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Does feedback matter for writing better?

Feedback is an important aspect of writing

By grab wordsPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Does feedback matter for writing better?
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Writing is a form of communication that can be challenging to master. Many factors influence the quality of writing, such as grammar, vocabulary, syntax, and organization.

However, one crucial element that often determines the success of a piece of writing is feedback.

Feedback is the process of receiving comments and suggestions from others on your writing. But does feedback matter for writing better?

In this read, we will explore the importance of feedback in improving writing skills.

Firstly, feedback provides an objective perspective on your writing. As writers, we tend to get attached to our work, making it challenging to identify errors and weaknesses.

By receiving feedback, we get to see our writing through the eyes of others, which can help us identify blind spots, areas that need improvement, and things we need to change.

Secondly, feedback offers insight into how our writing is received by others. Writing is a form of communication, and the ultimate goal is to get our message across to the intended audience.

By getting feedback, we can gauge whether our writing achieves this goal or not.

We can find out if our writing is clear, engaging, and persuasive or not. This information is invaluable in helping us refine our writing style and make it more effective.

Thirdly, feedback allows us to learn from our mistakes.

No one is perfect, and we all make mistakes. However, by receiving feedback, we get to learn from these mistakes and avoid them in the future.

For example, if you repeatedly get feedback that your writing is too verbose, you can learn to be more concise in your writing.

If you receive feedback that your organization is confusing, you can learn to structure your writing better. In essence, feedback helps us to grow and develop as writers.

Lastly, feedback motivates us to keep improving. Writing can be a lonely and isolating activity, and it's easy to lose motivation and confidence in our abilities.

However, by receiving feedback, we get to know that our work is being read and appreciated by others.

Positive feedback can be a source of encouragement, while constructive criticism can push us to do better. Feedback helps us to stay motivated and committed to our writing goals.

One of the most significant advantages of feedback is that it helps writers to see their work from a different perspective.

When you write something, you become invested in it, and it can be difficult to see its flaws.

Feedback allows you to step back and view your work objectively, which can help you identify areas that need improvement.

By getting feedback, you can see your writing through someone else's eyes and gain insights into how your work is perceived by others.

Another benefit of feedback is that it can help you to identify your strengths and weaknesses.

As you receive feedback on your writing, you'll start to notice patterns in the comments you receive.

For example, you might consistently receive feedback that your dialogue is strong but your pacing is slow.

By identifying these patterns, you can focus on developing your strengths while improving your weaknesses. This can help you to become a more well-rounded writer.

Feedback also helps to keep you accountable. When you receive feedback, you know that someone is reading your work and taking it seriously.

This can motivate you to keep writing and improving your skills.

Additionally, when you receive feedback, you're more likely to take the time to revise your work and make it the best it can be.

Knowing that someone else is counting on you to deliver your best work can be a powerful motivator.

Furthermore, feedback can help you to grow as a writer. When you receive feedback, you're exposed to different perspectives and ideas that you may not have considered before.

This can help you to broaden your horizons and develop new writing techniques.

Additionally, by receiving feedback from others, you can learn about different styles and approaches to writing. This can help you to develop your own style and voice as a writer.

Lastly, feedback can help you to build relationships with other writers. When you receive feedback, you're engaging in a conversation about your work with someone else.

This can lead to new friendships and collaborations. Additionally, when you provide feedback to others, you're building a reputation as a thoughtful and supportive writer.

This can help you to develop a network of peers who can provide you with support and guidance throughout your writing journey.

In conclusion, feedback is essential for improving your writing skills.

It helps you to see your work from a different perspective, identify your strengths and weaknesses, stay accountable, grow as a writer, and build relationships with other writers.

Whether you're just starting out or you've been writing for years, seeking out feedback is an important step in becoming the best writer you can be.

So don't be afraid to put your work out there and ask for feedback – it just might be the key to unlocking your full writing potential.


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