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Embracing My Path: A Journey of Celtic Pagan Witchcraft and Manifestation

An eclectic witch’s journey out of the dark and into the light of transformation, blending the art of the Craft with Manifestation

By Alice B. Schellinger. Published 9 months ago 4 min read
Embracing My Path: A Journey of Celtic Pagan Witchcraft and Manifestation
Photo by Ksenia Yakovleva on Unsplash

Welcome to the world of spirituality and self-discovery, where each step taken is a unique thread woven into the tapestry of belief. I'm Alice B. Schellinger, the host of the SchellingtonGrin Podcast, and I'm here to share my journey as a Celtic Pagan Witch—a journey that embraces the path less traveled and explores the realms of faith, manifestation, and connection to the universe.

The Call of the Pagan Path

The terms "Pagan" and "witch" often stir both curiosity and misconception. Allow me to clear the air and give you a sense of security: I’m not out here causing undue harms to others for the sake of it, nor am I dabbling in dark arts. For me, being a Pagan is about forging a connection with the natural world, drawing upon ancient wisdom, and co-creating my reality with the universe. As an eclectic Pagan with a Celtic focus, my spiritual journey has been a tapestry woven from the threads of both exploration and growth, as beautifully unique and diverse as a handmade blanket. I've delved into various spiritual practices, from magickal arts to Deity work, finding resonance in the neopagan realm of Wicca. Recently, I've felt the pull back to my roots in Celtic paganism and Wicca, and the Morrigan has taken her place as my matron goddess, guiding my path with her wisdom.

The Dance of Manifestation—and Finding My Rhythm In It

Manifestation—the art of shaping reality with intention—is a cornerstone of my belief system. It's the harmony of thoughts, intentions, and energy coalescing to create change. My practice goes beyond wishful thinking; it requires inspired action and discipline. Meditating on my desires, listening to my intuition, and taking guided steps form the core of my manifestation process. Incorporating movement, whether through yoga, dance, or fitness, further enhances my connection to the universe's energies.

Anchoring with Meditation, Grounding, and Breathwork

In the symphony of spiritual practice, meditation, grounding, and breathwork act as anchors, rooting us in the present moment. Meditation opens the door to our inner selves and the universe's wisdom. Breathwork balances our energies and clears our minds. Grounding techniques—using crystals, herbs, or connecting with the earth and our environment—remind us of our cosmic bond. These practices invite clarity and tranquility into our lives.

A Different Path of Belief

Although my beliefs are nothing truly new or “new age,” they have sometimes caused misunderstandings within my family and others that I interact with. The question often arises, "Do you believe in God?" I have also dealt with my fare share of others telling me I’m a “sinner” for my beliefs and that, should I say “No” to believing in God, I will “go to hell.” To which I often jokingly respond with the words of Winnifred Sanderson: “I’ve been there, thank you, I found it quite lovely!!”

My beliefs might not align with traditional monotheistic concepts, but I revere the universe as the Infinite Source—a force transcending religious confines. This belief holds within it the interconnectedness of all beings and all things.

Embracing My Story

There was a time when sharing my spiritual journey terrified me. Fear of judgment and misunderstanding held me back. However, I now embrace my story with confidence and security. I recognize that my journey, though unique, is a valid and inspiring narrative that deserves a space to be shared.

Just as I've grown to trust my journey, I encourage you to trust yours and find strength in your own story. Share it with gusto and pride. You are worth it.

Embracing the Path Less Traveled

My spiritual journey has led me to one vital truth: spirituality is an individual exploration. Just as no two paths through a forest are the same, no two spiritual journeys mirror each other. Embracing your beliefs and following your truths requires boldness and an openness to self-discovery. As I conclude this reflection, I invite you to celebrate the beauty of your own unique journey. Remember that spirituality defies dogma and flourishes in the exploration of self. Much like my podcast episode, "Embracing the Path Less Traveled," let your journey be a testament to the magnificent tapestry of human spirituality.

Thank you for joining me on this journey into my spiritual path. If you resonate with the exploration of faith, manifestation, and embracing your unique story, stay tuned for more insights here on Vocal, and the SchellingtonGrin Podcast, which you can find on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Deezer, and more.

Let's connect as we navigate our unique paths and weave the intricate threads of belief.

Until next time, stay faithful, stay open, and stay curious. You may find more surprises than you could have ever possibly imagined. Ever.


About the Creator

Alice B. Schellinger.

Hostess of the SchellingtonGrin Podcast. Writer of poems, short stories, articles, and reviews. Support the SchellingtonGrin Podcast on Spotify and connect with me here and on other socials to be part of the Community

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