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Strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs and self-sabotage

Learn a few helpful tips to change your self-perception for the better

By Syed BalkhiPublished about a year ago 6 min read
Strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs and self-sabotage
Photo by Toa Heftiba on Unsplash

We all face self-doubt and self-sabotage from time to time. These are natural human emotions that can actually be helpful in moderation. They keep us from taking unnecessary risks and help us question our decisions. However, when self-doubt and self-sabotage become chronic, they can prevent us from achieving our goals and reaching our full potential.

In this blog post, we'll explore some of the most common strategies for overcoming limiting beliefs and self-sabotage. We'll also look at how to identify these patterns in your own life so that you can begin to address them. If you're struggling with chronic self-doubt or self-sabotage, this post is for you. Let's get started!

Define what a limiting belief is and how it can impact your life

A limiting belief is an internal thought or idea that holds you back from achieving your true potential.

Limiting beliefs can range from thinkings such as "I'm not talented enough," to "I don't have enough time to learn this," and even something like, "I'll never find true love."

These ideas may cause people to act in ways that prevent them from creating the future they desire. Limiting beliefs can be incredibly powerful and stifle creativity, productivity, enthusiasm, and other qualities for success—essentially making it easy to give up before taking action.

It's important to recognize and address unhealthy thoughts or feelings that are holding you back in life; otherwise they can have painful consequences on our careers, relationships, emotional stability, and even our mental health.

Identify the signs that you may be self-sabotaging

Self-sabotaging often shows up in small, subtle ways. It can be difficult to actually notice it’s happening, but if you pay close attention to the way you think and act, you may be able to spot some of the signs.

Perhaps you procrastinate or find yourself making excuses for why something hasn’t been done yet.

Or maybe negative self-talk comes into play more often than necessary and is preventing movement in a positive direction.

Also, keeping yourself constantly busy might mean that nothing ever gets truly completed. Recognising these signs allows you to focus on improving your self-sabotaging behaviour and rediscovering your drive and enthusiasm for your goals.

It's true that many of us can be our own worst enemy. While self-sabotage often presents itself as procrastination, fear of failure, or a lack of motivation, each of these behaviors are rooted in something much more primal: our lizard brain.

Our lizard brain is the oldest part of our brain and its mission is to keep us safe from danger which includes anything that feels unfamiliar or uncomfortable. When faced with any kind of change or challenge, it creates powerful negative emotions to hold us back so that we stay in familiar—and often unhealthy—patterns.

The good news is that it's possible to recognize what is happening and learn how to reframe the situation. By consciously understanding that it’s okay to take risks, make changes, and experience discomfort as part of growth, we can push past self-sabotage and move towards where we want to go.

Understand the Root of these Beliefs

It's easy to accept certain beliefs without considering their source. It's also easy for these held truths to stay static, unchallenged, and unexamined over time.

If we want to understand why we may take a certain stance on an issue, it is important to investigate the underlying root of any belief. We ought to ask ourselves where the belief originated and gain knowledge about the history and context of it if possible.

Although this critical step can be daunting, uncovering the origins of our opinions can help us form a better understanding of why we think, act, and feel they way we do.

Writing about past events can be a powerful way to uncover the root of our limiting beliefs and unlock true self-understanding. For example, if we notice that we have difficulty with self-expression, writing about how that behavior has been shaped by past experiences may help us better understand why it's so hard for us to express ourselves in present situations.

From there, we can begin to nurture new beliefs that will enable us to reframe the old situation and move forward in the future. Through journaling, we can observe how our life experiences have made an impact on who we are today without letting these events define us. In doing so, instead of continually trying to intellectualize and analyze our negative experiences, we can write them out in detail until we reach a point when positive action is necessary for moving forward in life.

Reframe your thinking to overcome negative thoughts

Reframing your thinking is a powerful way to combat negative thoughts. By intentionally shifting our focus from worrying about the little things, we can begin to concentrate on what we can control in any given situation.

Rather than anxiously dreading an outcome, view setbacks as lessons that can help set you up for future success. When you reframe your thinking, you become capable of understanding setbacks as useful learning experiences, rather than catastrophic events that are impossible to recover from.

This allows us to move past fear and worry so that we can confidently take on the challenges life throws our way. By reframing our thoughts, we open doors of opportunity that would otherwise remain closed while increasing our resilience and overall wellbeing.

Who knows, you might just start that business you wanted or go back to college to learn something new. Or even just pick up a new skill at home.

Develop a plan of action to change your behavior and achieve success

Setting and achieving goals is fundamental to leading a successful life. When it comes to making changes that last, the key is to approach them with a plan of action.

A good plan should have specific objectives that identify what you need to do and when it needs done. It should also include patterns of behavior that help you develop better habits and habits of problem-solving that enable you to overcome obstacles effectively.

To do this, make sure that you write down what you intend to accomplish. And link it to a practical step. Maybe you want to build a skill, then join an online course.

Want to get fitter, buy a large bottle and fill it with water first thing in the morning. And then challenge yourself to get it over by the end of the day.

Lastly, get in the habit of reinforcing your progress by tracking meaningful milestones along the way so you can remain motivated and inspired as you continue to strive for success.

It's a good idea to find a mentor or someone in your network who can help you with this. They'll keep you accountable and guide you along the way.


Achieving success is not always about acquiring new skills. You also have to believe in yourself and your ability to succeed. Negative thoughts can prevent you from taking action and achieving your goals, but you can reframe your thinking to overcome them. The next time you find yourself self-sabotaging, remember these tips: define what the belief is, identify why you might be holding onto it, learn how to reframe it, and create a plan of action to change your behavior. With practice, you can train your brain to think more positively and achieve the success you deserve.


About the Creator

Syed Balkhi

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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