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How to Promote Your YouTube Channel

In the early days of YouTube, there weren't a whole lot of YouTubers or brands creating content on the platform, so it was much easier for content creators to stand out. Fast forward to 2022, and there are now roughly 15 million active content creators on YouTube pumping out 500 hundred hours of content every minute.

By Hammad HassanPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
How to Promote Your YouTube Channel
Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

With that in mind, you're probably wondering how to promote your YouTube channel so that it stands out above the rest. And how much will promotion cost? Fortunately, there are many tools, tips, and tricks you can use to promote your YouTube channel without having to spend a lot of money — or any money at all.

1. Create compelling content.

There are many tactics you can use to attract viewers to your channel, but none of these tactics can make up for lackluster content. The fact is no one wants to get invested in content that isn't good.

A major key to attracting an audience and encouraging them to subscribe is to create compelling content that will keep them coming back for more.

2. Use keywords in your headlines, descriptions, and tags.

Hundreds of thousands of videos are uploaded to YouTube every day. To ensure your videos reach your target audience, you need to incorporate keywords into your headlines, descriptions, and tags.

There are free tools like Google Keyword Planner, which can be accessed from your Google Ads dashboard. Don't worry — you don't have to run ads to use it. All you need is a Google account.

3. Use hashtags.

You can also use the keywords you found to create hashtags for your videos' titles and descriptions. Your video's content may also inspire ideas for a hashtag. For example, maybe you interviewed a popular guest on your channel — that guest's name can be used as a hashtag to attract their fans to your content.

4. Customize your thumbnails.

The thumbnail of your video serves as your video's first impression — and we all know you never get a second chance at a first impression. To grab viewers' attention, create a unique, eye-catching thumbnail that will compel them to click on your content.

YouTube thumbnails that stand out typically include a combination of the following:

  • High-quality images
  • A face (humans naturally focus on faces when it comes to photos)
  • Bright contrasting colors
  • Action shots
  • Bold text of no more than six words

5. Post regularly.

Consistency is important when attracting potential subscribers to your channel. When you post frequently and consistently you'll gain credibility with your audience because they know you'll always keep the good content coming. To start, try posting a new video every two weeks and eventually work your way to once or twice a week.

Pro-Tip: You can also use YouTube Analytics to track the days and times your audience interacts with your content the most. For example, if you notice your videos get the most views when posted on Saturdays at 12 p.m., you're going to want to have videos posted around that time to get the most engagement.

6. Promote your channel on social media.

The news director of a TV station I worked for would always say this about promoting content: "If it's not on social media, then it doesn't exist." Keep this in mind when promoting your YouTube channel.

You can put out amazing content, have the perfect thumbnail, and use all the right keywords — but if you don't promote your content on social media, you're losing out on a potentially huge audience.

To attract anime fans to my channel, I started a Twitter account and started using the #anitwt and #AnimeAfterDarkCH hashtags whenever I tweeted about my videos. "Anitwt" is short for "Anime Twitter," and is used to help anime fans connect with other fans on the platform.

#AnimeAfterDarkCH is a hashtag used for a weekly Twitter space geared toward Black anime fans. Now when I check my YouTube analytics, I often notice about 80% of my views come from Twitter users.

HubSpot's Senior Manager of Marketing Essie Acolatse also suggests creating videos to cross-promote on different platforms.

"Make shorter bite size versions as teasers for other platforms. These teasers should fit the best video format for that platform, and should be engaging enough to make the viewer want more," she said. "It's often times hard to get people to leave the platform they're already on, but taking advantage of your other social platforms can help drive views to your channel."

7. Promote your channel on forums.

Online forums like Reddit are great places to promote your channel. Just remember that many forums have "no promotions" policies — but you can get around them with a little bit of tact. Make sure that you're contributing value to the conversation and that your posts don't come off too much like advertisements.

For example, let's say you're a fashion YouTuber and you notice a Reddit forum discussing thrift store fashion — a topic you've covered on your channel. Instead of replying with "Hey, check out my YouTube channel about fashion." You can say:

"That's a really cool perspective! I love thrifting and actually made a YouTube video with some great tips on how to find the best items at thrift stores. You can check it out if you're looking for advice."

Then you would link to your specific video.

8. Build a community.

Use your YouTube to establish yourself as an authoritative voice in your niche and to create a space for people with shared interests. The most effective (and free) way to do this is to simply engage with your audience. Reply to comments by sharing more valuable information.

Some YouTubers will even shout out new subscribers in their videos. You can also ask commenters for suggestions on your next topic and give them some recognition for contributing.

9. Run a contest.

Running a contest is an effective way to attract new subscribers, but you'll want to make sure the contest attracts people who are genuinely interested in your niche and not just the prize.

To do this, make sure the prize is something connected to your topic. For instance, if I were to run a contest to attract anime fans, a good prize would be free anime merchandise or a gift card to anime clothing retailer Atsuko.

10. Cross-promote your videos on YouTube.

In every YouTube video I post, I always take advantage of the platform's "cards" feature. This feature allows you to promote a video across different videos on your platform. This works by posting a small icon at the corner of your video that links to another video or playlist. You can set the duration for how long you want the card to appear.

11. Collaborate with other creators.

This is another form of cross-promotion that is helpful to all parties involved and can help expand your reach. For a successful collaboration, find a YouTuber whose audience overlaps with yours.

For example, if you're a fitness expert, you can collaborate with a content creator who also focuses on exercise or nutrition. Once you know who you want to work with, reach out to that person, and you two can plan on how you're going to make a unique video for both of your channels.

"This is one of the best organic ways to grow. Their audience will get a chance to see you and your audience can see them," Acolatse said. "Creating content with other creators that have a similar niche and following size as you can help you get additional views on your content."


Promoting your YouTube channel doesn't have to be a financial liability. As you can see, there are many ways to expand your audience reach, find your niche, and promote your content without spending a dime. Now that you have some free promotional ideas, you're ready to craft the perfect marketing plan to grow your channel.

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