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How to Make Money from a Classified Website and App?

Ultimate Guide to Making Money from a Classified Website and App

By Rohan SinghPublished 2 years ago 6 min read


A classified website is regarded as one of the most popular and promising advertising channels for businesses. It is a dedicated platform for sellers and buyers to promote their services, products, brand, and business with the help of several features. In today’s digital era, it is almost impossible to compete and grow without any marketing and promotional activities. It is essential to use these advertisement tools and channels to extend the reach to a large customer base.

Till the time people are unaware of the services and products offered by any specific business entity, they would not consider it and thus it may result in loss of business. Therefore, for cost-effective advertisements, these classified websites are much in use. In this article, we would learn how these websites can help in making more money. Let’s begin:

What is a Classified Website?

A classified website is a major platform for businesses as well as individuals for online advertising to market services and products. It helps connect the sellers and buyers on one single platform to make things easier and faster. Classified website solutions are customized that allow the users for a better search experience. There are both paid as well as free versions of classified websites. Depending upon the business requirement one can select and use the features for reaching the target audience.

How does a Classified Website Work?

There is no specific technical knowledge or expertise required to use a classified website. And one can easily understand the business model of the classified ad platform in a few steps. Check the following:

Owner / Seller Panel

Following is the bifurcation of the business model and how the classified website works when it is accessed by a business owner or a seller:

  • Registration

To sell the products and services on the platform, one needs to first register on the platform by creating a seller account. After that, you need to log in to the website for posting the ad.

  • Posting an Ad

The second step is to select a category under which you need to list an ad. Also, you need to select the region or location where the ad will be showcased. There must be titles needed to be provided for the products and services so that buyers can search easily. For example, if you provide classified app development services then you can put the title like the classified website development company. While posting an ad it is also necessary to put a description that explains the products and services and helped in increasing the visibility in search results by adding keywords in the description.

  • Fee Payment

Once the ad is listed for free, if you want to extend the reach of the ad then you need to pay a specific amount as a fee for a premium listing.

  • Earning from Portal

Once everything is done now the buyers can look for the products and services via using this portal and will get new customers in return. Thus, this is how businesses make money with a classified website.

Buyer Panel

Being a buyer, it is essential to check how these classified websites can help you and ease your life. Let’s discuss the key aspects of the business model of a classified website from the buyer’s or user’s perspective:

  • Visiting the Site

Buyers visit the site in search of products and services. There are several categories and sub-categories under which potential buyers can search for the required product or service and can find the required one.

  • View Ads

Once there are results of the search, the users can view the posted ads and check which will be more suitable and can help in serving the business requirements.

  • Contact Owner

Once you have finalized the selection of the product or service from a specific business, then you can contact the owner for the final dealing. This is how classified websites make money and help buyers to get the required product or services in just a few taps.

How To Earn Money from a Classified Website?

There are numerous ways by which classified websites can earn money. Let’s check some of the following:

  • Paid Listing

Numerous websites allow free ad posting but these do not give that many efficient results and there is less frequency. Whereas the other one is paid postings that allow a high frequency of ads to appear in front of potential users. There are no unnecessary ads and crowds that ultimately help sellers to increase their business and make money with the classified app.

  • Promotional Activities

There are so many ads displayed on classified websites, but this is not the way how to earn money from the classified app rather there are ad promotions. With this feature, businesses can pay huge money to the classified website to promote some specific ads so that visitors can get a repetitive reminder of the brand and there can be increased chances of client conversion.

  • Top on the List

Because of millions of ads that are displayed on the website, it decreases the chances of ads getting the attention of the visitors. But the website also charges the businesses for keeping the ads of some businesses at the top for better reach and this is how classified websites earn money in one more way. The businesses are open to paying huge money for this and it can be done successfully by hiring an experienced company that provides efficient classified portal development services.

  • Chargeable Images

To convince the users, businesses sometimes attach numerous images with those classified ads. But because of the limiting feature, they are unable to do so. Thus, to post more images, businesses pay these classified websites and get access to better leads and customer attention. These chargeable images are a way to justify how do classified apps make money.

  • Additional Description

For all classified website ads, it is highly crucial to have a description. But in many cases, the description can work against the business as there is a limited word limit and users do not correctly understand things. But the businesses are ready to pay more money for additional descriptions. It will increase the chances of getting more potential clients. This can be implemented smoothly by hiring a classified website and mobile app development company.

  • Premium Membership

Various businesses want to post these ads regularly on classified websites. And for that rather than paying huge amounts of money on weekly basis, they can purchase a premium membership. This will allow them to have access to better features such as more additional space for descriptions, images, promotional activities, and many more. The money paid by the businesses for buying the premium packages is another way how do classified apps earn money.

  • Ad Sense

Another way for classified websites to earn money is through Google Ad Sense. It helps in publishing the ad on the site by matching the requirements of the visitors and the content. All that is required is to get some free space on the site so that the ad can be showcased there. With the real-time auction, the ad with the highest bid will get a chance to get displayed, and thus the site will be paid for it. But it is also essential to have at least a hundred new and unique visitors each day on the site.

Summing up,

There are plenty of benefits of having a classified website in today’s time as it helps to promote the business product and services via online advertisements and promotions. And by providing such a platform the website earns huge money. From the above-mentioned ways how classified websites make money, it has been clear about the upcoming growth of this sector. You can also create one by hiring a good website development company who have a team of expert developers having the expertise in building scalable web solutions.

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About the Creator

Rohan Singh

This is Rohan Singh, Chief Executive Officer at SemiDot Infotech, Top rated multi award winning software development company providing a full suite of services and solutions like website development, mobile application development

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