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How to Grow Your YouTube Channel Organically

Learn from my mistakes.

By Armchair DetectivePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Image by Lukas Bieri from Pixabay

If you are new to YouTube, or if you have been doing it for a while and your channel does not seem to be growing, then you have probably looked for some sort of advice regarding how to get more subscribers or more video views. I certainly did.

Once I decided to get serious about creating content on YouTube, I scoured the internet looking at how to grow my channel. I was impatient and wanted quick results. However, unless you already have a large and established fan base on other social media sites, YouTube growth can be slow.

I watched countless videos on 'how to grow your channel'. I even paid for Tube Buddy, as that was highly recommended by a few creators. What I did not realise was that, most of the people that recommended Tube Buddy, or any other websites that claim to help your channel grow, are more than likely affiliated with the product. Always be aware of this when people on social media recommend products.

I took on all the advice from the videos that I was watching. However, I saw little growth. I began to wonder if these videos were just full of empty content. If you look on YouTube at the channels that claim to help you market and grow your channel, you will find that most of these have high subscriber counts. However, they all make the same kind of content and most tell you the same things. I also saw no growth from Tube Buddy. However, it does have some useful features, like the keyword tool and being able to compare your views to other channels.

I apologise if this is not what you want to hear, after all, you probably clicked on the link because you want to learn how to grow your channel quickly. However, I wish someone had told me from the start to ignore all those videos telling me how to grow my channel and instead concentrated on improving my video making skills.

So others do not make the same mistakes as me, here are a few tips on growing your channel naturally.

Do not pay for subscribers and views, these can affect your monetization when you eventually get it. YouTube does not like these fake views and subscribers so I would avoid these full stop.

Be unique. Yes, it is important to create content that you want to create and feel passionate about. However, to get noticed, you need to stand out, especially if you are making videos that lots of other creaters are making. I remember watching a documentary on Dolly Parton, she said that her big blond hair and costumes made her stand out, people ridiculed her and said she looked stupid. However, she was unique and people noticed her. It is a piece of advice that I took on board when creating my 'brand' on YouTube.

Look for gaps in your niche. If you intend to make beauty videos, for example, the market is saturated, so look for a gap in that market.

Listen to feedback from your viewers and ask your viewers what type of content they want to see. After all, you are making videos that people want to watch.

Upload regularly so that the algorhythms start to recognise you and put your videos at the top of searches.

Whe you make your videos, always include a call to action. Ask your viewers to comment with their opinion and ask them to subscribe to your channel. You would be surprised how much this can help you get subscribers.

Market yourself accross all social media channels. This is a big one. If you do not mind your friends, family and colleagues watching your videos then post them to your social media. Use your current following to get you off to a head start. Also use Linkedin, Pinterest, Reddit, Tumblr and even create a Wordpress blog and embed your video, I have got a lot of views from Wordpress.

Keep learning. Rather than watch videos on growing your channel, watch videos that help you create better content. For example, editing, cropping, camera angles, etc. Make content that is interestin and that people want to watch. Make sure your sound is clear and that your shots are not blurry.

Most importantly, stick with it. Growing on YouTube can take years so don't give up after a few months if you do not see results. It does take a lot of hard work, time and effort, but eventually, it will pay off.

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About the Creator

Armchair Detective

Amateur writer, I mostly write about true crime.

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