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Siege Book Review

Therefore, Qian Zhongshu revolves around Fang Hongjian's love, friendship, family affection, career and social situations as clues, and writes Fang Hongjian as a "completely useless" character.

By ArnoldPublished 2 years ago 11 min read

This is the only book I have read twice so far, and I have also watched the series adapted from the original version, because it is difficult to understand what Qian Zhongshu is trying to express after reading it once. This is a book about thinking more than thinking, but the first time you read this book, you may hate Fang Hongjian, the protagonist. Because the character of Fang Hongjian depicted by Mr. Qian Zhongshu is very vivid, it is like a person who lives by my side, or in other words, he seems to be able to see some shadows of himself. Therefore, Qian Zhongshu revolves around Fang Hongjian's love, friendship, family affection, career and social situations as clues, and writes Fang Hongjian as a "completely useless" character.

"Besieged City", the cover tells us that "people who are surrounded by the city want to escape, and people outside the city want to rush in. Whether it is marriage or career, most of the wishes in life are like this."

Fang Hongjian's father was from the former Qing Dynasty, and he was a great gentleman in their small county, so many local officials and businessmen came to make friends. A businessman surnamed Zhou opened a bank in their county, so he often visited Fang Hongjian's father, so they became friends, and from friends to in-laws, when Fang Hongjian was still in high school, he engaged him. The fiancee had only seen a half-length photo. He once wrote a letter asking for the dissolution of the marriage. Later, his fiancée died of illness, and he wrote a letter to comfort Manager Zhou. Zhou Jingzhi Hongjian was knowledgeable and sensible, and attached great importance to love and righteousness. Although he was not married, he regarded him as a son-in-law and sent him the dowry for his daughter to study abroad. .

When Fang Hongjian came to Europe, he neither copied Dunhuang scrolls, nor visited the "Yongle Dadian", nor did he search for Taiping Heavenly Kingdom documents, nor did he learn Mongolian, Tibetan or Sanskrit. In four years, I changed three universities, London, Paris, and Berlin; I listened to a few subjects at random, with a wide range of interests and no experience, and my life was especially lazy. Therefore, he naturally failed to get a doctorate. His father wrote a letter to him and whether he obtained a doctorate. He scolded the doctor as useless, but Manager Zhou made a lot of money and is a businessman. The investment needs to be rewarded, so he also asked Whether Hongjian received a degree or not, Hongjian was attacked from both sides, only to know that this diploma has the function of the leaf on Adam and Eve's lower body, which can cover the shame and hide the ugly; a small piece of paper can make a person's emptiness and ugliness , stupidity are covered up. I don't have a diploma, I seem to be mentally naked and have no package. So I went to the Irish to make a German doctorate graduated from "Clayton University". Hongjian made this diploma, and he always felt very guilty, but because his father and husband wanted him to get a doctorate, he didn't want to. Let them down, buy a diploma to coax them, just like donating money to an official in the pre-Qing era, or a British colonial businessman paying tens of thousands of pounds to the imperial treasury for a knight title, honoring the lintel, and also a filial son and a worthy son-in-law. . Anyway, when I am looking for a job in the future, I will never offer this degree on my resume. And because of his vanity, his husband helped him get into the newspaper. This became Fang Hongjian's brand: "Some of them seem to be killed by the road. If you don't clean them up, let them rot and be eaten by birds and beasts - but they will never be destroyed. For example, they buy diplomas from the Irish. himself." This was his first siege. And this city also involves his love and career.

This book was written in 1937. At that time, China worshipped academic qualifications and envied studying abroad. Diplomas seemed to represent everything. Today, nearly 80 years later, in 2016, our academic qualifications still determine many things. Since we were born, our parents will tell us that if we study hard, we will find a better unit in the future, and we don’t need to work so hard. Education is our stepping stone now. Without education, we cannot do anything in China and have no choice, but I am thinking that when the first school was founded, the quality of the internship was improved, not just so that we could get a stepping stone. stop! Therefore, we have been trapped in a besieged city since we were born, a besieged city where we have to study, a besieged city where we have to read good books and good grades in famous schools, and a besieged city where learning has nothing to do with earning money.

On the boat back home, Fang Hongjian met Ms. Bao, a married woman, but because of the long journey back to her hometown, she hooked up with Hongjian. Although Hongjian was engaged to his fiancée since he was a child, he never met her. Even though I don't know the taste of love, they all say that when they are in love for the first time, they will see love as bigger than everything else. Miss is always trying to spend time on the boat. It was the first time that Hongjian was struck by love, and he thought, "There is no love in this world. A new relationship, so Hongjian and her old classmate, Su Wenwan—Miss Su are getting on well. Miss Su is a genuine doctoral student who has returned from overseas. The age is there, start to worry. It happened that Hongjian's various conditions were basically met, so he developed a love for Hongjian. After two days of playing, Hongjian understood that Miss Su was the ideal girlfriend. She had brains, identity, attitude, and appearance. Confidence and her friendship ended here, like two parallel lines that could not be pulled together. But Hongjian didn't want to hurt Miss Su like this, so when Miss Su liked Hongjian very much, Hongjian always maintained an ambiguous relationship with her. At this time, Miss Su's cousin, Tang Xiaofu, appeared. Tang Xiaofu is a rare thing in the modern civilized society, a real girl, so Hongjian fell in love with her at once. This is also the only emotion that Hongjian has invested a lot of and took very seriously. Love each other. When Hongjian and Su Wenwan's relationship reached the most dangerous time, Hongjian expressed his feelings to Su Wenwan. In order to "not let her cousin be fooled", Miss Su hooked up Hongjian with Miss Bao and the one who hooked up with her after the end. After telling Tang Xiaofu that Tang Xiaofu and Hongjian had a big quarrel after knowing it, both parties apologized because they couldn't let go of their self-esteem, and finally separated. This relationship also brought a great impact to Hongjian. , to a large extent also made him not very trusting in feelings, and the first three paragraphs were also Hongjian's second city. Later, Hongjian and Sun Roujia got engaged quickly at Sanlu University. After the engagement, Miss Sun's temper changed a lot. From first asking Hongjian for advice on everything to controlling Hongjian in everything. Because of the three previous relationships, Hongjian also felt that he owed Sun Roujia something, so the conflict grew from minor to major. The novel ends with the ancestral old bell. The inaccurate old bell is like a "timer that is outdated in time. It unintentionally contains the irony and sentimentality of life, which is deeper than all language and all irony and laughter." It includes this immature marriage and love.

Many boys joked that they had to start in kindergarten to find a virgin nowadays. Because elementary school students are starting to fall in love. Of course, this is a very objectionable phrase, but it also has to reflect our current attitude towards relationships, such as flash marriage and divorce, marriage as a child's play, and love as a toy. In China, where the divorce rate remains high, it depends. Anyone who takes feelings too seriously is a fool. However, we regard such a social state as the new normal of a new society, and it has to be said that it is a sadness under the product of the times.

As soon as Hongjian returned to China, he stayed in his husband's bank. Later, after separating from Tang Xiaofu, he and his only good friend Zhao Xinmei went to teach at Sanlu University. He was a university professor, because the issue of the diploma was a deep siege in Hongjian's heart, so he didn't want to take his embarrassment as a stepping stone, so he was demoted to associate professor, and the school promised him that he would be promoted to professor one year later. And Hongjian also knew that this was like a donkey driver. Whenever the donkey refused to leave and the whip was useless, he would hang a bunch of carrots in front of the donkey's eyes and on his lips. This stupid donkey thought that if he took one step forward, the radish would reach his mouth, so he continued to move forward step by step, the more his mouth was biting, the more his feet would rush, and he took another stop before he knew it. Whether it can eat the bunch of radishes at that time depends on the joy of the donkey. In all organizations, the superiors control their subordinates using this technique; at Sanlu University, Hongjian discovered that his colleague Han Xueyu’s diploma was also purchased and he was still from the same school, “Clayton University,” and because of such a certificate The diploma gave Han Xueyu the highest degree among the professors, which made Hongjian feel a new kind of unhappiness, but this kind of unhappiness was airy, and it was seen in the sun. It was no different than buying a diploma, like the corpse of a murder. All to be concealed. Lies and deceives should be like Han Xueyu, and you must have the courage to persevere to the end. I'm so incompetent that I have to speak my conscience even if I lied, I'm really a fool. If he is simply bold and old-fashioned, at least Gao Songnian's bullying can be avoided. The loss of the honest person, the shame of being exposed to the liar, these two opposite pains, Hongjian has both killed two birds with one stone. Later, Han Xueyu secretly plotted against Hongjian, and Hongjian revealed his false education in order to protect himself. After that, he quickly got engaged to Tang Xiaofu at Sanlu University, which attracted a lot of criticism. Li Meiting, who accompanied him to teach at Sanlu University, became the dean of the school. , Hung Chien hinted that his experience on the way here made him feel threatened, and he framed Hung Chien to Principal Gao. Principal Gao, like Zhao Xinmei, fell in love with Mrs. Wang, a married woman. After the incident, Zhao Xinmei left the school. When Hongjian helped Zhao Xinmei send a letter of resignation to Principal Gao, Principal Gao asked him if he knew the reason for Zhao Xinmei's departure. Hongjian said he knew something, because this matter was also related to Principal Gao, so when Li Meiting framed Hongjian, he naturally pushed the boat along the way. After being unemployed, Hongjian was introduced by Zhao Xinmei to work in a newspaper office. The salary of this newspaper office was not as high as that of Xiaofu (his wife), so Hongjian felt that he could not hold his head up in his family status and among their relatives. Damaged self-esteem is one of the factors why they often fight. At the beginning, Hongjian's father said: "Women are the most difficult to control after reading a few sentences. Men must be one level higher than her and cannot be equal to her. That's why college graduates marry middle school girls, and international students marry college girls. Women can study abroad. Doctor, only foreigners dare to marry him, otherwise the man is at least a double doctor. This is the same as 'marrying a woman must be better than my family, marrying a woman must be inferior to my family'." Therefore, the lack of social status also makes this a Hongjian The third city.

at Sanlu University. Hongjian said: "Why are there so many secret fights in the school, it's not as refreshing as the officialdom." Zhao Xinmei said, "If there is a life of the masses, there will be politics." There is no need to give an example here, because there are countless corrupt officials who have stepped down in the news. In the history of more than 5,000 years in China, this has always been a problem. Today's information-based society has made us develop rapidly. It will be a lot behind, but looking back at our current society, our technological level is progressing, but our civilized life is going backward step by step.

Hongjian still has a fourth city, which is his friendship. To the end of the article, Fang Hongjian has only one true friend, Zhao Xinmei. In this friendship, it is unequal, because Hongjian is a human being. I don't hate it, but it's all useless, so it's Zhao Xinmei who is helping Hongjian, teaching at Sanlu University, working in the newspaper office, and at the end of the article, Zhao Xinmei wants to help Hongjian find opportunities in Shanghai. In this friendship, he uses his wife Sun Roujia's words are: "Follow him all your life, bite his clothes, what are you not his dog? Not only do you have no skills, but you don't even have ambition." Therefore, we can see that Fang Hong is without interpersonal relationships. Gradually the fourth city.

The book "Besieged City" is indeed a classic, but the author said that it is a book that he is not very satisfied with. From "Besieged City", we can feel the various conditions of society at that time, and can also extend to the various conditions of life today. The author's brilliant pen is brilliant, depicting one after another living character, cleverly using various metaphors, excluding the storyline, you can also see the author's profound cultural foundation, which is also a way to improve our writing level. this good book.

Of course, my skill is not enough to comment on such a classic. There are too many things to discuss in the book, and there are a lot of articles to think about. Some people say that this is a book about marriage, and some people say that this is a book about marriage. The author's own book, and Fang Hongjian and Zhao Xinmei are the feedback of the author's own character. It is said that there are people who have specially examined the stories in the book. After that, many authors pretended to be Qian Zhongshu and published a great sequel to "Besieged City". Therefore, we can see the meaning of this book to us, and those who like to read must not miss it.

Finally, quoting the author's own words: "In this book, I want to write about a certain part of modern Chinese society and a certain type of people. When I write about such people, I have not forgotten that they are human beings, just human beings with hairless bipeds. The basic nature of the story. The characters are of course fictitious, but people with a habit of textual research will of course not miss Suoyin's Yanghui and give up the right to be affiliated. "

book review

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