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Exhausted by Corporate Culture:

A Reflection on My Professional Journey

By Johanna MagPublished 11 months ago 8 min read
Exhausted by Corporate Culture:
Photo by on Unsplash

In recent years, my tenure within various corporate entities has been nothing short of harrowing. The disheartening reality of my current employment, coupled with the daunting prospect of seeking new opportunities, has left me feeling utterly disenchanted. It seems as though I am perpetually transitioning from one unfavorable circumstance to the next. Allow me to provide some contextual insights into my experiences from the past few years.


1. The Diminishing Significance of Meritocracy

Several years ago, I secured a position within a prominent American tech giant. While the initial intimidation was palpable, I gradually acclimated to the role and honed my abilities, gaining proficiency in my responsibilities. My bi-weekly one-on-one meetings and quarterly performance evaluations consistently reflected my commendable performance. In recognition of my achievements, I was promptly offered a leadership role after just a year and was presented with numerous opportunities for further professional development.

On the surface, this appeared to be an enviable scenario, right? Alas, the reality proved far from ideal. Despite my genuine fondness for the work itself, my overall experience within the team and organizational culture left much to be desired. Allow me to introduce a colleague, whom we shall refer to as Paul. As the team's designer, Paul's designs consistently fell short in numerous aspects. From initiating changes on incorrect pages to neglecting the provision of necessary assets and updated copy, his deliverables habitually arrived perilously close to the deadline. This unfortunate reality necessitated overtime efforts from the remaining project contributors, causing substantial strain on the team.

One might argue that such occurrences are inherent to the human condition, transient lapses of judgment and ability. Regrettably, this was an everyday occurrence. Rarely did I receive a ticket from Paul that met the predetermined acceptance criteria, necessitating its return to him for rectification. Consequently, I found myself completely hindered until the issues were resolved. Moreover, there were countless tickets that became so convoluted that even the team, including Paul himself, struggled to decipher their requirements.

The collective frustration within the team regarding Paul's performance was palpable. Multiple meetings were convened over a span of 1.5 years to address this ongoing concern. An entire team event was organized, necessitating the travel of several individuals, solely dedicated to revisiting and redefining the acceptance criteria. Regrettably, these endeavors yielded no discernible improvements.

Curiosity may arise as to why Paul never faced any repercussions or professional consequences for his evident underperformance. The answer is deceptively simple: he mastered the art of ingratiating himself with management, effectively shielding himself from termination. It is worth noting a recent LinkedIn post I encountered: "Normalize firing toxic high performers." Though compelling, it begs the question: "Shouldn't we also normalize the termination of pleasant low performers?"

Paul's inadequate output not only intensified the collective frustration but also precipitated an atmosphere rife with tension within the team. His consistent failure to provide timely deliverables resulted in elevated stress levels and burnout among the remaining team members.

Driven to the brink of exasperation, I resolved to address the broader issues afflicting the team, Paul's performance being only one facet of the problem. I approached my manager, seeking clarity on how we had regressed so significantly from the state of affairs 1.5 years prior.

The outcome was both unexpected and disheartening—I found myself dismissed from the company.


2. The Mirage of Financial Stability

During my quest for new professional opportunities, an intriguing job advertisement caught my attention—one originating from a company I had previously worked for over a decade ago. Familiar with its work culture and believing that I knew what to expect, I decided to pursue the opportunity and submitted my application.

To my delight, I was invited for a job interview with the hiring manager and the head of the department. The interview proceeded splendidly, and the position aligned seamlessly with my extensive work experience. As we conversed, the department head shared ambitious plans for the upcoming months, highlighting the company's commitment to expansion and investment. It seemed as though the organization was in a robust financial position, implying job security for prospective employees like myself.

After successfully navigating each round of interviews and receiving a job offer, a peculiar sensation crept over me. Despite my genuine enthusiasm and desire for the position, my intuition failed to mirror that excitement. Nevertheless, I proceeded to sign the contract, burying any reservations beneath a veil of hope.

However, just two weeks into my tenure at the company—a remarkably short span between receiving the offer and commencing employment—a disconcerting announcement reverberated throughout the organization. The company declared an immediate cessation of hiring, citing the need for stringent cost-cutting measures. Assurances were hastily offered, assuaging fears of potential layoffs and emphasizing the safeguarding of all existing positions.

I was incensed. The promises made during the interview process now appeared to be hollow deceptions. How could a company transition from boasting about investment and expansion to frugality within a mere fortnight? No scandals or external crises had precipitated this sudden about-face. Driven by a sense of indignation, I resolved to confront my hiring manager and immediate supervisor regarding the situation.

Both individuals responded defensively, even becoming agitated at my inquiries. As I sought answers regarding the sudden shift, conflicting narratives emerged from their explanations. Although both attempted to downplay the gravity of the situation, my concerns deepened. Trust in the organization had been irrevocably shattered, compounded by subsequent weeks marred by a slew of disheartening developments—some unrelated to the company's financial state.

Faced with a deteriorating work environment, I made the difficult decision to resign, even without a concrete job prospect awaiting me. Choosing to rely on the income generated by my small business, I severed ties with the disconcerting company. The atmosphere within the organization continued to deteriorate in the weeks that followed.

Days after my departure, the startling news reverberated across various media outlets—the company had filed for bankruptcy. The revelation sent shockwaves through the industry, leaving everyone in a state of disbelief. Astonishingly, despite the bankruptcy, the company proclaimed that no employees would be laid off. However, two months later, the heartbreaking truth unfolded—over 300 individuals were unceremoniously let go. Had I remained within the organization, I too would have been entangled in the web of layoffs.

The bitter lesson learned from this encounter is twofold: the illusory nature of promises made during the recruitment process and the alarming reality that financial stability can dissipate in the blink of an eye. The impact of this experience lingers, serving as a constant reminder to exercise vigilance and discernment when navigating the complex labyrinth of corporate landscapes.


3. The Mirage of Loyalty

Seeking to leave behind the disappointments of my previous encounters, I cautiously embarked on yet another professional endeavor, accepting a job offer from a different company. Initially skeptical, my apprehensions were quickly dispelled during the first few weeks. The camaraderie with my teammates and the rapport I developed with my boss seemed promising. In fact, upon departing for a well-deserved vacation, my boss took the time to send me an email expressing gratitude for my exceptional work and expressing enthusiasm over my seamless integration into the team.

Returning from my rejuvenating break, I was summoned for a conversation with my boss. What she divulged left me dumbfounded: they had hired someone else for my position during my absence, and this new hire would commence their role in just two months' time. Assurances were hastily provided, attempting to allay my concerns and emphasize that my own employment would remain intact.

The shock was palpable. Firstly, during my first week at the company, I had been tasked with interviewing a working student to assist me in my responsibilities, only to conclude that there was insufficient workload to justify the hire. I wholeheartedly concurred with this assessment. Secondly, my own employment was on a temporary basis, lasting a mere six months, while the newly hired colleague would begin their tenure two months prior to my contract's expiration. Despite my boss's claims of an abundance of work for both of us, I harbored deep reservations. Even in my part-time capacity, I struggled to fill my hours, and it was only a matter of time before the organization recognized this reality. And when that moment arrived, who would be the first to be cast aside?

Seeking clarification, I requested a meeting with my boss to address these mounting concerns. She made promises of their desire to retain me and urged me not to worry. The encounter was a peculiar one, filled with an odd sense of demand on her part, seeking my unwavering commitment until the new colleague's arrival. Since that conversation, my boss's treatment of me has undergone a significant shift. Gone is the recognition and support I once enjoyed; in its place, criticism, undermining, and a failure to acknowledge the value of my contributions.

For now, I remain in the company's employ, knowing all too well that the arrival of the new colleague looms on the horizon. Simultaneously, I actively engage in a job hunt, my intuition urging me to be prepared for any eventuality. Perhaps it is my past experiences coloring my perception, but I cannot ignore the persistent unease that tugs at my gut, compelling me to keep searching for a more secure and fulfilling professional opportunity.


These three experiences have left an indelible mark on my professional journey, highlighting the harsh realities that can lurk beneath the polished veneer of the corporate world. As I navigate the ever-changing landscape of employment, I remain resolved to tread cautiously, trusting my instincts while seeking out environments that foster transparency, integrity, and true professional growth.


About the Creator

Johanna Mag

Whatever comes to mind

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