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Madame Bovary Mrs. Dalloway Ulysses and The Road To Wigan Pier Book Reviews

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By Mehedi Hasan ShawonPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Madame Bovary Mrs. Dalloway Ulysses and  The Road To Wigan Pier Book Reviews
Photo by Blaz Photo on Unsplash

Book review

Madame Bovary is a world-famous novel written by the world-renowned French writer Gustave Flaubert. This novel occupies a particularly important place not only in French literature but also in Western literature as a whole.

Naturally, many novels are written in French literature, but none of them match. One of the hallmarks of this novel is that Flaubert wrote prose in which he best describes his experiences and observations. This famous novel has been translated into many languages ​​of the world.

Author: Gustav Flaubert

Name of the novel: Madame Bovary: Moyers Day Province.

Country: France

Language of the novel: French

Types of novels: Realistic novels

Publisher of the novel: Rev. de Paris (first)

Date of first publication: 1856

Emma Bovary is the main character of the novel. Emma Bovary is married and she commits adultery in a conservative society. Many plays and movies have been made based on the story of this famous novel.

Mrs. Dalloway 1997 Book Review

One of the most famous novels written by Virginia Woolf is "Mrs. Dalloway". After World War I, Mrs. Galloway was a woman from the fictional high society of England. This novel contains a detailed account of his life. This is a famous novel by Virginia Woolf.

Her full name is Clarissa Dallow. He wandered around London in the morning. One day he organized a party in the evening, which reminded him of his youth. The days spent in the village of Borton, which surprised her husband.

Peter resurrects these conflicts by giving a visit that morning. Warren Smith, a veteran of the First World War, spends the day in his park with his wife of Italian descent, Lucrezia, where Peter Walsh observes them. Septimius is frequently and inevitably enchanted by his beloved friend Evan, who died in battle.

The novel is based on the life story of a lady, which, if read, reveals a very deep relationship.

Ulysses book review

James Joyce wrote a timeless novel called "Ulysses". This book was published in 1922. Ulysses is considered by most literary scholars to be one of the best English novels of the twentieth century.

The story of the novel Ulysses is arranged around a single day. That day was June 16, 1904. An ordinary citizen travels from one end of Dublin to the other on a typical day. The man's name was Leopold Bloom.

There are many similarities between the Odyssey epic and this novel. The Odyssey epic was written by the poet Homer. Ulysses is the hero of Odyssey poetry and the novel Ulysses is named after him. Joyce's fans lovingly celebrate June 16 as Bloomsday.

Ulysses is a huge book. Its length exceeds thousands of pages according to different versions. Even literary scholars have been researching this book for almost 60 years. The book has caused a great deal of controversy in the literary world.

Ulysses is an excellent example of the literary genre of modernism that spread in the early twentieth century. Moreover, the novel has some special features, such as fancy prose style, various experiments with prose, etc. However, many have criticized the book for being too difficult to read.

The novel was named one of the 100 best-selling novels by the Library of Eminent Publishers in the United States, published in 1999. Ulysses then topped the list.

The Road To Wigan Pier book review

"The Road to Wigan" is a novel written by the famous English writer George Orwell. The economic crisis hit the entire Western world in the 1930s.

Orwell wrote the novel against the backdrop of this economic downturn. The city of Wigan is located in the north of England. Coal production was the main economic driving force for the Wigans.

The detrimental effects of the recession are evident in Wigan. In his novel, Orwell gives a detailed account of the grief and suffering of the Wigans.

In the book, he harshly criticizes excessive capitalism. The book "The Road to Wigan" played an important role in establishing social justice in the thirties.

Author of the novel: George Orwell

Country: United Kingdom Language

Language: English

Type of book: Autobiography

Publisher: Vector Golanz (London)

book review

About the Creator

Mehedi Hasan Shawon

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