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Psychological hacks to boost creativity

How to leverage practical steps to be more creative in life and work.

By Syed BalkhiPublished about a month ago 4 min read
Psychological hacks to boost creativity
Photo by Dragos Gontariu on Unsplash

(This post was AI-assisted)

You've probably thought to yourself that some people are born with creative qualities.

What else can explain some people's abilities to paint sunsets, or come up with inventions, or craft amazing stories? Some seem to be born with storytelling and sales techniques that make them a success in their work

However, the reality is that creativity is a skill. And while people may have varying degrees of talent and creative abilities, it is something your can strengthen over time.

There are real practical techniques that can give your imagination and innovation a boost, especially in a professional context.

With practice and persistence, you can unlock reserves of creative thinking that may have lain dormant. This article will provide tips to help spark your creativity at work, leading to more productive brainstorming, clever solutions, and inspired ideas.

Even if you don't consider yourself to be the "creative type," you can challenge yourself to think outside the box. Here's how.

Change Your Environment

Getting out of your normal workspace can provide a boost to your creativity.

Try working for a day in a new location like a café, library, or park. Simply changing your scenery and environment can stimulate creative thinking. Working in the same location day after day can make you stuck in a rut.

In fact, Julia Cameron, author of The Artist's Way suggests exploring new places and walking as sources of creativity. There's even a Stanford study that walking leads to creativity!

New environments expose you to new sights, sounds, people, and sensations. This novelty shakes up your brain, gets you out of autopilot mode, and makes you see things with fresh eyes. Studies show that spending time outdoors in nature also improves creativity.

The natural sights and sounds have a restorative effect that refreshes the mind. So next time you need a creative boost, get up and go work somewhere new. It could be just the change you need to get those creative juices flowing.

Listen to Music

Music has a powerful effect on the brain.

Certain genres can enhance creative thinking while you work. The key is to avoid lyrics that can be distracting. Instrumental or ambient genres tend to work best for creative focus. Try playing some classical, jazz, or even video game soundtracks in the background while you brainstorm.

The rhythms and melodies will engage the creative parts of your mind while allowing you to concentrate. Upbeat classical music has been shown in studies to boost divergent thinking and idea generation.

Avoid vocals and pick instrumental tracks to avoid distraction. Video game and movie soundtracks are also great options, as they are designed to keep you immersed without being distracted.

Also, check out brain music. There are scientifically generated and validated apps that will put you in a more creative space - just try out music from and similar apps.

The trick is to find the right balance of engaging but not-too-distracting music.

With the right soundtrack, you can achieve a flow state and unlock new creative insights. Tune your workspace for maximum creativity - play music or put on headphones to listen to beats that make you more think differently

Collaborate and Brainstorm

Brainstorming with others can amplify your creativity. The idea of brainstorming is not to come up with an immediate solution but to generate a list of ideas that can be refined later. When you collaborate with others, you are exposed to diverse perspectives and new ways of thinking.

This challenges your own thought patterns and helps break out of creative blocks. Brainstorming also encourages a more open and non-judgmental atmosphere where all ideas are welcome. This can lead to unexpected connections and associations between ideas, resulting in groundbreaking solutions and unique ideas.


Letting the mind wander taps into the subconscious in ways that focused thinking can't. When you allow your conscious mind to rest, your subconscious can connect ideas and generate innovative solutions.

Many people report having creative epiphanies strike when daydreaming or letting their minds wander aimlessly.

Schedule time for an "idea stroll" where you deliberately let your mind wander without any agenda. Go for a walk or look out the window and see where your thoughts lead you. Allow your mind to make free associations and follow tangents.

Resist the urge to judge these thoughts or force them back on track. The unexpected connections made while daydreaming can spark creative ideas you'd never arrive at through logical thinking alone. Trust in the power of your subconscious and give yourself time for those creative epiphanies to emerge.


Creativity isn't something that is limited to a select few. It's there within all of us, waiting to be unleashed.

But sometimes we need a little push to tap into it. And that's where these psychological hacks and strategies come in.

As we've mentioned earlier: by changing your environment, listening to music, collaborating with others, and allowing yourself time to daydream, you can kickstart your creativity and unlock new levels of innovation.

So, the next time you're feeling stuck or need a boost of creativity, try out these hacks and see the impact they can have on your work.  Remember, your creativity is a muscle that can be strengthened and expanded with the right tools and techniques.


About the Creator

Syed Balkhi

Syed Balkhi is the founder of WPBeginner, the largest free WordPress resource site. You can learn more about Syed and his portfolio of companies by following him on his social media networks.

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Syed BalkhiWritten by Syed Balkhi

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