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Educating Your Employees on IT Security

By: Andrew Obuchowski

By Andrew ObuchowskiPublished about a year ago 3 min read

The Importance of Cybersecurity Awareness

Organizations should be aware that malicious parties can take over their devices and try to steal sensitive data. Some of the ways they can do this include: theft or loss of devices, social engineering tactics, ransomware, and malware. Having the proper cybersecurity awareness is very important to minimize the risk of a network intrusion.

How to Educate Your Employees on IT Security

Having the proper cybersecurity awareness is very important to minimize the risk of a network intrusion. This can be done by training your employees on how their devices can be used to access your company’s network.

One of the most important factors that employers should consider when it comes to educating their employees is the number of emails they receive. Having a diversified communications strategy can help ensure that messages are delivered to the right people.

Having the proper cybersecurity awareness is very important to minimize the risk of a network intrusion. One of the most important factors that employers should consider when it comes to educating their employees is the number of signs that they should be on the lookout for. Some of these include sudden appearances of new programs or apps on their devices, strange pop-ups, and the loss of control of their keyboard or mouse. Reinforce the importance of passwords and authentication. Even if your employees are working from home, make sure that they have the proper security measures in place.

To minimize the risk of unauthorized access to your company’s network, you should regularly train your employees on how to use different passwords and how to prevent them from using universal ones.

Like an office environment, your remote employees’ home computer security can vary depending on the type of connection they use. For instance, some may use their home Wi-Fi, while others may connect to the public network at a coffee shop. Older devices that have no support for security patches may pose a threat. To address these issues, encourage your employees to use company-provided devices.

Instead of listing down cybersecurity statistics or do’s and don’ts for your employees, try creating informative infographics and media tools that can be used in a variety of ways. For instance, you can use a video explanation or a test to see if the lessons stick. Some companies even send out test phishing emails to encourage their employees to report suspected threats.

Your employees are the eyes and ears of the company when it comes to monitoring and protecting its networks. Having the proper cybersecurity awareness can help keep your employees on their toes, whether working remotely or in the office.

Andrew Obuchowski is a cyber crime and information security expert based in Boston. He also enjoys teaching.

Andrew graduated from Anna Maria College with a bachelor's degree in criminal justice. During his time at the university, he was an active member in various academic groups, such as Alpha Phi Sigma and the National Honor Society. After graduating, he pursued his master's degree in national security at the University Of New Haven.

Before becoming a police officer, Andrew worked as a sergeant with the Millville police department. He was responsible for ensuring that all incidents and arrests were documented and that the department's budget was accurate. He also testified on various civil and criminal cases. As a technical expert, Andrew oversaw the department's website, training programs, remote access entries, and mobile terminals.

His next role as a supervisor for the regional computer crime task force, Andrew was responsible for overseeing the investigation and analysis of computer forensic data. He also coordinated with federal, state, and local agencies to carry out data-driven investigations.

Andrew was constantly monitoring the compliance of his team during the acquisition and analysis of electronic devices. As a certified instructor, he taught courses on cybercrime investigations, and he was also sworn in as a special deputy of the US Marshall's Service.

Through his training sessions, Andrew taught various techniques related to cybercrime investigations. He also covered topics such as data seizure compliance. After working as an instructor for several years, Andrew returned to Anna Maria College as an adjunct professor.

He also offers graduate and undergraduate courses that are focused on various topics such as cybercrime investigations and prevention. Andrew is a popular lecturer at conventions and is often found sharing his expertise with others.


About the Creator

Andrew Obuchowski

Andrew Obuchowski is a seasoned expert in cyber forensics and information security. Throughout his notable career, he has worked in various roles such as police sergeant, teacher, mentor, digital forensic consultant, and courtroom expert.

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