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How I’ll make $10,000 With This Single Article On Medium And How You Can Too — Explained

Five simple rules to get your articles to go supernova and make $10K!

By Mindsmatter.Published 3 years ago 6 min read
How I’ll make $10,000 With This Single Article On Medium And How You Can Too — Explained
Photo by Blogging Guide on Unsplash

Your Title Is Everything - Get Clickbait-ey

I'll be honest, this isn't my usual shtick. I'm a mental health nurse, and that's what I mainly write about because it's what I know, I'm good at it, and I want to share my knowledge and experience with others.

Starting Medium was more of a way to get eyes on my blog. You see, I am the editor of Mindsmatter a blog focusing on mental health, we want to end the nasty stigmatization people with mental illness are subjected to. So we thought (we here means me, and my two best friends Emma and Jack, who are my co-editors) how can we get more people to read our blog, and other than the usual helpful suggestions like "oh, oh, I know, use Facebook, or Instagram" I found scouring the internet, it was during one of these suggestion filled browsing nights, I came across Medium, and I've never looked back. It's really done wonders for our blog, and we even earn a little from no extra work. A win-win if I ever saw one!

Buuuut…. that's not why you're here, is it!? You want to know how I, and hopefully, by extension, YOU, can make an eye-watering $10K from ONE SINGLE blog post, amirite?

Ok, well firstly I HAVEN'T made $10,000.00 from this blog post (yet) as I've said in the title (How I WILL) future tense, and I'm fairly confident that we'll hit that target (we here means all of you wonderful readers who will, through the tactics I've employed, help get this post to those astronomical numbers through the magic of viral content- don't worry' I'll share these tactics with you, scouts honor)

So, how? Well look at my title! Did it not pull you in, get you curious, you just couldn't help but click. Right, so, that's tactic number one. Your story, post, article, whatever you want to call it, has to get people to click on it. Medium is the Youtube of blogging. It's the only place where you will get paid for the content you create. But guess what, you need to give people a reason to click! Even if your post has the most amazing content, the location of the holy grail, or fountain of youth, or the cure for Covid, if people don't click, if eyes don't see your articles, does it even exist, like the philosophical tree that falls in a forrest with no-one to hear it. Does it even exist? (Think about that for a second)

Content, consistency, currency!

By Skye Studios on Unsplash

The three C's! From trawling my days on Medium, being both a reader and a writer, I've discovered something, a few things actually! One, Medium is amazing! You can literally write about anything and make money, as long as your content is amazing, and your title sorta clickbait-ey (in an honest way) you will eventually make money and get noticed (thank you Medium SEO) that's geek for…Medium will push your content through its use of magical gnomes and your content will get seen by a lot more people than had you self-publishes in those *shudders* obscure blogs littering the interweb.

Two, you can make a heck of a lot MORE money, and here's with my title claim comes in, when you talk about MONEY! Why? Well, that's obvious, Medium pays you depending on how many people read your story, and for how long. Now you can write about mental health (like I do) or permaculture, or fitness and that's cool. But money, everyone is interested in money. Universal interest = more people read your blog + longer read times (wanting to discover the secrets/tactics) = more money for you. Simple.

This covers content and currency. Consistency is something I'll cover near the end of this post… so keep reading, you want that $10K/post right?

Use Extremes

By Yeshi Kangrang on Unsplash

What do I mean by that? For starters look at this post, $10K for one blog post is extreme. How I lost 5 pounds vs 50 pounds? How I learned to run 1 mile vs a full marathon? Which of the two are more captivating, would entice you to click, I'm betting it's the latter 10/10 times. 

On the internet, the more extreme content, the big and bold claims, the outliers, that's what people love to read, that's the kind of content the internet wants, so give it to them, and your posts will go viral and ultimately you can make a heck of a lot more than $10K per post. There are people on Medium taking home 3/4 times that per month, so you definitely can too! As long as you follow the same framework and keep producing content that people want to consume.

Use the word 'Vocal' in your title.

By Carlos Muza on Unsplash

This is a weird one, but hey, if it sticks. Use this checklist to help you out:

  • Talk about money, well duhhhh
  • Include numbers in the headlines
  • Use a picture with a person in the image

It's really simple, but it works, so remember to use a title with a similar format and this will again increase your chances of going viral and hitting those crazy numbers.

Don't give up! Consistency is key!

By Markus Spiske on Unsplash

This point is arguably the most important. 'Why!?' I hear you screaming at me. 'I want to make $10K per post' and you can, but you need to remember these two points and this quote:

Patience young one -Yoda

  • Articles go viral months after you publish them
  • Most of your earnings will come from a few of your articles

That's why consistency is so important. Look, the internet is weird, look at youtube, you'll be browsing innocently, looking for tutorials on how to make sourdough (lol) or how to change your background on Zoom, and *bam* the algorith super randomly starts pushing a 6-year-old video of a dog's hilarious reaction on realising they're being driven to the vet. Seriously it's hilarious, check it out:

Funny doggy reaction aside, the point I'm making is that you just do not, and cannot know what will go viral and what won't, so you have to keep publishing, maybe an article you wrote which you thought had no chance makes you the bulk of your money on Medium. So as the title states, consistency is key, don't give up!

To Conclude

I will update you guys periodically about my earnings on this post, and we can have a virtual celebration when we hit this milestone, until then, I'll continue writing according to the principles and tactics I've laid out above. It works for so many people, and it can for you too! So don't give up, I believe in you!


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About the Creator


Mindsmatter is written by Bola Kwame, Jack Graves and Emma Buryd.

De-stigmatizing mental illness one day at a time.

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