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Create Successful Sales Funnel to Win Digital Marketing Game

Sales Funnel to Win Digital Marketing Game

By IPS USAPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

Digital marketing services strive to plan a marketing strategy that attracts more potential customers for online businesses. A well-thought marketing campaign not only attracts valuable leads in lesser time but also encourages them to buy the relevant product or service.

According to Marketing-blender, around 73% of customers feel frustrated when the business website doesn’t offer relevant content. Hence, customers must be provided with relevant information throughout their buying journey, no matter if they are at the start of the journey or the end.

Let's see how a sales funnel is made to target all the right notes.

What is a Sales Funnel?

The sales funnel is the buying process through which companies assist their potential customers and encourage them to purchase.

The latest survey report of Hubspot 2018 reveals that 69% of marketers feel that their top priority is converting leads into customers. Therefore, a good sales funnel is equally important as a successful marketing strategy. In fact, it would not be wrong to say that they both are the same thing.

Stages of Sales Funnel

The professional BPO services and customer support services think that the sales funnel must target four major elements.

Awareness: In this stage, customers are made aware of the brand.

Interest: In this phase, potential customers show interest in the brand and research it further.

Decision: A potential customer decides either they want a product or service or not in this stage.

Action: This stage specifies that valuable lead is actually converted into a customer, and they buy the product or service.

Sales Funnel is important for digital marketers and businesses. It helps them to identify valuable leads in the early stages.

So they invest their efforts upon actual buyers instead of useless views even on marketing platforms as FaceBook. But, how an engaging and effective sales funnel is created?

Given below are some of the tips that successful digital marketers consider before creating a sales funnel.

Recognize Target Audience for Your Business

Research well about your business audience.

This step is crucial as then you will be able to know what, where, and who your business consumers are. Knowing about your target audience also helps to create creative content that resonates with their needs and provides the relevant solution. Research well about the following points:

• What are your customers looking for?

• How their demands are met?

• What social media channels do they use?

• What are their interests or demographics?

Build Buyer’s Persona

When digital marketers know what their target audience is like, they create an online buyer’s persona.

These personas demonstrate:

• What are the needs of your customer?

• Why do they need a certain product or service?

• How will marketers encourage consumers to buy the product or service?

• Will customers be satisfied after using your product or service?

This information helps digital marketers in requirement analysis of customers’ demands and needs.

Usually, marketers analyze requirement analysis reports and accordingly plan the marketing strategy that not only attracts potential customers but also encourages them to take a call-to-action (C-T-A).

Focus on Lead Generation Rather than Impression Rate

No professional digital marketing company can deny the fact that an interesting online marketing plan works wonders only on the right marketing channel.

It can increase the rate of valuable lead generation. Moreover, it will also create brand awareness to a greater level. Impression rate is the view per ad or content and is indeed important, but what’s the point when marketing content is only viewed and isn’t driving traffic towards the website. Therefore, marketers focus on the following points and improve campaigns to effectively generate more valuable leads.

• Search engine optimization (SEO)

• Pay-per-click marketing strategy (PPC)/search engine marketing (SEM)

• Influential marketing

• Guest Posting

• Social media marketing (SMM)

Engage Your Audience Smartly

Customers only engage with your business whenweb and mobile application development services provide them with something relevant to their needs.

Lead generating tactics, as mentioned above, will go in vain if customers don’t understand what your product or service is all about. Hence, the following tactics should be applied to create a sales funnel that helps customers in their decision phase.

• Create high-quality blogs that have engaging content for customers

• Create interesting videos

• Use social media platforms and interact with customers via comments

• Use the right influencers for influential marketing that highlight how your product or service works

• Send targeted content to valuable leads via email marketing

These tactics strengthen the decision phase of the customer’s buying cycle.

Conversion of Valuable Leads

The last phase of the sales funnel is the action phase, where customers actually buy the product or service.

Make sure that the steps required for the customer to reach the bottom of the sales funnel are not complex and are lesser in number. For example, a marketing campaign should directly convey the brand’s message and provide an accurate call to action.


Professional and successful digital marketing aims to simplify the sales funnel and to assist the sales department. So that, customers easily get attracted to your brand, become interested, and buy the product or service.

Therefore, strategize a marketing campaign that facilitates their journey and successfully conveys the brand’s message, is what you should strive for, and above-mentioned tips can help you do exactly that!

Information Process Solutions is a digital marketing agency that provides the best marketing solutions for businesses and helps customers in their buying cycle via an effective marketing campaign.


About the Creator


Information Process Solutions is an amalgamation of technology, skills and thought leadership. We carry the expertise as a BPO services provider and deliver in various fields for clients all over the world.

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