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Have Balls

We can do it. Let's shoot for Success πŸ™Œ

By J LouisPublished 3 years ago β€’ 3 min read

Grow some balls or Have Balls is a term most like to use to gas you up, to motivate you, to make you do something that you were afraid of doing. I'm going to share with you some of my favorite quotes written by me.

The goals are never too big to achieve. You just have to keep trying to score. You have the ball, so keep shooting. Believe in your ability, and that nothing is bigger than your own heart. You will break the wall that is trying to block you. We are all David πŸ’ͺ

Yes we are, Yes we can. I see the mission that you are on. Believe and trust God, you will complete it. Never abort it. It is possible. I've watched guys like Magic Johnson made it. I've watched LeBron, I've even watched Eminem done it. So no matter the path you chose you will find the way. Keep going πŸ’ͺ

A lot of the times, It does take help , and together we can do a lot more faster. By helping others, you also get to help yourself. Like the saying " many hands light work ", we can make things not heavy. You know it's hard to be the coach, the star player, the goalkeeper, the one who bring the Gatorades all at once. It's okay to have a team. That works πŸ’ͺ

Keep being good , keep doing good. With your good doings, more blessings will come in your life. Never follow others if you feel like it will not take you anywhere and to the next level. Too many just want violence instead of fighting for love. Keep being the difference, you can be the change πŸ’―

Most of us did. Even if you didn't, you know someone who did . Being from Port au Prince, Delmas 89, I was blessed to see my own growth. When I was a child, I used to walk to school hoping I stopped seeing another dead person laying down the road like it's normal. I don't know how I did it, but God was always there for me πŸ™

Love is key, but not all love can open doors. A lot of them are fake. Watch out for the Judas, those who pretend to love you just to get closer to you and then goes to betray you. Love everyone, trust none.

Sometimes patience is all we need to have. Going too fast can make us crash, then you got to start all over again if we even get a second chance. Let's do it step by step.

Never say it is over until you see the end of it. As long as you are here on earth, you can still do it. They might be able to stop some of your watches, but only God can stop time. So you always gonna have time as long as you are on God's schedule.

They didn't just start flying out of nowhere. Most were born knowing what it feels like trying not to get stepped on, knowing what it feels like to eat dirt when they couldn't find foods. Use them as motivation, your day will come, the wings will come out.

We only sin to the only one who can wash it away. The only one who can give you hell because he's not like us. The judges are just like us. We all need each other to become better. Let's not crucify others for the same thing we would have done or are doing.

We were born ready, born to fight, born to succeed, born for flights. We will all shine, and grow wings, we will all fly . I'll challenge any challenge. I'm always up.

The key to success is to find the door. I think a lot of times "finding ourselves" is the key . We are our own key that need to better use us. We can unlock our own locks. Let's comprehend ourselves more.

Anything you're doing that involves love is never too much and it's never enough. If you love what you do, don't stop. The world needs you, the world needs it.


About the Creator

J Louis

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