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Million Dollar Habits By Brain Tracy (Book Summary)

Million Dollar Habits By Brain Tracy (Book Summary)

By sanjuofficial07Published 3 years ago 11 min read

If you dream of becoming a Millionaire? So you must read "Million Dollar Habits" Book by Brain Tracy.

It doesn't matter who you are? From where? What do you do?

To become a Millionaire you just need to learn the Habits of Millionaires. You too should do what these successful people did. In this article I will tell you about the good Habits that you can practice and fulfill your dream by becoming a Millionaire. So, stay tuned with us till the end.

No.1 : You Are What You Do

If you are dreaming of becoming successful, then your dream can be fulfilled. Everything is in your hands. Believe it, there is no limit for you, It is another matter that if you give up on your own . You yourself are the creator of your success. Everything depends on your thoughts, your words and your actions, which you are going to apply in life from today. 90% of your daily life works is like your habits and successful people practice success habits, repeat them daily.

This is what makes them different from others. You also have to start with these success habits. Also keep in mind that we can get rid of our bad habits by bringing good habits into practice. When George Washington was a teenager, he had read a book . "The Rules of Civility and Decent Behavior". He had written all the 110 rules of this book in his small notebook. Every day he used to read those rules and practice them one by one. When he grew up he went into politics, By then good behavior had become a part of his daily life.

He did not have any difficulty in applying these good habits. Therefore, you should also practice good habits, Due to which good values ​​will come in you.

No.2 : Where Your Habits Come From

There are about 20 Million neurons inside the human brain and each one of these neurons is connected to the rest of the 20,000 neurons and we use only a small fraction of these neurons in our daily life. So just think how much brain capacity you have right now . Which you are not using at all. But successful people do rather much.

What kind of thoughts come to your mind, what goes on in your mind mostly? Understand that your thoughts can change your fate. You attract the same things that you keep thinking about. So always think positively and keep control over your thoughts.

With practice and repetition, your mind will only think positive and you will feel happier and more successful than before.

For example, if you always think about money and success, then you will get opportunities that will give you a chance to earn money. Conversely, if someone thinks about accidents or illness or is always worried, then it becomes part of his life.

No.3 : The Master Program of Success

Successful people always think of what they want. Everyday, every minute successful people think about getting what they want and that is why they always take a decision that leads them to their goals.

While unsuccessful people think exactly the opposite, they always feel that they will not get what they want. Unsuccessful people just keep complaining and blame others. So what will you be? The choice is yours.

Suppose you are aiming to earn $ 50000 every year. You think all the time how you will earn this amount. You want to make yourself more productive, no matter what is happening in your office or whatever economy is going on, you will be earning $ 50,000.

So think about your biggest dream and make it your goal. Just think how you will achieve your goal. This is the master program of your success. The most important Habit of success is self-discipline. This is the Habit that makes you do what you should do, whether you want it or not.

No.4 : The Habits of People Who Become Millionaires

You can do whatever you can to earn a lot of money in your career and if you follow Good Habits then one day you will definitely become a Millionaire. People who have positive mindsets get immense chances of being successful.

One such good Habit "saving", experts believe that humans make Habits. This means that whatever condition we have in front of us, we adapt accordingly. For example if you save 20% of your salary every month, So you will get used to spending the rest of the month with 80% salary. You will not have any difficulty in this. When you are saving, forget that money completely. Do not include it in your budget. You can try to save more if you want.

Challenge yourself that you will save $40 monthly and gradually increase the amount of savings to $200 monthly and then you will see that after two years you will have $2,400 money saved in your account. Now you can call yourself financially independent.

No.5 : The Habits That Get You Paid More and Promoted Faster

Henry Ford once said "To be successful in life, you need to know what you are born to do and then do the same thing that you were born to do." If you love your work. So you will earn more money and you will also progress. This is a very simple formula. In this way you will know whether the work you are doing or your career is right for you or not.

Brian Tracy developed a special Habit which led to his early promotion and earning more. This Habit was "Taking More Responsibilities" . Tracy had jobs in a large company. He started his career with a small position, but Tracy was not happy with this position. So he asked his manager for great responsibility because he wanted to do some challenging. One day the manager gave Tracy a big project that was not part of Tracy's job profile. Nevertheless, he completed that work wholeheartedly. The manager was shocked to see Tracy's work and his dedication to the work. After that, large projects came to them one after another. Within a year, Tracy got promoted and all this happened with the habit to become more responsible.

No.6 : Habits of Top Business People

You should be very clear about your mission or purpose.

What is that you want to achieve?

What would you like to give to your customers?

How much profit do you want to earn from your business?

If your goals are clear than only you will be able to take the right decision. For example: You can set a goal in your business, Such as "Providing your customers the best products and services , so that your profit is increased by about 15% every year". Your mind should be clear about how much profit you want to earn and when to earn it.

No.7 : Habits of Personal Effectiveness

High income, a fulfilling job, good health, a loving family with whom you spend a lot of leisure time, all of this can be yours. You do not have to sacrifice one for the other. Effective people adopt some effective habits that make them all rounder in every field of life.

Along with their professional life, personal life is also fantastic. For Example: Tracy promises every one of his clients that they will do double enjoyment with double earning in life. Joanne was one of Tracy's clients, who felt that it was not possible. Joanne Daly works in the office for 12 hours, due to which she could not give time to her family.

She always lived in stress and she could not understand what to do with it. When she discuses all these things with Tracy, Tracy first asks her to make a list of the things that Joanne had to do within a month. She had a total of 16 tasks in her list.

Tracy asked her - "What is the job in this list that will do a lot of good for your company if you do it all day?

"Joanne put a finger on a important task, Tracy then asked her to tell 2nd and 3rd Impotent Task.

Tracy said "These three task are 90% of your responsibility,

which meant that the remaining 13 tasks, or 10% of the tasks, were extravagant. But Joanne was giving them a lot of importance. And because of this, she was not able to enjoy her family life. She could get these things done by others as well.

Joanne now focused on these 3 tasks and gave better results in her work. She completed her three tasks in a very good way. Two months Later, her office time also changed. Now she works for 8 hours, Monday to Friday. Tracy completed her promise. Joanne's income also doubled and she now has more time for the family. She spends quality time with her children and husband, which gives her great relief.

No.8 : Habits for Getting Along Well With Others

Three great habits that can improve all your relationships. The first Habit is "Acceptance", that is to accept others. Especially for parents, spouse and children. Learn to accept as they are, Do not try to change them, Accept their weaknesses too.

Learn to love them as they are , there is no condition in love. Accept the one you love with its strengths and drawbacks. The second habit is "gratitude". In a good relationship, gratitude is very important, so don't forget to say thank you to your family and friends. Thank God for your every day, that they have given you good health, you have a job, you are getting two meals a day and your family is safe. Thanks to every person who helps you in some way or the other. The third Habit is to give "complements".

When we give someone Compliments, he likes it very much. Hearing the praise, people not only feel positive but also give more better performance. It has some boomerang-like effect, If you send positive energy then you also have positive energy back. Praise the work of the people or their special quality. By complimenting you make others feel comfortable and then it becomes easy to maintain the relationship. But always give true praise.

No.9 : The Habits for Health and Well-being

Who does not like a healthy and fit body? Everyone would like to have a healthy body that can overcome every disease. For this, Tracy gives a simple advice that there are three white poison from which we have to stay away. These are sugar, salt and white flour.

If we want a fit body then we should stay away from all types of processed food or fast food and junk food. Processed and junk food contains high levels of sugar and salt, which are unhealthy for our body and mind. You should also avoid soft drinks and sweets. Bread and pastries are made from white flour, Which does not contain nutrition. Whereas Whole grains are considered very good for health as they are rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. Include lots of vegetables and fruits in your diet. Beans and pulses were also eaten more. Treatment of more than half of your illness is hidden in a good diet.

By taking healthy diet, you will avoid diseases like heart attack, obesity and cancer.

Now.10 : The Habits of Character and Leadership

How would you like people to remember you? How people will remember you after you leave, It all depends on your present character. When you go from this world, people will speak well about you and think well about you, for that it is important that you pay attention to your today's behavior.

So do as much as you can to help others, build as many good relationships as you can. Another good habit is "reading biographies of successful people" .

You can learn a lot from them. You will know how these great people improved their character and how they became experts in their fields. Their extraordinarily life stories will motivate you a lot. The Habit of Reading brings many positive changes in our life. From books, we get to learn the values ​​that are in the life of successful people.

If you keep practicing what you have learned so far in the "Million Dollar Habits" book summary, there will come a day when you too will become successful like these people and fulfill your dream of becoming a Millionaire.

With this, we have reached the end of this book summary.

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Goodbye till the next article :)

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