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How Capitalism Undermines Feminism

The Fall of Girl Boss Feminism and the Need for Structural Change

By Ally AllanyPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
How Capitalism Undermines Feminism
Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash

In recent years, the concept of "girl boss feminism" has been on the decline. Originally popularized by Sophia Amoruso's book, "Girl Boss," the term took off, becoming a catchphrase and a symbol of female empowerment. However, as time passed, it became clear that the idea of girl boss feminism had its shortcomings, particularly when it came to addressing structural power imbalances and promoting genuine gender equality. This decline in the popularity of girl boss feminism offers us an opportunity to examine the impact of neoliberal feminism on the feminist movement and how capitalism's individualistic approach undermines collective progress.

The Rise and Fall of Girl Boss Feminism

The girl boss era started in 2014 with the publication of Sophia Amoruso's book, which quickly gained popularity. It became a Netflix show and inspired various merchandise, emphasizing female leadership and entrepreneurial success. However, the enthusiasm surrounding girl boss feminism was short-lived. Over the next decade, numerous women in leadership positions faced accusations of perpetuating toxic work environments, leading to public backlash against the term "girl boss." This decline was further cemented by the revelations surrounding Elizabeth Holmes's trial, which exposed the negative connotations associated with the concept of a girl boss.

The Backlash Against Girl Boss Feminism

The decline of girl boss feminism was marked by a backlash against individual women, with criticism directed at those who claimed to be feminists but failed to create inclusive and equal workplaces. This backlash often led to anti-feminist rhetoric and even misogyny, highlighting a misunderstanding of the root cause of the issue. The problem did not lie solely with individual girl bosses but rather with the broader concept of neoliberal girl boss feminism, which obscured the importance of addressing structural power imbalances in society.

The Flaws of Neoliberal Feminism

Neoliberal feminism, like its economic counterpart, adopts an individualistic approach to politics, focusing on personal success and self-reliance rather than collective action. It downplays the significance of class and race and overlooks the importance of dismantling structural inequalities. Instead, it emphasizes women achieving leadership positions as the ultimate measure of gender equality, ignoring the broader issues that prevent genuine progress.

The Devaluation of Care Work

Neoliberal feminism also fails to address the devaluation of care work and reproductive labor in society. It places the burden of balancing work and family responsibilities solely on individual women, promoting the notion that women can "have it all" if they work hard enough. This individualistic approach neglects the need for societal changes, such as universal childcare and shorter work hours, to support women in their various roles.

Reproductive Freedom and Economic Structures

Reproductive freedom is another area where neoliberal feminism falls short. While it champions the right to abortion, it neglects the economic factors that limit genuine reproductive freedom. Economic structures under capitalism can create barriers for individuals who want to have children but lack the financial means to do so. Without addressing these systemic issues, reproductive freedom remains inaccessible to many.

The Call for Collective Emancipation

The decline of girl boss feminism presents an opportunity to reflect on the flaws of neoliberal feminism and its impact on the feminist movement. By embracing an individualistic approach and neglecting structural power imbalances, neoliberal feminism fails to achieve genuine gender equality. Instead, feminism must focus on collective action, addressing economic structures, and supporting reproductive freedom for all individuals, regardless of their socioeconomic status. Only by dismantling the oppressive systems upheld by capitalism can feminism truly achieve its goal of collective emancipation for all. We must strive for solidarity and equality, recognizing that true liberation requires us to challenge and replace the current capitalist system with one that promotes genuine social justice and inclusivity for everyone.


About the Creator

Ally Allany

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