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Insta Art: the Social media artworld and you-

Written by Tarafa_Poetry

By Epitome PublishingPublished 3 years ago 9 min read
"Conversations of Blood and Flesh" by J'mar Tarafa (Blade of Ashes)

The art world is a crazy and confusing place, filled with a number of interesting if not completely derived people, who stand only the brink of a mental break down. As I have been living in Los Angeles for the last few years, (What it suppose to be the art Mecca of the west, and for a number of good reason) I have come to find that the American art scene of California is not the safe haven that it used to be for a number of those highly talented individuals who seek to make their name in the industry of those talented in the ways of artistry.

(Speaking from personal experience, the California art scene is a not like a the stone castle hat most would imagine it to be, it is more like, a bridge made of swiss cheese, and popsicle sticks. It is a place where every drug addicted jerk who you knew would end up stealing ideas from other people in high school, in up to steal ideas from adults in their adult lives. It is a rat race, not one of wise investors, but self indulgent plagiarists who have no idea how to invest in artwork, even if there's a piece of artwork right in front of them explaining how. Everyone here is looking for an excuse to be as crazy as they want, and then be recognized for being great for doing that, with the high key lazy attitude of sloths, and slumdogs, that barely know what good art actually is. California is full of people too full of their own opinions to let the concept of common sense and common education have any influence over their lives, and it is for these reason that the art world in California falls apart, as it attempts to support business models that simply do not make sense, and help no one in the long run.)

Although there are a few successful artist living in California, most other artists choose to stay away from this place as much as possible. This has created the growing influence of the online artist, or the "Instagram Artists" or ""Insta Artist"; people who build their notoriety through the obviously observed and easily finable social media market, that has lead to the highly lucrative NFT development currently taking hold in the global art market.

Lets all be honest for a second,- No One on Earth- would ever want to deal with a business ran by crazy people. So many have started their own art Market in order to circumvent the problem holding back many talented artists today. Things are considerably difficult with so many odd developments taking place in social media, but all things to consider, it still a-lot safer than an in person art deal, witch can be one of the most degrading experiences in your life. Allot of people involved in the art world are sexually exploitative, and only want to deal with you if are a person willing to be subjected to processes of prostitution in order to be recognized as any sort of artist. It is reason like this, as to why artists do not live very long when trying to make it in this business, and end up dealing with a number of debilitating diseases as they try to navigate a decrepit rotting friends circle of people who are slowly but surely losing their minds. This can be a bad thing, as in the art world you really want to keep as many friends around as possible, as the more friends you have the bigger your circle grows.

Starting your art career on social media, is the best move that any artist can make. Having a mobile art portfolio, is something great to have especially if you are limited in your ability to travel. I have been doing a number of studies into this subject of becoming a successful online artist, and some of the best points of Advice are the ones that follow.

"THe Serenade of Iron" by J'mar Tarafa

1. Stay consistent: You want to make sure you online security and your social media accounts are all on lockdown. Kept safe with a number of complex and hard to guess passwords, but also locked behind a number of constituencies that make it so that you are easily identified. Your cyber security is key for Consistently Producing work, and solidifying a style that can be easily recognized by the people who do start to follow you. If anything ever does happen to you and your artwork. Its best to know that your information can be easily recovered, and at full value.

2. Stay Organized: Make sure that all your money accounts and your ability to reach them are kept safe secure. If you passwords are hard to remember make sure that you keep them in place and written down in a way that makes them hard to change or be seen by others. You want to keep your passwords locked, inside something that requires a key, and keep that key on you AT ALL TIMES!!! You having access is key to your success, and it is going to take a number of efforts to make sure that you get paid, and in the way that you want.

3. Stay friendly But do not budge on anything: You want to make friends that will supports you, connect to other artists that are going to feel comfortable having you on a team, rather than just not involving you. People will try to see your friendly nature as something of a weakness, and try to exploit you for this. These people are often not very mentally sound, or people who thing that their business degree gives them the ability to be crazy towards you and boss you around. You want to deal with these people as passively aggressively as possible, until it comes down to crunch time.

4. Hustle, always be selling, promoting, making deals: You are going to have to do a few favors for some people, but never do sexual favors, giving away free artwork is difficult, but it can open up the opportunity for a number of other opportunities. However you want to make sure that you do not end up as a starving artist, or someone being kept in the basement of someone who is trying to exploit you. My recommendation is that when it comes down to it, you want to learn martial arts, or more effectively apply for a conceal and carry license, and carry a gun. People will make a number of excuses to get out of paying you for work, and having a gun on hand will make them- feel less inclined to that.

5. Do not depend on celebrities for endorsements: Celebrities are no more less annoying than the average person. Allot of them are not very smart and are trying to get into the same art game that you are. It is best to avoid them but if you are ever unlucky enough to find yourself at odds with one, it's best to remember that without their fame they are just regular jerks. do not let celbrity cloud your judgment on anything. Block or deny them access to your accounts just like anyone else.

6. Pick and choose your friends Wisely: Crazy people often are not Rich, and rich people often are not crazy. People who work hard enough to actually buy expensive and valuable are, know that it is valuable on the bases of what it means to be a hard working person. It is one of the things that makes art so valuable, is the history of hard work behind it. You generally want to avoid working with people who are crazy, or of a criminal mindset, because they actually devalue their artwork. You are not out to be a rapper, you are out to be an artist, someone whose work is out to stand the test of time, so you want friends who will also stand the test of time and support you. You might have to go out of your own way to find them, but in the long run it will be worth it.

7. Get over yourself: You are an amazing artist! that is great. But often it an lead to your downfall, as you try to over value yourself, and end up undervaluing certain people. It is your not your job to explain anything or give long and extended speeches. You want to be seldom spoken, and hemble, easy to talk to because you always listen, and its important to have good listening skills. However, you want to avoid listening to people who are only there to waste your time or distract you from other opportunities. Meeting people who are actually important or who will have an obvious influence on your life.

8. Be Passionate, Choose a muse: If you are a person who relies on models,. you want to choose a muse. Someone one the internet or that you know locally to be the focus or inspiration of your artwork. You do not want to go around ripping off other artists, this is bad and makes you look like a huge, ugly big nose jerk, always trying to get into the business of other people, when they do not want you around. You want to actually fall in love with your muse, but at a safe distance. Passion is the best inspiration for art, and knowing someone on a well reserved artistic level is what is going to keep you afloat in a world of jerks, social media prostitutes and hackers.

The art world can be a dangerous place. But it can also be a highly safe place filled with good times and good people if you manage to find the right circle of friends, having a Good circle is what will carry you through both good and bad times, and help you all support one another when the chips are down. You do not have to be famous to be a successful artist, you can a make a perfectly fine living being relatively unknown, but it all depends on your attitude towards both yourself and other people. ARt is a social business, it takes allot of time both away and around people, and those who do not understand this dynamic, are crazy people who need to be avoided at all costs. Anyone who tries to pan you out as a Loser, is in the wrong in number of ways, especially when it comes to the fact that you, and many appraisers know that you are -in fact- a good artist. Do not let these people keep you down, get out their, take relatively safe risks (Avoid California) and make your way through the art world the best way you know how. Chances are you already have a fine business sense, and an eye for good artistry, so with those two things, you should accel in places where people make sense, and are genuinely friendly. Keep your eye out for social media gimmicks that might help you, do challenges, but always seek to retain originality. Be smart, clever, learn to write amazing comments and be supportive of other artist, and you will make it- no matter how many dates a bunch of jerk celebrities say that you ruin by not letting them have free stuff.

Have fun, and good luck.


About the Creator

Epitome Publishing

No one knows where to the future will lead us; we aim for the stars and yet we end up in shallow graves with only a phrase to describe us.

Epitome Publishing is about pushing the limits of what we know about the modern science of writing.

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