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Make Your Beard Color Last Long With These Tips & Tricks

Menfirst USA

By MenfirstPublished 10 months ago 5 min read
Beard Dye

Suppose you wake up one morning, look in the mirror, and notice strands of gray scattered throughout your once-vibrant beard. For many men, this scenario is all too familiar, and also a nightmare. Our facial hair naturally becomes discolored with age. This often results in us feeling less confident about our appearance. But worry you must not, because the solution to this problem lies in beard color for men.

You know how to color the hair on your head, coloring your facial hair isn't too far off. However, a new challenge arises—how to make that beard color last long enough to maintain that youthful look you desire. If you too are facing this predicament, we've got some genius tips and tricks up our sleeves to help you keep your lively look for a long time.

Why Should You Color Your Beard In The First Place?

Graying beards in men can be likened to the changing colors of autumn leaves. While the natural process of aging brings wisdom, it also comes with the disheartening issue of beard discoloration. As men get more gray hair, they might feel worried about how they look. This often affects their self-esteem.

So, how to get over such a situation? The simple answer is, by covering those pesky gray hairs using the best beard dye you can find in the market. And why, you might wonder? Because by applying the right beard color for men, you can breathe new life into your facial hair and enjoy a heightened sense of confidence that comes with looking your best. Not only does beard dye cover those unwanted gray hairs, but it also allows you to experiment with different looks and styles. Ultimately, beard coloring also ensures your beard maintains its health both in looks and in nourishment, as many beard care products contain ingredients that are great for keeping your beard strands tamed and suave.

Expert Tips To Maximize Your Beard Color Retention

To ensure a successful beard coloring experience, it's essential to prepare both your beard and the dye properly beforehand. Changing your beard's color isn't only about how you appear, but it can also make you feel different inside and more self-assured. It is important to do each step involved in it properly, so as to achieve exactly what you want - a smart, handsome, well-groomed look. So, let's dive into some expert tips on how to maximize your beard color retention.

Tips To Prep Your Beard

Before you put on any coloring for your beard, it's really important to get it ready first. This way, the color will stick evenly and stay for a longer time. Here's what you need to do: -

Use the best beard wash you can find to clean your facial hair really well. This wash will get rid of any dirt, oil, or stuff you put on your beard before, making it a clean surface for the coloring to work its magic.

Next, gently scrub the skin under your beard to remove any dead skin cells. This will help the coloring get into your hair better.

Pro Tip: You may use a beard shampoo to clean out your beard but only in case there is excess oiliness or build-up, or if you have used a gel on your beard that you need to clear off. Ensure that your beard is completely dried off before you go on to apply your color.

Tips To Prep Your Dye

Preparing the best beard dye is equally important. Follow the instructions provided with your chosen product, making sure to mix the color and developer thoroughly. A well-mixed dye ensures uniform color application and a longer-lasting effect.

It's essential to perform a patch test before applying the dye to your entire beard to check for allergic reactions or sensitivity. Once you're in the clear, apply the dye evenly, making sure to cover all the gray areas adequately.

It’s best to get yourself a good quality beard dye, which is formulated with natural ingredients, and avoid products with Ammonia in it. Menfirst’s Reactiv Color Semi-Permanent Hair Dye is one such product. Laced with nourishing ingredients like marine seaweed and aloe, it provides full coverage of your grays which lasts a good 4 weeks. It is free from Ammonia, Parabens, SLS, and other harsh chemicals, resulting in the natural color it renders on your hair.

Post-Coloring Tips

Before we go on to the post-coloring tips, it is important to note that the color should be thoroughly cleaned only with water. Shampoo or conditioner is not necessary to be used for the first wash. Avoid washing your beard for at least 24 hours after coloring to allow the dye to fully set. After that, use a sulfate-free beard color for men and conditioner to maintain the color vibrancy and keep your facial hair healthy.

Remember, excessive washing can strip the dye and natural oils from your beard, so aim for washing it every 2-3 days. And whenever you wash, kindly use lukewarm water instead of hot water. It keeps the color's vibrance on for a longer time.

Furthermore, using a leave-in beard balm or oil can help nourish the hair and keep the color locked in. Regularly grooming your beard and trimming split ends will also prevent color fading and maintain a neat appearance.

How Menfirst Beard Coloring Products Can Help?

At Menfirst, we understand the importance of maintaining a vibrant and long-lasting beard color. We have a variety of products that are curated with the cleanest ingredients. They provide natural-looking, darkened facial hair that stays intact for an extended period.

Our products feature cationic pigments that fix harmlessly to the hair fibers, avoiding chemical oxidation. Moreover, ingredients like Coffee and Jaborandi further enhance their nourishing benefits. Our semi-permanent hair dye is ideal for achieving long-lasting color on your facial hair. But, to further increase its longevity, here are a few other products that you can use in tandem: -

Gradual Gray Darkening Beard Wash - A Chemical-Free, Non-Staining product that would remove all impurities from your skin and gradually darken your beard with each usage.

Leave-In Darkening Beard Balm - A dermatologically tested solution containing Collagen, Vitamin E, and Keratin for taming your facial hair and leaving it darker and fuller.

Darkening Hair Pomade - This Paraben and Sulfate-free wax-like paste is infused with Vitamin E to tame your hair and gradually give it a dark hue.

With Menfirst's solutions regarding beard color for men, you can say goodbye to graying hair worries and hello to a confident, rejuvenated you. We even offer kits with multiple products bundled together to provide a more holistic beard coloring experience. So, why wait? Embrace the power of beard color and discover a newfound sense of self-assurance.


About the Creator


Menfirst provides the best hair & beard care products for men that includes hair color, beard wash, darkening shampoo, hair pomade, beard balm, and more, formulated using our Gray Darkening Technology. Shop Now!


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