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How To Stay Motivated With Your Small Business

You can have a successful business.

By Shelley WengerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo Courtesy of Canva

I am currently unmotivated. I am getting over a cold and so are the boys. No one in my house is sleeping well. I get up often every night to take care of someone. Sometimes, then, it is time to take care of the other one. 

I can't get enough sleep.

So, then I simply can't get up in the morning to write or exercise. I am lucky if I wake up a few minutes before the boys so that I can take care of the animals. Even this does not usually happen, and the animals have to wait until I get the boys settled in the morning.

I have been like this for two weeks. Well, if I am being honest, the exercise part has been longer, but at least I was getting up about an hour or so before the boys to write. I was kind of motivated enough to do that. Now, I have no motivation AT ALL!

So, how can you get motivated with your business? Here are some tips to help. I will let you know if they help me.

Set a goal. It is important to set goals, so you know what you are working toward. Sometimes, a goal is all you need to get yourself back on track.

Try something new. Are you getting bored? It might be time to switch things up a bit. You might want to add another way to make some extra income in your business. 

Find an accountability partner. This has helped me greatly with my exercise. We text each other when we exercise for the day. We discuss our goals. 

This can also be helpful with your business. Find someone who has a business similar to yours. Or maybe you would do better finding any small business owner or even a friend who is a good listener. Just find someone so you can be held accountable.

Think about how much you have done in your business. Think about where you started and how far you have come. Have you made a difference to someone? Made a certain amount of money? Helped a friend start a business like yours?

Get dressed every day. Though owning your own business has a lot of perks, including working in your pajamas, it is not always the smartest move. Instead, get up and get dressed, so you feel like working. Often, pajamas make us feel lazy.

Set a schedule and stick to it. Make sure that you work when you say that you are going to work, even when you don't feel like it. If you start skipping work, it is going to be even harder to get back on track! 

Photo Courtesy of Canva

To get motivated with your small business, you might need to try something new. Maybe a new goal will give you enough motivation to get through the rough times. 

You may even need some extra help. You may need to find someone to keep you accountable and on track. You can pick a friend or someone you don't even know (depending on what you need). 

That being said, no matter what, you need to treat your business like a real job, where you have to report to work and have a boss to report to. Get dressed and get to work! Work when you say that you are. If you take a few days off, you may find yourself still not working two weeks later!

The simple truth is that I wouldn't get anything done without my handy planner. I bought this one and LOVE it! 

Please note, that this is an affiliate link where I will receive compensation if you buy the product.


Previously published on Medium.


About the Creator

Shelley Wenger

Small town country girl in southern Pennsylvania. Raising two boys on a small farm filled with horses, goats, chickens, rabbits, ducks, dogs, and a cat. Certified veterinary technician and writer at Virtually Shelley.

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