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Business Tips: Why Workplace Cleanliness Is an Important Factor

Let’s look at all the factors that make cleanliness an important factor for any workplace.

By Shawn MikePublished 5 years ago 5 min read

Having a clean environment for your employees is an essential part of any workplace. To ensure the happiness of your employees, you must spend the time and energy required to keep your workplace clean. A clean environment at work will ensure the happiness of your employees and their productivity too.

Ensures the Safety and Health of Employees

While your employees have certain duties towards you, there are also things that you owe to them. There are several reasons why employee health is important, such as:

Keeps Germs and Illnesses at Bay

Since offices are a major source of bacteria, they must be cleaned regularly. A study in 2014 showed that a virus placed on doorknobs and tabletops would spread to almost 40 to 60 percent of the workers within three to four hours. Door handles and table tops should be cleaned frequently to prevent germs and diseases from spreading.

Ease Stress and Anxiety

It is extremely damaging for the mental health of the employees to have their office cluttered all the time. An employee who is working in a messy place will not be as productive as that who is working in a neat and clean environment. Decluttering gives employees clarity and reduces stress.

Fewer Accidents and Injuries

A cluttered environment not only gives a bad impression, but it can also be dangerous. You are more prone to accidents. For example, someone might trip over a loose wire or slip on an unattended spillage. All this can be avoided if one pays attention to workplace cleanliness.

Increased Productivity

Most companies think that spending money on cleanliness is a burden on finances. However, the truth is that you are saving your employees from getting sick which would otherwise have a negative impact on the productivity of your company. Employees who are happy with their jobs are less distracted and give more to the company they are answering to. You don’t want your workers to be distracted with a smelly environment.

Other than increasing the productivity of your company, a clean workplace promises a higher level of employee satisfaction. The condition of your work desk and the restroom at work plays an important role in building a company’s image. Restrooms at the workplace need to be cleaned regularly for ensuring hygienic conditions.

Lasting Impression

A clean environment will create a lasting impression on anyone who visits your organization. This impression is not only for the people who visit the building but also for those who are working there. The feedback from your employees holds more importance than you can imagine. The best organization are those whose employees are treated well and are willing to give good feedback.

A clean environment is a welcoming environment. No matter what kind of business you are running. It will create trust among the clients, reflect efficiency and ensure productivity. Pay attention to small details in the office space. A crowded reception area is worse than an unattended reception. All the furniture must be polished to the utmost perfection. Try making necessary improvements that can help you in bridging the gap you have between you and your client.

Cleaning Tips

There are numerous advantages to having a clean workplace. It is one thing being aware of the advantages, it is entirely different to have a plan of action at hand. For starters, you need to understand that cleaning up will not be a blow on your budget. Maybe initially, if you are starting from scratch. You would need to spend money, but once you have it then it is all about the maintenance. Here, we have put together a few tips that can help you in keeping your organization in its nifty form.

Top-to-Bottom Cleaning

Ever heard of top-to-bottom cleaning? Well, the idea is pretty simple. Start with the cleaning of the walls, then move to the windows, vents and exhaust fans. Once done, move down towards the furniture and then lastly towards the floor. This method is better since there is a little need to re-clean areas.

Hire Professional Cleaners

You can get your cleaning staff to clean up the carpeting but there will always be the problem of drying it up or removal of nasty stains. A damp/wet carpet can also be the root cause of the foul smell and can even cause mold to build up in the carpet fibers. You can avoid such situations by hiring any reliable cleaning service provider in your area e.g. if you live in Westminster then simply search London carpet cleaners and talk to a sale representative for a consultation. Professional carpet cleaning services use machinery that dries out the thickest carpets within minutes, leaving them soft and fluffy.

Educate your Employees

You would be surprised by the lack of education that people have regarding hygiene. You must have the support from the employees for successful to implementation of workplace cleanliness. An easy way to get to them is by putting up signs that promote common hygiene practices. This alone could help maintain the cleanliness at your workplace.

Restock without Delay

A delay in stocking up your products would give your cleaning staff the leverage that is undesirable. Offices are busy places and even a day without cleaning up can cause havoc. Regular surveys are a must to check and replace items that are essential to maintain hygiene. In case the weather is tricky, you must always have a backup of supplies stocked up.

Keep Check lists

Keeping a checklist is super important especially if you are administering a big office. They are a great way to supervise your cleaning staff. You could have a checklist for every room in the office.


It will always be challenging to take this initiative. However, soon it will become a regime that everyone in the office is part of. The first step is always difficult. Make sure you take your employees into confidence before you take any drastic measures. They must not be disturbed in any way, even with all the cleaning going on. You can ensure this by educating them over the advantages of a clean workplace. Good Luck!


About the Creator

Shawn Mike

Shawn Mike has been working with writing challenging clients for over five years. He occasionally writes blog articles for Classic PDF.

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