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Daily Online News Review

Apart from polling date, there is more in the schedule

By Asrafuzzaman Published 7 months ago 3 min read

The Election Commission has fixed the polling day for the 12th National Parliament election on Sunday, January 7. Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) Kazi Habibul Awal announced the election schedule in his address to the nation on Wednesday evening.

As per the schedule, nomination papers can be submitted till Thursday, November 30. Nominations will be scrutinized from December 1 to 4.

Appeals against the orders of returning officers will be filed and disposed of in the commission from December 6 to 15. Last date for withdrawal of candidature is 17th December. Allotment of symbols on 18th December. CEC said that the election campaign can be conducted from December 18 to January 5, 2024 at 8 am. Voting will be held on Sunday, January 7. He said that 66 returning officers and 592 assistant returning officers have been appointed for the election.

According to media reports, although there was interest in the beginning, due to the fear of conflict in this election, the officials of the Election Commission are not very interested in getting the duty of Returning Officer.

According to the Representation of the People Order, there is a provision to appoint an officer of the rank of Deputy Secretary to the Government as Returning Officer. In view of the administrative authority, the Election Commission appoints Returning Officers for every parliamentary election from the administrative cadre.

However, the ATM Shamsul Hudar Commission during the government of 1/11 gave its own officials the responsibility of returning officers in several by-elections.

Thereafter, each Commission appoints Election Commission officials as Returning Officers instead of DCs in several by-elections to the National Assembly.

Qazi Habibul Awal said that there is a need for favorable political environment for free, impartial, participatory and festive elections. But on the question of elections, especially on the question of the institutional system of elections, the political leadership of the country has been at odds for a long time. In multi-party politics there can be ideological divisions.

But if disagreements lead to conflict and violence, the resulting instability can have an adverse impact on the electoral process. This requires consensus and resolution. He said, "On behalf of the Election Commission, I would humbly request all political parties to seek amicable solutions, avoiding conflict and violence."

Habibul Awal said that the Election Commission has almost completed the preparations for the elections. Voter list has been updated. Delimitation of constituencies has been completed.

The registration process for new political parties and interested domestic and foreign observers is also being completed. The commission held a meeting today (yesterday) and fixed the election schedule.

Before announcing the schedule, the commission held a meeting in the CEC room at Agargaon in the capital yesterday at 5 pm. The schedule was finalized in the meeting.

A call to come to the polling station with courage

In his address to the nation, the CEC urged voters to come to the center to vote. He said that you will come to the polling station with enthusiasm, courage and confidence in the upcoming national elections in a festive atmosphere

The CEC said that all candidates and political parties participating in the elections should follow the code of conduct. All officers must perform their duties with honesty and integrity by upholding and enforcing laws and regulations. The law and order forces have to ensure the overall security of the candidates, voters, election officials and the general public including the surrounding order of the polling stations.

Fake votes, vote rigging, ballot rigging, money laundering and possible use of muscle power can influence elections. People must unite and resist it.

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