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My Postpartum Hair Loss Story and How Red Light Therapy Helped Me Grow It Back

Gracie Smith

By Healthy FunPublished 10 months ago 3 min read

I have always loved my hair. It was thick, shiny, and long, and I enjoyed styling it in different ways. I felt confident and beautiful with my hair, and I received many compliments from my friends and family.

But everything changed after I had my baby. A few months after giving birth, I noticed that my hair was falling out more than usual. Every time I brushed or washed my hair, I would see clumps of hair in the sink or on the floor. I was horrified and scared. What was happening to my hair? Was I going bald?

I did some research online and found out that I was suffering from postpartum hair loss, which is a common condition that affects up to 50% of women after giving birth. It is caused by hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and after delivery, which affect the hair growth cycle. During pregnancy, the high levels of estrogen keep the hair in the growing phase and prevent it from shedding. After delivery, the estrogen levels drop, which triggers the hair to enter the resting phase and then the shedding phase. This results in noticeable thinning and bald patches on the scalp.

I learned that postpartum hair loss is usually temporary and resolves within 6 to 12 months after delivery. However, that did not make me feel any better. I felt depressed and insecure about my appearance. I tried to hide my hair loss by wearing hats, scarves, or wigs, but I was not comfortable with them. I also tried various products that claimed to stop hair loss and promote hair growth, but none of them worked for me. I wasted a lot of money and time on these products, but I saw no improvement in my hair.

I was desperate for a solution. I wanted to restore my hair health and beauty, and feel confident again. That’s when I came across an article about red light therapy for hair growth. Red light therapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses low-level red and near-infrared light to penetrate deep into the cells and stimulate the production of energy (ATP). This can help activate the hair follicles and increase their growth rate. Red light therapy has been proven to be safe and effective for hair growth in both men and women in several studies .

I was intrigued by this article, and I decided to give red light therapy a try. I bought a red light therapy hat online, which is a device that is designed for hair growth. It has LED lights that emit red and near-infrared light on the scalp. It is easy to use and convenient to fit into my busy schedule as a new mom. I just have to wear it for 15 minutes every other day, and let the light do its magic.

After using the red light therapy cap for 3 months, I noticed a significant difference in my hair. My hair stopped falling out as much as before, and I saw new hairs growing on my scalp. My hair became thicker, fuller, and stronger. My bald patches were filled with new hairs, and my hairline was restored. My hair also looked shinier and healthier than ever.

I was amazed by the results of red light therapy. It was the best thing that ever happened to my hair. It not only helped me with my postpartum hair loss, but also boosted my hair growth naturally. It was like a miracle for me.

I am so happy with my hair now, and I feel confident again. I no longer have to hide my hair or worry about it falling out. I can style it however I want, and enjoy it every day. I love my hair again, and I love myself more.

If you are a new mom who is struggling with postpartum hair loss, don’t lose hope. There is a natural solution that can help you cope with postpartum hair loss and boost your hair growth naturally: red light therapy. You can try it at home using a red light therapy cap or a best handheld led light therapy device that is designed for hair growth. You will be surprised by how effective, convenient, and safe it is.

Red light therapy has changed my life, and it can change yours too. Trust me, you won’t regret it.

Have you tried red light therapy for your postpartum hair loss? How did it work for you? Share your story with me in the comments below!

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About the Creator

Healthy Fun

After years of exploration, I believe that health is the secret to happiness.

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