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Resume - How it is should be?

If opportunity doesn't knock on your door then change or build an attractive door.

By Elayer For AllPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Resume -  How it is should be?
Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

A Resume is a formal document that a candidate creates to itemize their qualifications for a position. A resume is usually accompanied by a customized cover letter in which the applicant expresses an interest in a specific job or organization and draws attention to the most relevant specifics on the resume.

A Resume can be a 1 page summary of qualifications, work experience, and background relevant to the job applying to. It actually presents a concise picture of candidate skills and qualifications for a specific position, so it should not exceed more than 2 pages, generally, 1-2 pages are enough. There are some edge cases where it may also exceed 2 pages.

A Curriculum Vitae in short CV is a longer academic collection that includes all curricular activities, experiences, certificates, and publications. It almost presents a full history of academic credentials, document length may vary here. For outside of the state or for international job applications, it is better to send a CV, because academic years may vary in some regions and they must get a clear idea about academic or other systems.

The document that holds all work experience, education details, skills, and achievements with a milestone in years or months, is required for almost any job application.

No one creates a perfect resume on their first try.

Most organizations first consider whether a candidate is suitable for this role or not, based on resume only. Even it is a first selection process also. If the resume describes candidate strength then only they sent the next selection process to the candidate.

It should not include any irrelevant information which may be of no relevance to the job position or candidate.

Ensure correct spellings. A resume with spelling mistakes or typos will be completely unacceptable, since it may convey a lack of attention or a careless attitude about the candidate.

There is no standard for a resume. If you have some idea about it, then go through it, but keep in mind that it should not be over-designed or poorly formatted.

If opportunity doesn't knock on your door, build an attractive door.

In this competitive world, opportunities are more or less so when you have a strong resume then you can get your dream job. If you are trying and it's not working then you need to change your existing door (resume) and start building a new and attractive door (resume).

It's great to include best achievements or awards during academic or any volunteer work or internships it may showcase candidate willingness.

Adding a recent passport-sized photograph to the top of the resume is now an attractive and trendy one. However, one should be formally dressed in the photograph and not casually dressed. The position of the photo can be top left or top right based on the resume format. Most people preferred the top right position for photographs.

Writing about you in short must explain why you want to be part of that organization and why you are the right person for this role.

Only focus on your great things and achievements which helps to get that role that you intend for.

Arrange your experience or academics in reverse order. It is also called reverse chronological order where the recent event is listed first.

Avoid copying someone's content or phrases, statements, these should be unique to one, based on personality and thoughts one has.

If possible add a relevant link to like your web resume, portfolio, blogs, etc. Add social profiles if it strong enough to showcase your skills and talent.

Use appropriate or strong words which enrich your resume.

Add soft and hard skills. It's just like adding hashtags.

If possible having a place for extracurricular activities, will indicate you are a self-learner.

Keep consistency throughout the page or pages, like font, format, etc. Keep the format and font simple, preferred font size 12px for normal text and 16px for headers and font family can be Times New Roman.

Try to keep your story in short phrases.

Double-check your resume completely before sending or applying, like spelling, grammar, and formatting mistakes.


About the Creator

Elayer For All

 Edu - Tech - Learn- Invest - Grow

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