Within Social Media Marketing, it is challenging to compete with the newsworthy nature of Twitter.

It is necessary that, perhaps not with the strength of other social networks, you consider it within your digital ecosystem, since it is a network that can work very well to detect trends and topics of conversation of users.


If you work in a B2B field, this is the Social Media network to focus on.

Connecting with business professionals in any industry is easier with LinkedIn, as it allows you to target them by industry, job title, etc.

As with all social networks, LinkedIn prioritizes relationship building more than anyone else.

Don't take it to a sales pitch - you should start by building a connection.

One of the best features for businesses is LinkedIn groups.

Companies should establish groups in their niche or industry and invite others in their target market to join.

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