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Snow Cones

A Summer Day Core Memory

By UniformPrism The AuthorPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Image created by Riley

There are many things to be said for the foods of summer. Most people have a memory of barbecues and cook-outs. The sight and smells of a grill that has pieces of food burning to it. The bite of a sweet watermelon after running around a park with friends. There is even the memory of a parental unit manning the grill and smashing burgers to make the flames jump.

There are so many foods that invoke "summer" when someone thinks of it. For me, it is the smell of ice and the taste of a snow cone.

In my hometown, there was a one window snow cone stand that was across the street from the city pool. My summers were filled with the smells of chlorine, sunscreen and the smells of ice being shaved to make a succulent, and entirely too sweet, treat.

I spent many a day standing in line in a damp swimsuit, towel over my shoulder and counting my change hoping I had enough for a large Styrofoam cup full of ice and syrup. You knew you were close when the fan blew a puff of cold air and the smell of ice made it to your nose.

They all had fun names like "Ninja Turtle”, “Batman”, "Peach Dream”, and “Bubblegum.” If you were fancy, you would mix your black cherry and blueberry to make a whole new experience.

We would eat our overflowing treats on the short walk home, sticking our tongues out to see if they were stained and laughing at ice headaches through red stained teeth. They never survived the trip home.

Even on days when the pool was just not an option, grabbing friends and putting our chore money together meant we could all at least share a big one.

As I grew older, the snow cones became more adult in forms of margaritas, daiquiris and the like but when I picture the best food for summer, I see a snow cone.

One person’s core summer memory is not enough to say that a snow cone is the best summer food ever, but most people can agree that there is nothing better than sitting on a beach or next to a pool and sipping slowly on an icy treat. As I grew older and of age, the snow cones could also be margaritas, daiquiris and Bahama Mama’s.

While strolling through a Wal-Mart one day many years after my childhood, I spotted a novelty snow cone machine with their summer items and it simply kicked the right note for me. I bought it and took it with me to a party on a lake.

Soon after I got there, a gaggle of adults lined up to pick their flavors, and even mix a few while I stood there channeling the kind grandma figure who would man the window of that stand many years ago now. When the paper cones ran out, someone found some solo cups and brought more ice. We made snow cones until there was no syrup left.

I got to hear many stories from the home towns of other people who had a stand or cart or counter they could go to for their own cold treats. The thing that stuck with me was how many people said something to the effect of “Just what we needed on a hot day like this.”

That snow cone stand was closed for good the last time I was in my home town and where I live now does not have one. We can get Italian ices and Slurpees, but all the same there are days, when the heat and the humidity are competing with each other, that I miss those simple but amazing indulgences.

I project back to see a line of chlorine scented people standing in line and think “Man, I really want a snow cone.”

If that is not the perfect summer food, I do not know what is.


About the Creator

UniformPrism The Author

Hi! My name is Cass. I'm a forty-something, neuro-divergent, caffeine addicted veteran masquerading as a functioning adult. I have been putting off writing my book for awhile and am now pushing myself to get it done.

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  • Mariann Carroll2 years ago

    👍What’s summer without snow cone . Excellent work

  • I enjoyed reading this and I'm cravings for a snow cone now lol

  • Iconic.

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