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No grandpa. You are just as crazy as me.

The story of how my braveness got me rich. Hypothetically.

By Rozaliya MarkovaPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
Yosemite National Park. Image credit: Pixabay on Pexels.

What would you do if one day you wake up and you find a black bag placed in front of your door? Hypothetically. Instant thought, RUN, right? Let’s say you don't. Instead, you open it and there it is, $20 000 staring right at you. Hypothetically. Fortunately, there is a little black notebook placed on top of the money. Unfortunately, it gives no answers...literary...the notebook is empty. So, what do you do? Hypothetically. I really need to know because right now such a bag is sitting on my kitchen table and I am in a panic. Not hypothetical.

Usually, I am not overly fond of Mondays. Now, I just outright hate them. Reason being…well…the bag. I am unsure whether I am being bribed for something or I just received a personal invite to join the Mafia. Either way, they’ve got the wrong person and I don’t know what to do…except go to bed and hope I don’t join the afterlife at such a young age.

That is exactly what I did. I went to bed. Did not sleep. Did not move. I just existed. Searching up the problem on Google will only incriminate me if it actually turns out to be some kind of illegal deal. Besides, I doubt anybody has been in my situation before. I mean, do you know anybody with such experience? Unimportant. What is important is the little black letter sitting on my kitchen table right next to the bag. No, it’s fine! I found it in front of my door, not the kitchen table. If it was on the kitchen table, I would’ve moved out already.

The letter is very stylistic I must admit. Great attention to detail but not to the contents as they are rather vague. I’ll read it out for you.

“Yosemite National Park. Enjoy.”

You know how they say, a picture is worth a thousand words? Well, it’s not valid in my situation, as there isn’t one, I would’ve certainly appreciated it. I would take a wild guess and say that this person wants me to visit the park. Potentially kidnap me. Well, who am I to stand against fate? Ticket, worth $57, and I am off…in two hours.

- Time skip 2 hours –

Am I nervous? Well, no more than I was yesterday when I found the bag. Though, I must admit the scenery…it is spectacular. Breath-taking.

My head is still on my shoulders and I feel no danger approaching. I am also in a tourist group so…good luck to whoever wants to kidnap me. I have witnesses. Walking around I took a couple of pictures which I hope to be able to print out when I get back home. A truly magnificent sight.

Upon my arrival back home, I met Mr Millers on the staircase leading up to my floor.

“Hello Elle, fancy seeing you here.”

“Yeah, I am just coming back. Went on a spontaneous adventure” That’s one way to describe it.

“Now that sounds exciting! You youngsters, always full of energy. Did you take pictures?”

“Matter of fact I did.”

“Back in my days, we would journal. Stick photos on the pages and narrate them.”

“You know Mr Millers, that is not a bad idea at all.”

“Glad I could inspire.”

“Thank you! Bye Mr Miller!”

As I entered my apartment, I started thinking about it Journaling, that is. Looking at my kitchen table I noticed the black book. Maybe now it can be useful. That is how I spent my night. Narrating the last two days on the pages of the black notebook. By the time I finished and looked outside it way already pitch black. Guess it is time for bed. Hopefully this time I can actually go to bed.

Waking up in the morning never felt this painful. My whole body was aching from the hike yesterday, plus I was unable to compensate for the missed hours of sleep. Coffee should do it. Hypothetically.

Once I had made my coffee, I put my slippers on and went to check my mailbox. Coming back, from afar I could see something stuck on my door. I wonder what that might be…a letter! Who would’ve guessed? I suppose it is becoming like a tradition now…between me and this complete stranger.

Black letter. Minimum writing. Consistent. I like that.

“Antelope Canyon. Have fun.”

Have fun. Have fun? What?! Pondering over it is futile. Do I do it? Why would I do it? Why would I not do it? Well, there is still the danger of kidnapping. It is also a bit far from Sacramento. A whole new state type of far. Well, there go another $1000. At least I am not the one paying. Otherwise, I would be touring Antelope Canyon through my screen, personally guided by YouTube.

- Time skip 1 Month –

In the past month, I have been able to visit quite a few places. Ten…to be exact. Don’t get me wrong, I am not complaining. However, what is it that I don’t know? Who is sending me those letters? Who gave me the money? Most importantly – Why? The trip has gradually taken me further and further away from Sacramento. The cherry on top was, actually, today's letter.

“Potala Palace?”

Excuse me? Piques your interest right, sounds different, sound foreign. Because it is in Tibet. Tibet? Who goes to Tibet on a whim? Who goes to Tibet on their own on a stranger’s request and funds? Me apparently. Because of that little question mark they put. What? They think I’m not brave enough. Maybe I should not have been this brave as it is a one-way ticket…I’m running low on funds. But I am stupid and stubborn enough. Because of that, Wednesday I am flying to Tibet… Go me!

- Time skip to Wednesday –

Today is my flight to Tibet. I am still contemplating abandoning the whole idea, but something is just telling me to go for it. Who just goes for it? It’s a one-way ticket to Tibet! I don’t even speak the language and I highly doubt speaking English will be common. I really am stupid.

At least, I am stupid and sitting on a comfortable aeroplane seat. Lovely…

- Time skip to Potala Palace –

Once again, I must admit, it is stunning.

“Isn’t it quite spectacular?” A voice spoke from behind me.

“The fact that you made me go to Tibet or the Potala Palace?” I shot back as I immediately recognised the person behind me.

“To be fully honest I did not expect you to do it.”

“Well, Mr Miller. I didn’t expect you to do it either.”

“Touché. How did you know it was me?”

“I didn’t. When I heard you, I was able to recognise the voice that has greeted me every day after every single trip. What’s the big idea anyway?”

“About three years ago my wife passed away. When we were young, we had our whole lives planned out. We wanted to see the world. We worked hard to build up our family business. It was all going well…except we were never able to fulfil our travel bucket list. When she passed away, I felt like she was never able to truly live. That is why I picked three young people through whom our dream could live. You are the only one that has gotten this far.”

“Well, I am not getting any further. That was a one-way ticket…but you already know that. Why me? Why three people?”

“You see, as I said we were never able to live truly. We have no children. No one to pass our values to and of course no one to pass the family business to. So, I spoke to all the young people in our building and was able to narrow it down to three potential candidates. They say three is a lucky number. People brave enough to take on the challenge. People who valued memories. The first one gave up on the third or fourth trip. The second a little later. And that leaves you, who is still going. Even though you knew you had no money to come back you still took the risk. You trusted in fate. Those who take risks are the ones who win. I am curious. What kept you going?”

“A year ago, I applied to university as every other high school graduate. I really thought I had it figured out. I was going to study Archaeology and live my dream. Travelling has always been in my head. In the end, I ended up spending most of my time parked behind the desk. That discouraged me from pursuing my dream. I thought - What is the point? It felt like I was wasting time and that can sometimes kill your motivation to keep pushing. It did for me. This whole…thing managed to bring back that initial passion I had. That feeling of excitement every time I left my apartment. I contemplated a lot. If this was a good idea. In the end, maybe it was the right decision to come here, to do any of that. Thank you, Mr Miller.”

“Call me grandpa.”

“Thanks, grandpa.”

"Why 3?"

"Three is my favourite number. It's also said to be a lucky number."

"Gramps there is no logic behi-...lucky number, huh? Maybe it is lucky after all."

"Yeah...maybe." We both laughed.



“I will need some funds for the way back.”

“You will have more than for the way back.”

“Oh yeah, your business. You are really going to pass it to me?”

“I am a man of my word.”

“No grandpa. You are just as crazy as me.”

fact or fiction

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