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Ideas To Help You Combat Writer's Block

Writer's block is every writer's nightmare

By Crystal NicolePublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Steve Johnson on Unsplash

When you choose writing as a possible career path, at the beginning it seems that you are unstoppable. You never run out of ideas and the creativity just flows out. However, being a writer, you might run into several issues. A writer might experience writers block and even have the stories in their head, but just have trouble putting it on paper. There are things you can do to try to combat the writers block, but sometimes you have to wait it out. In the meantime, you can try a few different things and see if they help.

Choose a few different topics

Sometimes all a writer has to do to combat writer's block is find a few different topics or subjects to write about and do your best. You might have to skip around a bit until you find one that allows the words to flow out. Sometimes it just takes a simple change of subject to find something that sparks your creative juices. You may not even know any of these subjects interest you until you try it. If you were to look over my profile, you would see I write about everything from Erotica to Science fiction.

Here are some examples of the different topics I have written about.

Ask your friends and family

If you’re like me, you share your stories everywhere. My friends and family have a good idea on my writing style and what I am good at. If I ever feel like I need advice, I head to Facebook and ask what people want to hear. I normally get several amazing ideas and go from there. This can be a hit or a miss though, because you might be facing a writer's block so bad that you can’t do anything to change it. If it doesn’t work out , at least you gave it a try.

Write a little bit each day

This is one of the biggest ways to combat writer's block. You basically write anywhere from a sentence to a page a day. Even if the words don’t come out, you just write and can change or add later. As long as you are attempting to combat the writers block, you will feel a bit productive and editing those articles won't be so tough in the end. Even a little bit of writing can get you back to fully allowing yourself to be free and write more naturally.

Make an outline

You might already have a topic or story in mind, but just can’t get the words onto paper (or typed out). Sometimes, writing an outline can help move you in the write direction. Start off with what your opening paragraph will be about and then add bullet points about what to include. As you go through each section, you can add more bullet points and make sure to touch on everything you want to do, to get your point across. For me, this is the easiest way to go about things. I get so jumbled when I try to write that it doesn’t make sense until I lay it all out. As with some of the other ideas, you can edit to your heart's content, it is YOUR story.

Read work from other writers

One of the things I do to help me come up with ideas is to read a book or even random articles online. Maybe the story didn’t end or go the way you wanted to. Sometimes reading a few books will help open your mind up and give you some inspiration. It’s not necessarily piggy backing off of someones ideas. I mean, E. L. James wrote Twilight fan fiction and now that series is just as popular. Every story starts somewhere.

Although writers block can be tough to deal with, remember you are not alone. Some of the most influential writers have experienced writers block. Some of them have even used some of the ideas listed above. All it takes is time and effort. In the end if none of this works, read as much as you can and jot down anything that pops into your head. You will get past this. It just takes a little faith.


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Crystal Nicole

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