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Memories: 12 April 2023

My birthday celebrations…shenanigans and manifestations of joy, abundance, grace and wisdom wrought by decades.

By Tanya Arons Published about a year ago Updated 2 months ago 13 min read
12 April 2021

12 April 2024

Thank you to all my beautiful friends who made my birthday so special. I am going out soon to the Brooklyn Standard for my usual Friday night celebration of my Joie de Vivre and freedom combined with my birthday shenanigans! I am going to treat myself a cocktail! Yayyy! Pina Colada to match my dress. Viva La Revolucion!

12 April 2023

Bregje Tit: You've had The Sorting Hat for present?! 😍

Me: Bregje Tit of course! But unlike Harry Potter I don’t subscribe to any group that will have me as a member. I just slither in and out of all vectors of society, quietly musing on human interaction or declaiming loudly about all the Bollocks.

As a Wood Snake in Chinese Astrology I suppose I would be a perfect Slytherin with my dark tumescent humour and my unexpected “goodness” disguised as shadowy quirkiness.

Always do the unexpected, keep ‘‘em guessing, and never let the bastards going you/me/us down 🙂

I made this logo design two years ago in the height of Covid insanity. Last week I thought to myself, I must ask Jarrod to make me a t shirt out of the design. But then I thought…nah it’s too close to my birthday, I don’t want to put out expectations on anyone.

Look what his birthday gift is to me! Far out Telepathy…Man. It’s real!

Posted to Women’s Metalsmith Collective:

Okay Beautiful Women and Muses of The Force.

Someone asked to see the finished Yoda. I have polished him up to 600 grit on the radial discs. He’s a handsome faery from a galaxy far far away and he has landed on Planet Earth to remind us all.

Honour Thy Ancestors, the ancient ones who bless us each day, according to thy traditions, culture and the land you stand upon. Walk with the gods and goddesses.

Love each other. (If you can’t love each other well…nod politely and let them walk their walk in their own concentric circle of divinity…you’ll likely meet them again on your spirit walk through the eons).

Walk with grace, power and dignity.

This Yoda is a gift from The Force embodied in 835 silver (it was all I had!) for my beautiful Soul friend who has been an earthangel to me and who has always walked so humbly with her God (she calls Jesus) that she never ever has asked me of anything but to continue to survive and even (gasp!) Thrive.

She has held my hand for decades as I stumbled and fell a thousand times and at times even had to remind me to breathe. That the god within and the god without would one day bring me recalibrations, restitutions…or at least rest. Peace. Shalom!

So here I am. Strutting my stuff. Today is my birthday and I am so joyful and grateful for our Earth, our existence and our gods…and my precious Magickal devoted loving friends without whom I would not be Alive today.

Blessèd Be. To all who walked with me and to the invisible holy ones who carried me up high on their strong protective loving shoulders when I thought I would not live to see this Becoming.

The Yoda pendant is a trinket. Not of great value but I have worked hard to achieve him and he is a symbol of great love and courage and determination.

The Force is with us. Inside of us in our hopes dreams and aspirations and those inspirations and intuitions which guide us when we remain open to Life.

End of Transmission.

I still need to drill the hole in his bail for a jump rings and chain. He developed an air pocket in his back while I was polishing.

So no, he’s not perfect and a bit out of alignment but that is okay. He is a Jedi and can float above his imperfections and bring himself into alignment when the time is right. 😉

12 April 2022

Thank you to my beautiful Earthangel who blessed me with the most delicious, wonderful groceries. Love you xxx

12 April 2021

Thank you my beautiful benefactor for the delicious groceries and the exquisite birthday cake! Love you!

12 April 2020

I have had a lovely birthday. Thanks to everyone who messaged me, phoned me, Zoomed me and showed me so much love and bright blessings.

It was very uplifting, especially with this self-isolation situation.

I feel like painting my face blue and running through the streets screaming “Freedom” like Robert The Bruce in Braveheart.

But a poxy plague has us all being very docile and compliant!

I did walk Bobo for his much-needed scenting and constitutional poop. Just a quick walk by torchlight on my iPhone. He is a happy dog now! I am happy too xxx

Thank you to Taly and Kerry for your birthday stories also. They are lovely. But I approved them but they are lost somehow.

Love you anyway.

Ms Arons is showered and dressed, shaped up but not shipped out and ready for the day!

She just needs to brush her hair and put on makeup and she is perfectly attired.

She has even watered the garden as the lime tree and the chilli plants were all curling with thirst. It’s been dry all week.

She might take the Beau for his constitutional around the block.

It’s my birthday but with great pain and suffering it was also my former Mother’s Birthing day. We almost didn’t make it due to her toxaemia so I was carved out (from my mother’s womb untimely ript) at 9:36 pm just a few hours shy of my 15 yo half sister’s birthday. Cos nothing says clusterfuck like having your children 15 years apart to almost the same day!

Angela begged Dr Smith (later Mister Smith who also delivered Crystal 20 and a half years later!) to hold off until after midnight so we could have the same birthday! But Gisela had laboured for 7 days and I, the untimely little mostly-unwanted brat had gone into foetal Distress. (Wouldn’t anyone?!)

So here I am... still telling the story of one personage and her mad bad ill fated be-spawnment .... because after 55 years it all becomes rather funny or at least silly!

I always joke that my Mother’s rather evil but funny spirit can find me anywhere.

(We rebuke that spirit!). Lmao!!!

Funny thought: Mister Smith “Warning Will Robinson”. My best childhood friends in Island Bay, were June and her daughter Lynne Robertson. Close enough!

1:11 am finally in bed. Second synchronistic angel sign tonight. Hmmm. What does it mean?... just that Someone is watching over me and showering me with Supernal love.

Thank you God/Goddess. Laila Tov/Boker tov. I must schluff!

This birthday we will be Zooming instead.

Zoom zoom Zoom but no Bucket of Doom cos the govt fucked my vibe and my family are obedient covid citizens. Wahhh!

Not sleeping...again.

So I have been musing on the past birthdays for the past 55 years. That’s a lot of birthdays! Formidable.

One of the best birthdays was my 49th birthday.

But last year was lovely too. Lyn bought me an amazing cake with a chandelier! Then Crystal and Jarrod cooked dinner and made pina coladas.

Later today I am gonna wash my hair and put on makeup and Zoom. I might even Zoom in my Top Hat!

Or make some more mad videos that go for longer than 30 seconds, innit?!

12 April 2019

Thank you to my wonderful friend Sally Castle for the lovely groceries that just arrived on my doorstep. I wondered what or rather who Bobo was barking at?! It was the delivery man who sweetly explained he had rung the doorbell twice!

So that was a lovely surprise. Omgoddess! So much chocolate. Sqeeeeeeallll!


Crystal making pina coladas for my birthday treat!
Miss Penny.

12 April 2018

12 April 2017

Feeling much loved!!!

Today on my 52nd birthday I want to thank the gods and my magickal special loving friends (and daughter in England) who have celebrated the day of my birth and my long and interesting life with me.

I feel so loved, appreciated and cared for. Each of you have gifted me with so many splendid delights. Laughter, solid friendship and acceptance in a world that is often intolerant and incomprehensible you brought me honour, beauty and happiness.

May we go forward sprinkling fairy dust: kindness, respect, truth and unconditional love blended in our personal brews and may we be blessed with healing, joy and wonderful blessed Love in return.

The lord brought you into my life as way-showers, mentors, companions and inspirations. We have had so much fun even in my darkest hours some of you have always been with me (in spirit if not in person) cheering me on and helping me find new purpose and new joys.

I love you. Thank you, from a deep profound place in my heart. x

Update 2020: Today on my 55th birthday... my sentiments are the same. Live fully and vibrantly, avoid the covid paranoia but paradoxically, quixotically and if fucking necessary...psychotically... stay safe! We got this!!!

Lmao. Facebook Nigerian scammers (or wherever they hang out these days) are sending at least 3 friend requests per day from rather handsome American men. Usually widowers. Ahem! I am not falling for it. Poor mofoes will have to find another sucker for love embezzlement.

Haha I have allergies today (and yesterday!) so have dusted my bed and the window behind it, changed my sheets and taken an antihistamine.

Doing washing and sitting outside in the sun to give this old girl an airing. Also airing out my pillows and doona on the washing line.

The Tanya had Ferrero Rocher for Breakfast! Birthdays and chocolate align perfectly to complement a new day/year in bliss.

12 April 2016

Thank you to all my beautiful friends (and nephew!) for the wonderful birthday wishes. I feel very cherished. Mwahhh!

I had a lovely day/evening. Margaret, Nathan and Neo were visiting me from Blayney. It had been several years since I saw them last at the Blue Mountains. They spoilt me by taking me out to dinner at the Greek restaurant at West End.

Neo is 8 now and is such a handsome, intelligent and charming little boy. It was great to see them.

They had spent the day at Movieworld and Neo was very excited. I loved watching his face light up as he described the rides and sights at Movie World!

Tomorrow we hope to catch up again.

12 April 2014

3 pm Awake and aware! Thanks to all you gorgeous sexy friends for thinking of me on my birthday! Love you all!!!!!

Now time to get up and party on for the rest of my Birthday Shenanigans.

49 is going to be my best year ever! I've gone through lots of healing and transitions, still very much evolving as we speak but I am really getting much more mellowed out with age, wisdom and coming home to myself more and more.

Living my Psychedelic Dream means I might always be Weird but I know I am always Wonder-ful and so grateful to be able to have so many new and amazing friends and experiences.

Brian, wearing one of my Lacey designed stockings over his head! (I took them off along with my shoes at the end of my wild night of dancing, because by that time I am crazed and crippled!)

Why he decided to put it over his head I have no idea. A very smelly thing to do! Almost (hack!) Intimacy. But he always treated me with deep respect. A true gentleman.

Brian, out of his mind, lol, wearing my stocking over his head! He is so silly. We muck around like kids. All innocent!

5.15 am. Home safe and happy. I had a wonderful night rocking out with Berst. I noticed a couple of former sexual partners (ughhh!) watching me on the dance-floor.

At one point they were both standing side by side although I doubt they both know that they both sorta kinda know me in an almost biblical sense (both of them were lousy lovers lol, in fact if I remember correctly one ran out on me so he didn't quite make the 'knowing'... Hallelujah!).

Spared two losers, so thank you Hashem for protecting my assets even though I would love to have a life partner I can't give myself away to any more 'players', psychopaths or time wasters. My life is worth so much more than that!

The runner tried to maintain eye contact with me, but I ignored him...I mean whyyy bother after all this time. Must be almost a year. The non-runner but timewaster fool of a man danced near me all night, but again I ignored him. He has had quite enough of my attention to the point I was getting a little crazy again, so fuck that shit. Not going there again with any loser of a man who isn't ready and can't make up his mind.

I was delighted to dance with the beautiful Shauna, Kate, Samantha, Jo, and Corena and her friend Judy. We had a wonderful time. Late in the night Ron and Chrissie arrived and danced with me. I was happy to see them also.

I left around 2.30am to find Brian wandering up the road, barefoot and crazed on metho as usual. I called him over. He got let out of prison after only 3 weeks. I was surprised as I thought he was going to be gone for 3 months. He was wild and wooly but clean. I enticed him to come with me to hang with George for a while. George got me a cappuchino from the machine at the casino and wished me a Happy Birthday.

I teased Brian about his jewish schnozz. He told me his name is Crowley. I said, "I'm not having it, there is a jewish grandfather or grandmother in your family tree somewhere" and George who recently 'outed' himself to me as Jewish agreed with me. So we all laughed.

I said to Brian "You better not be related to Aleister Crowley" but he didn't get the joke so I had to explain to him who he was. Oyyy! He won't remember in the morning. He never does. Unusually, very unusually, he asked me for sex. I said, "No Brian. Unfortunately for you, these days I take a lot of convincing and you are not in a state for me to take you home". He accepted his fate (and mine!) goodnaturedly.

I joked with George that I am going home to 2 new cats (now have 3 in the house) and the chooks and goldfish, so I am officially living the Dream and being the crazy cat woman, and I don't mind at all, it's totally preferable to the losers I was being trolled by in the pub.

George and I laughed. What can I say? I have chosen my path and it's not easy, and it's lonely but seriously, I have never been able to attract 'normal' men and in all truth, normal men would not like me one little bit as I refuse to cede my individuality and my freedom for any man woman or child ever again.

So here I am, looking beautiful, feeling refreshed and comfortable in a quiet house and loving life. I am Blessed with an amazing daughter and beautiful sweet kind friends, who dance with me every weekend and are so generous to me and loving.

I have men and women who enjoy my company and respect me and care for me. Even Brian in his addled way is very fond of me.

Some 'suits' walked into the casino and made some smart arse comment to Brian. I said "Listen here, this man is the only decent man in Brisbane, a truly good kind man and if he weren't obliterated by metho, he'd be my man, so on your bikes, losers!"

They looked quite startled. Brian says to me, "How do you know I'm a good man? I just got out of prison!" I said, "I decided a long time ago that you are a good man, and they can lock you up and clean you up all they like, but my opinion of you will never change, regardless".

Unfortunately he does get rather psychotic and I think it's terribly wrong to put a homeless man in prison when surely he could be better treated in hospital. Alas he says he hit someone, and he probably did, but hey, I almost hit a few bums tonight in the pub for jumping on top of me so there by the grace of God Go I. I understand how being harassed constantly for being marginalised can make you 'act out'.

I told security off tonight as I said, I had to fend off so many men and it's not my job to have to get agro while I'm dancing. So after that, they kept better watch.

It was good when Ron and Chrissie arrived as he kind of dances behind me and that makes me feel a bit safer. Shauna also always dances with me and we all watch out for each other. It's a solid beautiful thing.

I am very grateful.

12 April 2013

Thank You for all the lovely Birthday Wishes! I have had a lovely day trip to Montville. Crystal got to drive my car and Jarrod, Crystal and I had fun being tourists.

12 April 2012

Thank you All for the lovely Birthday Wishes! I hope 47 will be my year of Wish Fulfillment (well, some of them) and my year of New Beginnings to recreate The Tanya in a beautiful, awesome way!

All I need to do is Slap on some FacePaint, Bang My Drum, tie up a nasty snarly mess from my previous existence, and stare rather hopefully at the Horizon! Lots to achieve yet.. But this Butterfly is Ready to Fly!

12 April 2011

I just spoke to my eldest daughter for 1 hour 18 minutes on my mobile. Oy! I'm covered for $500 worth of calls per month but not sure if I've reached my limit?

Oh well! It was nice to have a friendly chat to my adult child for a change. Been a long time! Hopefully this is progress, but it's early days yet.

Thank you to all my beautiful friends who left lovely birthday messages for me! I had a lovely day! Gail took me to Sizzlers' and then we went to Merthyr Centre at New Farm and both fell in love with some gorgeous leather boots so now have major wish lists LOL!

Then we went to look at Wooloongabba Antique Centre and picked up Tahylia. (I got lots of hugs and kisses from Tahylia, which was delightful!)

I'm officially 46 years old. Well not until 9.36 pm tonight but hey what's a few hours between friends. Thanks for the birthday wishes! xxx

12 April 2010

What a beautiful evening, watched all of IT CROWD with Jarrod and Crystal, can't wait to wake up to a beautiful day!! xoxo

Copyright Tanya Désirée Arons


About the Creator

Tanya Arons

I write about my life experiences. I write about complex ptsd, the agonies, the angst and my post traumatic growth. About Beauty, Truth and Honour and little vignettes of comfort from the spirits that love me: living and dead. I also Dance!

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