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Methods you can do if you don't want to show you face in your videos

Learn 3 methods to use if you can't or you don't want to show your face in your videos

By ghadermPublished 12 months ago 3 min read

Everyone want to start a YouTube channel and of course to be successful in this field there are a lot of things you should do and the competition will still be very high because being a unique in this platform become more and more difficult

But what if you can or you have all the things you need to be successful in this platform but you have a problem which is you don't want to show up or to show your face in your videos or even if you can't afford for a camera and this stuff, is it the end for you? or is there any solutions you can do?

well in this article I will tell you some ways to solve your problem for you and you will be very happy with it so without wasting any time Let's start start together

1- Moho

Moho is a great software that allow you to create 2D animation with a lot of features so you can use these animations in your videos

You can create your animation character from the scratch or you can select a character from Moho itself because moho offers a lot of characters you can use in your videos also you can literally design a studio for your characters using moho itself and this will help you to make your videos more and more professional

Another feature Moho offer is that you can make your characters move as you like by using the bone rigging system and of course you can upload your voice file By using the lip syncing feature and combine between the character and the file so the character will speak and move his mouth depending on the voice file and the sound effects

There are really tons of features that Moho offers but to be honest moho isn't that easy to use if you want to be more professional on it and of course this will need from you to learn how to work on this software if you want to take your videos to another living but if you don't want you still can do a great job with really easy steps so don't worry

2- use free videos

Another solution for you is to use free videos from websites that offer such a videos so when you download the videos that are related to your niche you can combine between them using software or application and you can speak and upload your voice file and by doing that you will be making your video

There are a lot of YouTube channels that use this method and to be honest it can be very effective because when you combine so many videos you can attract the eye of the viewers because the video will change every some moments and new video will appear but of course you should be careful by choosing your videos because it depends on the text you want to speak in your videos and the type of your channel because this solution doesn't suite for all YouTube channels

I mean imagine you want to make a videos like courses. of course you can't use this method or it won't be so effective with you so if you want my advice you can combine between this step and the previous step and by doing that you will maximize your results

3- Synthesia tool

Synthesia tool is one of synthetic media tools and to be honest this is a very good tool for your problem because it is still that you can literally make someone show up instead of you and speak the text you want by using the Artificial Intelligence (AI) I mean can you imagine that now AI can even solve your problem

synthesia allow you to create an AI-generated avatars that can speak the text you want So all you have to do is to choose your avatar and input the text you want and this tool will make the avatar speak instead of you

The good thing about synthesia is that the voices the tool create isn't a robotic voices, instead, the tool use AI technology to create these voices which are based on real human voices and of course this will help you a lot and will make your videos more professional.

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