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Jesse Jhaj Marketing

Jesse Jhaj defines the types of effective marketing strategies

By TestPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Jesse Jhaj says a marketing plan describes a company's overall approach to attracting new customers. Having an efficient marketing strategy in place, on the other hand, is without a doubt one of the most powerful marketing tools you can employ. However, how many of these will work for you? What kind of marketing methods should you employ, and why? Let's start by reducing the number of marketing strategies. We will concentrate on the most efficient marketing techniques for small businesses like yours. All of these revolve around digital marketing as told by Jesse Jhaj. Small businesses can save a lot of money by implementing a smart digital marketing plan.

traditional methods

Unlike more traditional methods such as face-to-face sales, radio advertisements, billboards, direct mail, newspapers, and so on. You may easily assess the effectiveness of your marketing activities and determine whether or not your approach is working. On the internet, you may reach a much larger audience than you could with a local billboard or newspaper ad. You can also interact with your target audience directly to persuade them to take the appropriate activities, Jesse Jhaj states. And it's for these reasons that we've decided to concentrate on digital marketing. It's how we assist small businesses in achieving their objectives. To identify the finest marketing techniques, one must first determine what is most important to their company, Jesse Jhaj mentioned.

Social Media Marketing

One of the most popular and effective sorts of marketing methods is social media marketing. When more than 2.8 billion people utilize social media sites, it's easy to see why. This equates to almost 37% of the world's population as per Jesse Jhaj. This enormous number includes people of all ages. Children as young as ten years old have begun to use social media regularly. Add to that the fact that social media marketing is supported by all reputable digital marketing news sites. SMM will almost certainly increase your brand awareness and engagement. But arguably the most important reason for SMM's global adoption is its ease of use and low entrance barrier. And social media isn't just restricted to Facebook and other social media platforms. Professional social media networks exist as well, the most prominent of which is LinkedIn. Due to the relaxed nature of social media, LinkedIn is ideal for assisting professionals in forming long-term partnerships.


SEO simply refers to the process of obtaining free, natural traffic to your website. If you can reach the top of the SERPs, or at least page one, you've succeeded at SEO. It's not a one-time marketing strategy that you can devise, apply, and then forget about. This was mentioned briefly in the last section, but it bears repeating. SEO isn't as quick as, say, paid advertisements. When you run paid advertising, you'll always see an uptick in traffic while they're acting according to Jesse Jhaj. This may be difficult because competitors will always be watching your SEO approach and attempting to mimic it. As a result, you should always be aware of the most recent SEO ideas and modifications. That's right, you read that correctly. SEO may bring you more consumers than you can handle. This is considerably more likely to happen with a new company. To avoid this, make sure that your business is set up to handle an inflow of new leads.

Emailing Marketing

One of the types of marketing methods that outperform its traditional cousin is email marketing. For one thing, collecting email addresses is a lot easier than collecting postal addresses or phone numbers. Second, because email marketing does not require printing or shipping, the expenses are significantly lower. Even though email marketing appears to be superior to traditional mailing, says Jesse Jhaj. That isn't to say there aren't blunders and traps that can cost you, consumers. We'll go over some of these difficulties and how to avoid them.


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