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How Businesses Improve Client Engagement by Outsourcing Contact Center Services

Contact Center Services

By AndersenPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Successful new companies often expand rapidly, and their service teams must expand correspondingly. This is when a business is faced with a choice - to invest in its support team or outsource the contact center functions. Managers often doubt that a third-party company will be able to delve into their business processes properly and, what is more important, understand the company’s values and love its clients the way in-house specialists love them.

If you extend your support team on your own, you need to remember that it’s not only about people but also about technology. By choosing outsourcing services, you get access to the latest technologies in the service sector promptly and at a significantly lower cost. As for values, love for clients, and transfer of processes, they are often a matter of the right management approach. Outsourcing companies are interested in fully understanding your business, as the correct understanding of your business and achievement of your goals are what their income depends on.

What technological benefits does an outsourcing contact center offer a business?

Technology increases client loyalty. Client experience has become a new battleground for brands - 95% of them are competing for client loyalty rather than for a product or service that is often easy to copy. Analysts note that the quality of support directly affects users’ perception of the brand.

Traditional methods are no longer enough. Consumers want their requests to be answered as quickly as possible and via communication channels that are the most convenient to them: application chats, social networks, and so on. Everybody likes the personalized approach.

Leading contact centers offer not only highly-qualified specialists but also cutting-edge hardware and software. They create a client journey that solves consumers’ challenges, improves their relationship with the company, and encourages them to use the brand again. Thus, businesses save on in-house employees and, at the same time, offer a flawless client experience.

Technology is cost-effective. Contact center software automates work, improves client service, and streamlines business processes. Such solutions are quite expensive if purchased by an individual firm. As for outsourcing companies, they buy a solution only once or invest in the development of their own software systems to be used for many customer companies. This significantly reduces the cost of the technology for a customer.

Working with technology requires trained employees. Only having state-of-the-art tools is not enough. An essential role is played by a trained contact center team that ensures smooth operation. At EnergeticHub, employees work with a single application that brings together different screens.

By outsourcing a contact center, organizations get an experienced team and access to the best IT solutions, which makes them successful in supporting their clients.

Technologies That Outsourcing Contact Centers Use Today

With the dawning of the age of high-tech solutions, contact centers started enjoying AI-based programs, cloud platforms, various types of software, and analytics tools. Experts from EnergeticHub, an international outsourcing contact center, are sharing what solutions are a must-have for leading call centers.

AI-based technologies.

More than 80% of contact centers understand the importance of bots and AI for their work, so they are applying the following AI-based solutions:

Interactive bots.

Bots are able to independently give advice on simple standard requests. For example, the health insurance company Humana has implemented natural language recognition software that provides doctors and administrators with helpful information. As a result, instead of a long wait, millions of people receive answers in less than two minutes, and the cost of running the contact center has almost halved.

Programs driven by Emotion AI.

Leading contact centers equip their agents with conversational assistants. The virtual assistants analyze a client's spoken or written speech and determine their mood. Based on this information, AI advises operators on the best options for building communication with each particular client. Such an approach allows for an increase in client loyalty and a reduction of call time.

Predictive call routing.

Predictive behavioral routing matches agents to the personality pattern of a caller and routes the call to the most suitable employee.

Cloud technologies.

According to last year’s report by Gartner, cloud services were at the height of the hype compared to other technologies. The cloud is widely used in client support.

Cloud solutions allow companies to reduce their contact center expenditures. Remote services are more flexible, easy to scale, and can be accessed by telecommuting employees. Thanks to the cloud, all applications and sources of communication with clients are united in a single system for better routing of requests.

Software for training operators and reporting.

A system for monitoring the effectiveness of agents is based on special designs software architecture for monitoring agents. Such programs provide advanced analytics that help to improve the professional skills of operators.

Outsourcing contact centers also ensure high-quality training of employees by developing their own training programs. Such software helps trainees learn in an environment similar to a real corporate system.

Speech and text analytics.

Dedicated tools analyze recorded client interactions to improve agent productivity, estimate holding time and agent conversation quality, and evaluate underlying emotions. Thus, managers quickly identify the root cause of challenges and train employees on the most effective tactics for communicating with the audience.

Benefits That Advanced Technologies Create for Outsourcing Contact Centers

The well-known quote “If you master information, you master the whole world” can be reformulated as “If you master technology, you have a chance to become a leader in your niche” in the context of digitalization.

Advanced IT solutions offer businesses the following benefits:

Shorten client waiting time. Studies show that about one-third of clients perceive long waits negatively, and one-quarter of consumers are willing to be on hold only for one minute. Such protraction affects their attitudes towards the brand. With IT solutions, response waiting time becomes significantly reduced.

Provide multi-channel communication between consumers and the company. On average, each consumer uses three communication channels: e-mail, phone, and chat. Contact centers provide your clients with flexibility in choosing the channels of communication with your company.

Help companies switch to a personalized client service approach. Personalization expresses that the company values consumers. Organizations are implementing CRM for interacting with clients to see their history and reactions. How can an outsourcing firm provide personalization? For example, outsourcers can incorporate the client's name directly into an auto informer menu or implement predictive analytics thanks to integration with CRM. The latter helps to predict clients’ requests and hence solve them faster or completely eliminate the reasons for calls.

Give clients access to 24/7 support. When contacting a call center, users hope that they will receive help for their problems immediately, regardless of the day of the week or time of day. Outsourced call centers aim to better serve clients. They invest in sophisticated technology and, in most cases, are better equipped than a company's in-house call centers. Whether you need cutting-edge high-quality technical support, a call center, medical help desk, or data labeling service, specialists from EnergeticHub will be happy to help.

EnergeticHub looks ahead to the future and promotes the advancement of new technologies.


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