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Brocken mirror

Short Story

By RS Creation Published about a year ago 12 min read
Brocken mirror

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled in the heart of a dense forest, there lived a young girl named Ava. Ava was a curious and adventurous child who loved exploring the woods and discovering new things. She had a vivid imagination and often spent hours lost in her thoughts, dreaming up fantastic stories and adventures.

One day, while exploring the forest, Ava stumbled upon an old abandoned cabin. The cabin was small and rundown, with a thatched roof and crooked walls. As Ava approached, she noticed that the cabin had a large mirror hanging on one of the walls. The mirror was old and cracked, with spiderwebs and dust covering its surface.

Ava was intrigued by the mirror and walked over to inspect it more closely. As she looked into the cracked glass, she saw a distorted reflection of herself staring back. Suddenly, she felt a strange sensation wash over her, as if she was being pulled into the mirror. She tried to pull away, but it was as if an invisible force was holding her in place.

When Ava opened her eyes, she found herself in a strange and unfamiliar world. Everything around her was dark and foreboding, with twisted trees and jagged rocks jutting out of the ground. The sky was a sickly green color, and the air was thick with a foul-smelling mist.

Ava looked down and saw that her clothes had changed. Instead of her usual jeans and t-shirt, she was now wearing a long, flowing dress made of shimmering silk. She felt a sudden pang of fear and confusion, wondering how she had ended up in this strange and unfamiliar place.

As she looked around, Ava noticed a figure in the distance. The figure was tall and cloaked in shadow, with glowing eyes that seemed to pierce through the darkness. Ava's heart raced as the figure approached, wondering if it was a friend or foe.

"Who are you?" Ava asked, her voice shaking with fear.

"I am the Keeper of the Mirror," the figure replied in a deep, rumbling voice. "You have entered my world through the broken mirror, and now you must face the consequences."

"What consequences?" Ava asked, her heart sinking as she realized the gravity of the situation.

"The consequences of your actions," the Keeper replied. "You have entered this world without permission, and now you must pay the price."

Ava felt a wave of panic wash over her, wondering how she would ever escape this strange and ominous world. She looked around, searching for a way out, but all she saw was darkness and despair.

As she stood there, lost and alone, Ava suddenly remembered the stories her grandmother used to tell her about the power of imagination. She closed her eyes and focused all her thoughts and energy on a happy memory, hoping to create a glimmer of light in the darkness.

To her surprise, as she concentrated, she felt a sudden surge of energy coursing through her veins. She opened her eyes and saw that the world around her was slowly changing. The sky was turning from sickly green to a soft pink, and the trees were growing leaves and flowers.

Ava smiled, feeling a newfound sense of hope and determination. She knew that if she could use her imagination to change this world, she could find a way out.

As she explored the new, more colorful world, Ava encountered a host of strange and fascinating creatures. There were talking animals, mischievous fairies, and even a friendly dragon who helped her navigate the treacherous landscape.

With the help of her new friends, Ava discovered that the only way to escape the world of the Keeper was to find a way to fix the broken mirror that had brought her here in the first place. She searched high and low, traversing the dangerous terrain and facing numerous

obstacles, but eventually, she found what she was looking for.

In a clearing at the center of the forest, Ava came across a beautiful crystal that glimmered in the sunlight. She knew instinctively that this crystal held the key to fixing the broken mirror.

With the help of her friends, Ava set to work repairing the mirror. They worked tirelessly, using their combined skills and knowledge to piece the shards of glass back together. As they worked, Ava felt a sense of satisfaction and accomplishment that she had never felt before.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the mirror was repaired. Ava approached it tentatively, wondering if it would work. She took a deep breath and stepped through the glass.

To her immense relief, Ava found herself back in the forest, standing in front of the old, abandoned cabin. She looked around, trying to make sense of what had just happened. Had it all been a dream?

As she pondered this, she heard a voice behind her. She turned around and saw an old woman standing there, dressed in a long, flowing cloak.

"Well done, Ava," the old woman said, smiling warmly at her. "You have passed the test."

"The test?" Ava asked, feeling confused.

"Yes," the old woman replied. "The Keeper of the Mirror is a guardian of the imagination. He tests all those who enter his world to see if they are worthy of unlocking the full potential of their imagination. You have shown that you have the courage, creativity, and determination to face any challenge that comes your way. You have proven yourself to be a true master of the imagination."

Ava felt a surge of pride and joy as she realized the significance of what the old woman was saying. She had unlocked the full potential of her imagination, and she knew that the possibilities were endless.

As she walked away from the old cabin and back towards her village, Ava felt a sense of freedom and possibility. She knew that she could accomplish anything she set her mind to, and she was excited to see where her imagination would take her next.

From that day forward, Ava continued to explore the world around her, seeking out new adventures and challenges. She knew that there would be bumps along the way, but she also knew that she had the power of her imagination to guide her through any obstacle.

And so, Ava lived happily ever after, always ready for the next great adventure that lay ahead.

Over time, Ava became known throughout her village and beyond as a master storyteller. People would gather around her, eager to hear the fantastic tales she had to share. She would weave stories of adventure, romance, and mystery, each one more imaginative than the last.

Ava's reputation as a storyteller grew, and soon she was being invited to other villages and towns to share her stories. She became something of a celebrity, known far and wide for her incredible imagination and her ability to transport her listeners to other worlds.

As she traveled and shared her stories, Ava never forgot the lessons she had learned in the Keeper of the Mirror's world. She continued to push herself to be more creative and daring in her storytelling, always seeking out new ways to inspire and entertain her audiences.

Eventually, Ava's stories became so famous that they caught the attention of a powerful king. The king was known for his love of great stories and would often hold storytelling competitions to find the best storytellers in the land.

When Ava heard about the king's competition, she knew she had to enter. She spent months preparing her story, pouring all of her imagination and creativity into crafting a tale that would captivate the king and his court.

Finally, the day of the competition arrived. Ava stepped onto the stage, feeling nervous but determined. She began to tell her story, weaving a magical world of adventure, mystery, and romance.

As she spoke, the king and his court were mesmerized. They hung on every word, their eyes wide with wonder and excitement. When Ava finished her story, there was a moment of stunned silence, and then the entire audience erupted into applause.

The king himself stood up and walked over to Ava, his face beaming with admiration. "You are truly a master storyteller," he said. "I have never heard a story so imaginative and captivating. You have won the competition, and with it, my eternal respect and admiration."

Ava felt a sense of pride and accomplishment wash over her as she accepted the king's prize. She had come so far from the shy, unassuming girl who had stumbled into the Keeper of the Mirror's world all those years ago.

From that day forward, Ava's fame as a storyteller only continued to grow. She traveled far and wide, sharing her stories with people from all walks of life. She even began to mentor young storytellers, passing on the lessons she had learned about the power of imagination and creativity.

In the end, Ava knew that she owed everything to the broken mirror and the world it had opened

As Ava grew older, she began to wonder what would happen to her stories after she was gone. She knew that her legacy would live on in the memories of those who had heard her tales, but she also knew that stories had a way of being lost or forgotten over time.

So, Ava began to think about ways to preserve her stories for future generations. She gathered her closest friends and fellow storytellers and proposed the idea of creating a book, a collection of her best and most beloved stories.

Her friends were thrilled with the idea, and together they began to work on the book. They spent months poring over Ava's stories, selecting the ones that would be included, and editing them to make sure they were perfect.

Finally, the book was finished, a beautiful, leather-bound volume filled with Ava's stories and accompanied by stunning illustrations. It was a true masterpiece, a tribute to Ava's incredible imagination and her dedication to the art of storytelling.

The book was an instant success, beloved by readers of all ages. It became a classic, passed down from generation to generation, treasured for its timeless tales of adventure, romance, and mystery.

As the years went by, Ava became known not only as a master storyteller but also as a wise and generous mentor. She continued to share her wisdom and insights with young storytellers, encouraging them to find their own unique voices and to never be afraid to take risks and explore new ideas.

And so, Ava's legacy lived on, not just in her stories but also in the countless storytellers she had inspired and mentored over the years. Her influence could be felt in the tales of countless generations to come, a testament to the enduring power of imagination and creativity.

As she approached the end of her life, Ava felt a sense of peace and contentment. She had lived a full and satisfying life, one filled with adventure, wonder, and above all, the joy of storytelling.

And as she closed her eyes for the final time, she knew that her spirit would live on, carried forward by the tales she had told and the imaginations she had ignited.

In the years that followed, Ava's book of stories continued to be cherished by readers around the world. It had become a literary classic, studied in schools and universities, and beloved by generations of readers.

But despite the book's success, Ava's greatest legacy was the impact she had on the countless storytellers she had inspired and mentored over the years. Her dedication to the art of storytelling had inspired a whole new generation of writers and artists, each one eager to push the boundaries of imagination and creativity.

As the years passed, Ava became a legend, a towering figure in the world of storytelling. Her name became synonymous with the power of the imagination, and her stories continued to inspire and delight readers of all ages.

And though she was gone, her spirit lived on, carried forward by the countless storytellers she had inspired over the years. They continued to tell their own tales, each one building upon the legacy that Ava had left behind.

In the end, Ava's life was a testament to the power of the human imagination. Through her stories, she had opened up new worlds, inspired new ideas, and encouraged generations to believe in the power of their own creativity.

As the sun set on Ava's life, a new day was dawning, one filled with endless possibilities and limitless potential. And though she was gone, her spirit would live on, carried forward by the countless storytellers who would continue to weave their own tales, each one a tribute to the legacy of the greatest storyteller of them all

As Ava's legacy continued to thrive, her stories became the foundation of a new movement in storytelling. The Ava School of Storytelling was established, where young and aspiring writers could learn from the techniques and styles of Ava's stories.

The school quickly became renowned for its innovative approach to storytelling, and many of its graduates went on to become successful authors and storytellers in their own right. They credited Ava's teachings for giving them the tools and confidence to create their own unique stories.

Ava's influence also extended beyond the world of literature. Her stories had inspired countless artists, musicians, and filmmakers, who used her tales as inspiration for their own works of art. Her characters and settings became the subject of countless paintings, sculptures, and films, each one a tribute to the enduring power of her imagination.

And as the years passed, Ava's stories continued to captivate audiences around the world. New editions of her book were published, each one filled with more stories and new illustrations. Her tales were adapted into films and television shows, and her characters became household names.

But despite her widespread success, Ava remained humble, always insisting that her stories were nothing more than the product of a fertile imagination. She never lost sight of the fact that the real magic lay not in the stories themselves, but in the act of storytelling.

And so, even as she grew older, Ava continued to tell stories, never tiring of the joy and wonder that came from sharing her imagination with others. Her stories remained as fresh and vibrant as ever, a testament to the enduring power of the human imagination, and a reminder of the legacy of the greatest storyteller of them all.

And so, as Ava's life ended, she knew that she had left a lasting impact on the world. Her stories had inspired countless generations of readers and storytellers, and her legacy would continue to live on long after she was gone.

As she closed her eyes for the final time, Ava was filled with a sense of peace and contentment. She had lived a full and satisfying life, one filled with wonder, imagination, and the joy of storytelling.

And though her time in this world had come to an end, Ava's spirit would live on, carried forward by the countless stories she had told and the countless storytellers she had inspired. For as long as people told stories, Ava's legacy would endure, a tribute to the enduring power of the human imagination and the limitless potential of the human spirit.

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About the Creator

RS Creation

Search makes a person perfect, and in today's modern technology world, new information is learned through search.

He is created as a man. I am happy to share with you the many information that I have read and learned through my search.

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