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How the Internet of Things can Benefit the Healthcare Industry?

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that refers to the connection between physical devices and the internet. It's the idea that the things around us are connected, and those connections can help us make better decisions or do more with our lives.

By Vedant DarjiPublished about a year ago 7 min read
How the Internet of Things can Benefit the Healthcare Industry?
Photo by Accuray on Unsplash

Introduction - IoT Benefits in the Healthcare Industry

With the rise of Internet of Things (IoT) in healthcare, we’re seeing a shift toward personalized care and treatment. This is because IoT can help improve communication between caregivers, patients, and doctors in real time by providing data that can be used to make decisions about medications, procedures, and treatments.

While these benefits are important for any industry, they are particularly helpful to people with chronic conditions who need consistent monitoring that can adapt as their condition changes over time. By using IoT technology for tracking health data over time, we could improve patient outcomes while saving costs across all functions of care providers—from hospitals to home care agencies.

What is the role of IoT in Healthcare?

The Internet of Things (IoT) has been a buzzword in the world of technology for some time. Healthcare is one industry that can benefit greatly from IoT-connected devices, which allow patients to monitor their health and track their progress toward goals.

An example of an IoT device is a smart scale, which can connect with your phone or tablet via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to allow you to track your weight over time. This type of device would be particularly useful for diabetics, who need to keep track of their glucose levels.

Another example could be a smart inhaler that tracks how many puffs you've taken each day, so that you don't exceed your daily dosage limit.

There are also many other ways that IoT devices can help improve healthcare by making it easier for patients to monitor their own health without having to wait for appointments with doctors or nurses.

Here’re the top 5 benefits of IoT in Healthcare Industry

1. Real-time Data To Track Patient Vitals

As IoT is booming in the Healthcare industry, it provides real-time data to track patient vitals. This information can help doctors make better decisions and provide more accurate diagnoses, resulting in less time spent on treating patients who do not require immediate attention.

For example, if your doctor suspects you have high blood pressure, They could use an IoT device that measures your heart rate at regular intervals throughout the day. The device would send this data to a central server where it would be processed by machine learning algorithms that analyze patterns over time and determine if there are any changes in your condition.

If there are any abnormal results detected by the system, then an alert is sent out immediately so that appropriate actions can be taken for treatment or other followup procedures.

2. It Helps Improve Efficiency

One of the most important benefits of IoT in healthcare is that it helps improve efficiencies.

IoT can help reduce the number of steps involved in administrative workflows, and it can help reduce the time and effort required to perform certain tasks. It also makes workflows more efficient by making them more streamlined and therefore faster.

3. It Helps Nurture Patients Remotely

Remote monitoring is another key benefit of IoT in healthcare.

Patients who are at home or in a nursing facility can be monitored remotely to ensure that they are safe and healthy, which is especially important for those with chronic illnesses or disabilities. This can help reduce the number of unnecessary visit to the hospital, while ensuring that patients receive the care they need.

Remote monitoring also enables healthcare professionals to keep track of equipment such as blood pressure monitors and vital sign monitors, so that if something goes wrong with one device, it can be replaced before it causes any harm to the patient using it.

Remote monitoring also helps caregivers monitor their own health by checking their vitals at regular intervals during their shifts. This ensures that everyone is healthy enough for work without having to take time off from their shifts because they're sick or injured themselves--which benefits both patients and staff!

4. It Helps Streamline Admin Workflows

Imagine a world where patients can schedule their own appointments, and healthcare providers receive notifications when they arrive. This is the future of healthcare—one that's made possible by IoT. It's a future where administrative workflows are streamlined, tasks are automated and more efficient workflows are enabled. The result? Better patient care!

In traditional systems, everything has to be done manually. When a patient wants an appointment with their doctor or nurse practitioner (NP), they either have to call or email; then someone in the office has to respond by setting up an appointment for them.

The same goes for every other task: if you need something from another department, you'll have to wait until someone picks up your call/email and responds accordingly—and this process can take anywhere from hours or days depending on how busy they happen to be at the time of your request!

5. It Helps Reduce Cost

IoT devices also help healthcare providers reduce costs by improving their efficiency levels through automation. For example, they can use smart pill bottles that send reminders when it's time to take medication on time or alert doctors when there's an issue with prescription refills or dosage changes.

By providing better monitoring capabilities through IoT devices such as smart watches or bracelets worn by elderly patients who might otherwise require hospitalization due to chronic conditions such as heart failure or high blood pressure; IoT devices allow doctors from afar using their smartphones.

6. It Helps Improve Data Management

IoT devices can be used for remote monitoring of patients who live far away from medical facilities as well as provide doctors with information about their patients' health status on any given day without having to see them in person before making decisions about treatment options available for those individuals who do not have insurance coverage or simply want an alternative method for receiving assistance when it comes time for them being hospitalized again after getting sick because they cannot afford going there.

7. It helps Track Location of Devices

IoT can be used to track the location of medical devices, such as surgical equipment and medical implants, to ensure they are being used properly. The device can be tracked using its unique identifier and location data. The data collected from these devices is sent back to a central database for analysis by clinical staff for quality assurance purposes.

8. It helps to provide patients health status

It can also help with diagnostics by providing valuable information about what may have caused an issue with a patient’s health or what may be causing it now. This could lead to early detection of problems which would allow for quicker treatment and recovery times which would reduce overall costs associated with treating certain diseases or conditions incurred later on down the line due to lack of proper treatment earlier on when they first appeared (such as cancer).

Statistics of IoT in Healthcare Industry

The Internet of Things (IoT) is set to transform healthcare in 2022.

According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the global healthcare IT market is projected to reach USD 821.1 billion by 2026 from USD 326.1 billion in 2021.

Here are some stats about the growth of IoT in healthcare:

The market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 13.3% during the forecast period, reaching $5.5 billion by 2026.

According to Fortune Business Insights, The global medical devices market size was valued at USD 488.98 billion in 2021. The market is projected to grow from USD 495.46 billion in 2022 to USD 718.92 billion by 2029.


The healthcare industry is full of challenges. But by using IoT, we can make it easier for doctors, nurses and patients alike. We can track patient vitals, transmit critical data across the globe in real time—and even help nurture patients remotely. With all these benefits on offer, it’s no surprise that more people are turning to IoT in their fight against disease and illness than ever before!

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About the Creator

Vedant Darji

This is Vedant Darji Digital Marketing Expert at OneClick IT Consultancy Pvt Ltd. I have 2 years of experience in Digital Marketing. I'm passionate about the Travel Technology Industry and On-Demand solutions for your next business.

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