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Spreading Joy and Positivity: Celebrating International Happiness Day"

The Importance of Prioritizing Mental Wellbeing and Promoting Happiness Around the World"

By UshanPublished about a year ago 3 min read

arch 20th of every year, people from around the world celebrate International Happiness Day. This special day is dedicated to promoting happiness as a fundamental human right and encouraging people to take action towards creating a happier and more fulfilling life for themselves and others.

The concept of happiness has been studied by psychologists, sociologists, and philosophers for centuries. While the definition of happiness may vary from person to person, it is generally accepted that happiness is a positive emotional state characterized by feelings of contentment, joy, and fulfillment. Achieving happiness is often a lifelong pursuit, and International Happiness Day serves as a reminder to prioritize our mental wellbeing and focus on the things that bring us joy.

History of International Happiness Day

The United Nations General Assembly established International Happiness Day in 2012. The resolution was initiated by Bhutan, a small Himalayan country that has long prioritized the well-being of its citizens over economic growth. Bhutan measures its national success using a Gross National Happiness (GNH) index, which takes into account factors such as psychological well-being, cultural diversity, and environmental conservation in addition to traditional economic indicators.

Since its inception, International Happiness Day has been celebrated in various ways around the world. In 2018, the United Nations launched the #HappySoundsLike campaign, which encouraged people to share the sounds that make them happy on social media. The campaign aimed to raise awareness about the importance of mental health and the role that sound can play in promoting happiness.

The Benefits of Happiness

Research has shown that happiness has numerous benefits for our physical and mental health. People who report higher levels of happiness are more likely to have stronger immune systems, better cardiovascular health, and a lower risk of developing chronic illnesses such as diabetes and heart disease.

In addition to its physical benefits, happiness has also been linked to improved cognitive function, creativity, and productivity. People who are happier tend to be more resilient in the face of adversity and are better equipped to handle stress and difficult situations. Furthermore, happiness is contagious - studies have shown that people who are surrounded by happy individuals are more likely to experience positive emotions themselves.

How to Celebrate International Happiness Day

International Happiness Day is a time to reflect on what makes us happy and take action to promote happiness in our lives and the lives of others. Here are some ways to celebrate this special day:

Practice Gratitude - Take some time to reflect on the things in your life that you are grateful for. Write them down in a journal or share them with a friend or loved one.

Connect with Others - Research has shown that social connections are a key component of happiness. Reach out to a friend or family member you haven't spoken to in a while, or join a local community group or club to meet new people.

Engage in Acts of Kindness - Helping others can be a great way to boost your own happiness. Look for ways to volunteer in your community or simply do something kind for a friend or stranger.

Get Moving - Exercise has been shown to improve mood and reduce stress levels. Find an activity you enjoy, whether it's taking a yoga class or going for a run in the park.

Take a Digital Detox - Social media and technology can often contribute to feelings of stress and anxiety. Take a break from your devices and spend some time connecting with nature or engaging in a creative activity.

Practice Mindfulness - Mindfulness techniques such as meditation and deep breathing can help to reduce stress and increase feelings of calm and relaxation.


International Happiness Day is an opportunity to prioritize our own happiness and promote joy and positivity in the world around us. Whether it's practicing gratitude, connecting with others, or engaging in acts of kindness, there are many ways to celebrate


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