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Certo Drug Test Hack: How to Beat a Urine Drug Test?

Unveiling the Controversial Certo Drug Test Hack: Myth or Miracle?

By Harry GarlowPublished 11 months ago 4 min read

Drug testing is a common practice in various settings, from employment screenings to legal procedures. For individuals who have used drugs recently, passing a drug test can be a major concern. One method that has gained attention in recent years is the "Certo drug test hack."

This article aims to explore the effectiveness, mechanism, and potential risks associated with the Certo drug test hack. Additionally, we'll discuss alternative methods to consider for passing a drug test.

Understanding the Certo Drug Test Hack

The Certo drug test hack is a technique believed to help individuals pass a urine drug test. It involves consuming a mixture of Certo, a brand of fruit pectin commonly used in cooking and canning, along with other ingredients. Advocates of this method claim that it can temporarily mask the presence of drugs in urine, allowing the person to pass the drug test.

How Does the Certo Drug Test Hack Work?

The Certo drug test hack is based on the theory that consuming a high amount of fiber, such as fruit pectin, can create a gel-like substance in the digestive system. This gel is believed to bind to drug metabolites, preventing them from being released into the urine. As a result, the concentration of drugs in the urine is reduced, potentially leading to a negative drug test result.

Steps to Perform the Certo Drug Test Hack

To perform the Certo drug test hack, follow these steps:

Step 1: Gather the necessary ingredients

You will need:

Certo fruit pectin

A sports drink high in electrolytes

A large container


Step 2: Prepare the Certo mixture

Mix one packet of Certo with a 32-ounce bottle of the sports drink in the large container.

Stir the mixture thoroughly until the Certo is dissolved.

Step 3: Consumption timeline

Drink the Certo mixture approximately 2-3 hours before the drug test.

It is recommended to consume it on an empty stomach for better results.

Step 4: Hydration and urination

After consuming the Certo mixture, drink plenty of water to stay hydrated.

Urinate frequently to help flush out any remaining drug metabolites from your system.

Step 5: Test Day precautions

On the day of the drug test, avoid consuming any drugs or alcohol.

Follow the instructions provided by the testing facility to ensure a successful sample collection.

Does the Certo Drug Test Hack Really Work?

The effectiveness of the Certo drug test hack is a topic of debate. While some individuals claim to have successfully passed their drug tests using this method, scientific evidence supporting its effectiveness is limited. Factors such as the type of drug, frequency of use, and individual metabolism can influence the outcome.

Potential Risks and Limitations of the Certo Drug Test Hack

It's important to note that the Certo drug test hack has certain risks and limitations. Firstly, using this method does not guarantee a negative drug test result, as it may not effectively mask all types of drugs. Moreover, laboratories may have advanced methods to detect attempts to tamper with urine samples, including the presence of substances like Certo.

Other Methods to Pass a Drug Test

If you are concerned about passing a drug test and are skeptical about the Certo drug test hack, consider the following alternative methods:

Synthetic urine

Synthetic urine is a laboratory-made urine substitute designed to mimic the composition and characteristics of real urine. It can be used as a substitute during a drug test, providing a higher chance of passing if used correctly.

Detox drinks

Detox drinks are commercially available products designed to assist the body in eliminating toxins. These drinks often contain a blend of natural ingredients that may help speed up the body's detoxification process.

Exercise and natural detoxification

Regular exercise, along with a healthy diet and adequate hydration, can support the body's natural detoxification processes. Engaging in physical activities, such as cardio exercises and sweating, can help eliminate toxins through the skin and urine.


The Certo drug test hack has gained popularity as a potential method to pass urine drug tests. However, its effectiveness is uncertain, and there are risks associated with attempting to tamper with drug test results. It is crucial to consider alternative methods and consult professionals for guidance in navigating drug testing situations.


About the Creator

Harry Garlow

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