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Earning a lot of money on the Internet: 5 secrets hacks to success !

Week after week, we prove it to you a little more: earning money on the internet is possible. Of course, there are easy ways to do it, but in general, the easier it is to get paid, the less money you earn. Because in reality, the quickest requested actions only pay a few cents (so you have to multiply them to make it interesting).

By Paul CPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
Earning a lot of money on the Internet: 5 secrets hacks to success !
Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

If your ambition is to earn a living thanks to the web, continue reading. This article is about a solution that requires a real involvement from you to generate a regular income: working from home. The advantages of working from home are numerous and particularly appreciable: a better life comfort, a financial and personal freedom, etc. It is for all these reasons that more and more people start working from home every year, so why not you?

First, we give you 5 tips that we hope will help you achieve the success you deserve in 2022. Then, this article goes on to explain in more detail a serious idea for making a real living from the internet: running your own blog/site.

5 tips to follow to succeed in your online business

1. Choose a job that suits you

In order to consider a long-term work-from-home job, it is essential to choose an activity that really suits you. First of all, you should look for a job that you know how to do or, failing that, that you can learn easily (because you have a good foundation). Ideally, the job in question should be able to motivate you and keep you going on a daily basis.

The idea of training yourself and obtaining new skills is still possible with the help of all the MOOCs that now exist (Massive Open Online Courses). However, self-training can be very time consuming. And you may not have a lot of time (you're probably looking to make money as soon as possible).

In any case, always start by thinking about your personal capabilities. Depending on your skills and expectations, you will have more or less jobs available to you. We have already introduced you to a number of them in our Work at Home category. There is probably an idea for you.

2. Don't put all your eggs in one basket

This advice seems obvious… yet too many people working from home fail to make progress or get discouraged quickly because of this mistake. "Putting all your eggs in one basket" by signing up for a single service platform (writing, translation, etc.) is risky.

To make a living from your work, you need to build a client base. It is important to know that each website has its own customer base, with a varying number of offers depending on the industry. Moreover, depending on the time of the year, the importance of the offers to be honored also varies from one site to another. Sell yourself on as many different websites as possible so that you don't miss any opportunity to earn money.

If you're starting out as a webmaster, creating several blogs/sites will increase your chances of making money and then making it your full-time job by monetizing them. Moreover, if ever one of your creations has a technical problem or is downgraded by search engines, having several sources of income can be essential.

You will have understood that in 2022, it is difficult to earn a living on the Internet without putting the package in terms of visibility. To develop it, don't hesitate to use discussion forums, social networks, etc. as often as possible.

3. Your goals must be clear

To achieve your goals, set concrete and precise objectives. They must be quantified and planned in time for more efficiency.

Making a salary from the web cannot be the only objective to reach. Nevertheless, try to plan a realistic monthly income (500 € in 6 months, 1000 € in 12 months and so on…). Be careful, all the money you will earn will not come directly to you. Being self-employed means being subject to considerable costs: pension contributions, various social security contributions, health insurance, etc.

Be prepared and always keep in mind the existence of these charges. Fortunately, to start in good conditions, there is the status of auto-entrepreneur. This "micro-entrepreneur" status simplifies the procedures and offers a simplified tax and social security system. This is why most self-employed people declare themselves as auto-entrepreneurs at the beginning of their career.

Among the other goals to reach, there is one that is essential: to build a professional network. Multiplying your contacts also means multiplying your chances of getting assignments. In this regard, you should know that working from home is mainly based on the sale of services between professionals: B2B (Business to Business). For example, having an active account on the online professional social network LinkedIn is a good way to get more exposure.

4. Be organized

Being organized makes it easier to make a living online. Maintaining your focus at home is not always easy with all the distractions out there. Being on your own doesn't make it easy: you have to be disciplined in order not to get disorganized.

Good organization often goes hand in hand with true motivation. Keeping to your schedule allows you to satisfy your clients and therefore to make a living from your work.

Knowing how to get organized also means controlling your activity. This means that you must constantly monitor your evolution, whether your sales are increasing or decreasing. It is then possible to correct or improve certain aspects of your business if necessary. To manage your accounting, there is a plethora of comprehensive online services at all rates. Check your finances at least once a month to see clearly.

For the work of webmaster, many tools exist to help you. The Google Analytics tool, for example, allows you to track the performance of your website or blog for free. Use the statistics provided to establish your business strategy.

In short, if you want to succeed, stay focused and never work blindly. When you are self-employed, your reputation depends a lot on your organization.

5. Stay curious

The Internet is constantly evolving. This global computer network is a technological feat that never sleeps. Whether you're providing services, blogging or selling products, your market will change regularly. This doesn't have to be a disadvantage, as it also means new opportunities will arise.

Curiosity is a quality that can bring in a lot of money. How do you do it? On the one hand, you will not be overwhelmed by events. On the other hand, you will understand the techniques that work and you will reproduce them in your turn. That's why you need to stay on top of the news in your industry to take advantage of it. The opening of a new website, a new law, innovative software … are all changes that are interesting to know to benefit your job at home.

Living thanks to the internet by keeping your own blog or website

Starting a blog may seem complicated without experience. However, in 2022, becoming a blogger or webmaster is within everyone's reach. You just need to be motivated to start, and to use the many existing tools to make your task easier. Among them, there is Wordpress, the software that powers 41% of the web. Depending on your needs, this content management system is free to download, or paid with all-inclusive packages. Without any knowledge, you will be in charge of your own blog in just a few clicks.

The first essential step before you start is to find a topic. It has to interest you and inspire you enough to want to talk about it on the web. If you are passionate about the subject of your blog, you will stay motivated to keep it alive as long as possible.

When the technical part will be broken in and the subject defined, you will have to find sources of remuneration. Don't worry about that either, they are legion these days. Here are the 4 main ones:

- Earn money per click with Google Adsense: we all know the search engine Google. Beyond its well-known search engine, the Google group, whose parent company is called Alphabet, manages among others Gmail, the Chrome browser… and Google Adense to monetize its site. You add a few lines of code provided by Google and the rest will happen automatically. Advertisements will be integrated into your content and will pay for each click on them.

- Distribute affiliate campaigns: being paid by performance on the internet is also a way to fill your bank account. With a high traffic on your blog, each visitor who becomes a prospect or a customer brings a more or less important amount of money that has been agreed beforehand with the advertiser. Read this article to learn more.

- Sell products or services: if the informative pages you have written coincide with the sale of products or services, it would be a shame to deprive yourself of this additional financial windfall. Clothes, decorative objects, virtual products (photos, videos, courses, ebooks, etc.)… anything that is legal can be sold on the internet.

- Become an influencer for brands: this trick is very fashionable right now. It works with a blog, but mostly through the social networks Instagram and TikTok. The practice consists in establishing partnerships with brands to highlight their products, in exchange for euros. In this way, some influencers manage to get rich by becoming ambassadors for the brands to their communities. We talk about it here.

In conclusion

A few years ago, some people managed to make a lot of money on the internet. To tell the truth, it was not very complicated, because it was enough to make a site and then put a little advertising to win large sums. But those days are over and the web business has become more professional. The competition is now much more present: it is the quality of its services that makes all the difference in 2022.

Don't be discouraged, stand out and get your financial independence thanks to the 5 tips we just gave you. Although working from home is no longer a myth these days, it does require some effort to make a living.

how to

About the Creator

Paul C

Hello, Engineer in Data Science / Crypto

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