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How to Run 12+ Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 7 Figures from Them

Are you looking to join the ranks of the internet marketing elite, making 7 figures from your YouTube channels? The good news is, it’s easier than you think! With the right strategy and a bit of hard work, you too can learn to run 12+ profitable YouTube channels and make a healthy income from them. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the tips, tricks and strategies that will help you create and maintain a successful YouTube empire. So let’s get started!

By Omar fawalPublished about a year ago 5 min read

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How to Run 12+ Profitable YouTube Channels and Make 7 Figures from Them

Are you looking to join the ranks of the internet marketing elite, making 7 figures from your YouTube channels? The good news is, it’s easier than you think! With the right strategy and a bit of hard work, you too can learn to run 12+ profitable YouTube channels and make a healthy income from them. In this blog post, we’ll be discussing the tips, tricks and strategies that will help you create and maintain a successful YouTube empire. So let’s get started!

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Why I started running multiple YouTube channels

When I first started my YouTube journey, I was making good money from just one channel. But I wanted to take my success to the next level. That's when I decided to start running multiple channels.

At first, it was daunting and overwhelming. I had no idea where to start. So I took a paid course on how to run multiple YouTube channels. This course taught me the strategies and tactics I needed to be successful.

Through the course, I learned that having multiple channels would allow me to diversify my income and expand my reach. I also learned that I could create videos on different topics which would allow me to target different audiences and grow my viewership.

With the help of the course, I was able to launch multiple channels within a few weeks. From there, it was a matter of optimizing my videos, marketing them effectively and building my audience. And that's how I started running 12+ profitable YouTube channels!

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The business model behind my success

I’ve been able to build a successful career on YouTube by developing a unique approach to generating revenue. My main source of income is through sponsored videos, but I also have several other streams of revenue. One of the most successful components of my business model is selling a paid course.

The course is designed to provide people with an in-depth look at my processes and methods for running multiple YouTube channels. It’s designed to provide actionable advice and step-by-step instructions on how to create and monetize your own YouTube channels. The course also includes access to my private support network, which provides ongoing advice and guidance.

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In addition to the course, I also generate revenue through ads, affiliate links, and product sales. I have found that the key to success is diversifying my income streams and being able to leverage the different sources of revenue. Each source helps to strengthen the overall business model.

Overall, my business model has been successful in helping me build a profitable career on YouTube. Through utilizing multiple sources of income, I’ve been able to create a strong foundation for long-term success.

What type of content performs well on YouTube

When it comes to creating content that will perform well on YouTube, there are certain types of content that have proven to be successful. Videos that provide educational value, entertainment, and how-to guides are usually the most popular. These types of videos should be kept short and to the point, as viewers often want to get the information they are looking for quickly.

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If you are looking for a way to monetize your YouTube channel, creating a paid course could be a great option. Paid courses provide viewers with in-depth, comprehensive information on a given subject, and can be extremely lucrative for creators. They require more effort to create than other types of content, but if done right, they can be incredibly profitable.

How to optimize your videos for maximum reach

Optimizing your videos for maximum reach is essential if you want to succeed on YouTube. If you want your videos to stand out from the rest and get seen by more viewers, you have to know how to optimize them for maximum reach.

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First, use keywords in your titles and descriptions. This will help YouTube's search algorithm understand what your video is about and show it to the right people. Make sure to include relevant keywords that relate to your content but also popular terms that people are already searching for.

Second, add engaging visuals and interesting thumbnails. Thumbnails are one of the first things viewers notice when they scroll through YouTube, so make sure they’re eye-catching and attention-grabbing. This could be a picture or graphic that’s related to your video topic or an animation.

Third, link back to other videos in your channel or social media accounts in the video description or at the end of the video. This is a great way to get viewers to watch more of your content.

Finally, use good quality production. If you want your videos to stand out from the crowd and look professional, invest in good quality production equipment. If you don’t have the budget for it, consider taking a paid course or hiring someone who can help you with the production side of things.

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What tools and software I use to manage my channels

If you want to run multiple YouTube channels successfully, the right tools and software are essential. I use several different pieces of software to keep my channels organized and running efficiently. For example, I use a video editing software to create and edit videos. I also use a hosting platform to store all of my videos in one place. Additionally, I use a content calendar to keep track of when videos are released and a social media management tool to interact with viewers across various platforms.

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I also have a paid course which teaches people how to effectively manage multiple YouTube channels and optimize their content for maximum reach. The course covers topics such as creating content that resonates with viewers, optimizing video titles and descriptions, promoting videos across social media platforms, and leveraging analytics to understand user engagement and growth trends.

My top tips for growing a successful YouTube channel

1. Invest in quality content: Quality content is key for growing your channel and keeping your viewers engaged. Invest in professional cameras, lighting, sound, and editing software to make sure you’re creating the best videos possible.

2. Promote your channel: Don’t be afraid to promote your channel on social media and other websites. Let people know that you’re creating high-quality content, so they’ll be more likely to watch.

3. Leverage YouTube's algorithm: YouTube is constantly updating their algorithm to ensure viewers find the content they're looking for. Make sure to use tags, titles, and descriptions that are optimized for YouTube search results.

4. Collaborate with other channels: Reach out to channels that have similar audiences and offer collaborations. This will help increase exposure and potentially result in a long-term partnership.

5. Offer a paid course: A paid course is a great way to monetize your channel and offer viewers extra value. Consider setting up an online course, coaching program, or e-book related to your content.

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About the Creator

Omar fawal

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