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Job Interview? Here's why a Virtual Interview Works for you

Virtual interview does not require the interviewer or interviewee to be on a video or video conference call.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Virtual job interviews are becoming increasingly common. With the advent of video conferencing and other technology, candidates can now interview via webcam—and employers can conduct these interviews from anywhere. It's also a great way to save time, money and resources while ensuring that candidates get the most out of their experience with your company.

Virtual interview does not require the interviewer or interviewee to be on a video or video conference call.

The interview can take place anywhere and at any time. You can conduct the interview from your home, your office, a coffee shop or even a park. The virtual interviewer does not have to be there for you to conduct a video conference call with them.

You will not be required to turn on your own webcam or microphone during the video conference if you don't want to do so. This makes it easier for you because there are no wires attached and therefore less chance of getting tangled up in them while talking on speakerphone or using headphones that come with some computers' built-in webcams.

If you are worried about appearance during video calls then remember that people do not see everything perfectly while they are looking at their computer screen; they only see what is immediately in front of them which is usually only one person's face at most!

Virtual interview results in savings of travel costs

If you are in a position where you are being considered for an international job, it may not be feasible for you to travel. A virtual interview will help reduce the need for travel costs and other expenses as well.

For example, let's say your dream job is in New York City but you live in Los Angeles and have never been up north before. You are considering going on an interview with a company based out of New York City because they seem like a great fit for your skillset and industry experience. However, the thought of booking flights, hotels and meals sounds overwhelming and prohibitively expensive! With a virtual interview however, there isn't any additional cost involved when compared with interviewing in person--it's just another way of conducting business conversation through video conferencing software like Skype or Zoom

Virtual interviews are more convenient, as they do not require showing up at a physical location.

With a virtual interview, you won't have to travel to a physical location. This can save time and money for both parties. You also don't have to take time off from work or find a babysitter in order to attend the interview.

Additionally, no one will know if your attire is less than appropriate—they'll only see what you look like on the screen! Plus, you can apply for jobs at any hour of the day or night without having to worry about finding parking in an unfamiliar area.

Virtual interview is environmentally sustainable by reducing carbon footprints.

Just as your interviewers can save time and money by eliminating travel costs, you can also benefit from this environmentally friendly option. A virtual interview is not only more eco-friendly than in-person interviews, but it is also more convenient for both parties. In fact, many candidates prefer this format because they don’t have to worry about making arrangements for a trip or scheduling conflicts with work or family commitments.

The virtual interview helps our environment by requiring fewer resources in terms of travel and lodging.

A virtual interview is the perfect solution for busy professionals in need of a job. It reduces carbon footprints, requires fewer resources (less travel and lodging), and allows you to get to know your potential employer better than an in-person meeting would allow.

A virtual interview allows you to choose a time that works best for both parties. Since it's done online, there is no need for an interviewer or applicant to be in the same state at the same time. You can schedule interviews during times when it's convenient for each side—even if that means having multiple interviews back-to-back!

Getting started with virtual interviews doesn't require much effort from anyone involved; however, once they're underway there are some things you should keep in mind:

Virtual interviews are 80% more time-effective than traditional interviews, especially for remote candidates.

As a remote candidate, you don't have to leave your home or office. You can do the interview from anywhere in the world, whenever is convenient for you.

You don't have to take time off of work and pay for travel expenses such as airfare, rental cars and hotels. This can add up quickly—skyrocketing costs when considering taxes, gas and meals away from home.

Many companies will reimburse candidates for their travel fees incurred during interviews with them—however, this does not always happen when it comes to remote interviews. While it varies by company and position, some employers don’t offer reimbursements at all (and others might offer reimbursement only if specific conditions are met).

Virtual candidates tend to remember their experience for longer periods and may even prefer it over traditional interviews.

Virtual interviews are more memorable.

The convenience of a virtual interview makes it more memorable, and can lead to a better impression for both you and your interviewer. You don't have to memorize questions or answer them in front of other people, which means you'll probably think about yours more thoroughly than if you were giving the same answers in person. And even if this isn't true for everyone (and it may not be), at least there's less pressure on you to get them right!

Virtual interviews are more memorable because they're less stressful than traditional ones:

You won’t have to worry about how strange your voice sounds over Skype or how nervous your palms get when shaking hands with someone new. Plus, since there aren’t any distractions around (like bright lights), it will be easier for both parties involved in the interview process—you as well as whoever is interviewing—to focus on what matters most – answering questions well!

While virtual job interviews may take some getting used to, they can be just as effective as traditional face-to-face interviews -- and sometimes even better!

While virtual job interviews may take some getting used to, they can be just as effective as traditional face-to-face interviews -- and sometimes even better!

Here’s why:

  • You get to know the candidate on a personal level. A virtual interview allows you to connect with candidates in a more relaxed setting and see who they really are by asking questions that don't feel forced or awkward (e.g., "Tell me about yourself"). Plus, there's no pressure on either end; your candidate will feel more comfortable sharing details about themselves than they would have if they were sitting across from you.
  • You can assess the candidate's communication skills. It's difficult for candidates to fake their personality during a video chat; their reactions will show if they're interested in working with your company or not. By observing their body language throughout the interview process -- especially when answering tough questions -- you'll be able to tell if this person is right for the role before making any commitments!


From our experience, it’s clear that virtual interviews are a fantastic way to hire the best talent. They give you access to more qualified candidates, and they save time, money and resources for both parties. Best of all, they allow candidates to demonstrate their skills in their own environment where they feel most comfortable -- without having to travel across town or across the globe! We hope you found this blog post helpful in understanding why virtual interviews are becoming more popular among both employers and employees alike.


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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    Courtanae HeslopWritten by Courtanae Heslop

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