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Be Generous

Little things count too

By Traibiyah BrownPublished 3 years ago 8 min read


By Traibiyah Brown

India wakes up every day at 6 am and goes to work and doesn’t get off until 9pm. Sometimes later depending if her co-worker/ best friend Anna doesn’t find a reason to leave early. She has been doing that a lot lately when business is most busy. While working long shifts at a local Venue juggling full-time work and full-time mommy duties to her 6-year-old daughter. Everyday seems the same. Although her love for music is what got her hooked on becoming the new employee. Watching the many performances all day long servicing musicians from all over the world. This Venue had her intrigued, waking up every day early to put on the best clothing, accessories and fresh hair styles just to go in to work. The job was exciting. She was fascinated with the many people she would meet and dream of one day meeting a husband at the very same place in hopes of being swept away into a glamorous lifestyle of the rich and famous.

However, to her surprise after 3 years and no prince and working tirelessly to please her beautiful but snobby nosed boss. Showing how dedicated she was to keep the money rolling in. Also, hoping that her hard work would be noticed. Yes, it was a venue and she was the barmaid and server she still had to deal with so many personalities, those feeling entitled to royal treatment, even some musicians who felt their presence should be enough and shouldn’t have to pay. Boy, was this an ever-exciting place. India is only paid barely minimum wage and tips.

She daydreamed of how good the tips used to be. Her and Anna would get hundreds of dollars in tips, keeping the drinks coming and customers entertained even when there would be no performers. Once upon a time she didn’t care about the minimum wage she could pay bills just off of tips.

But today was a rather unusual day. “I don’t feel like it” India said to Anna. You don’t feel like what? Asked Anna.” I don’t want to go in today, I just want to stay home and do something fun, something spontaneous for a change”. Said India. Well, you do have Sundays off... Anna replied. Today is Monday! Sunday is so far away. I want to-do something today! Shouted India with excitement. OK! OK! I understand but I have to go to work, bills have to get paid and you have bills too so let's go, said Anna without much excitement at all. Your right, but I won't get dressed up today! They will see me how I am! India said with no care at all.

What gave her this sudden need for change? She didn’t know but she liked it. As she walked in to work everyone stared even her boss. Her regulars joked about not even noticing who she was and she smirked back without a word. Indeed, today will be an interesting one for sure. What are you trying to do close us down for good? Her boss hurried to her as She went to clock in. Are you sick? India laughed no I am fine just wasn’t in the mood for heals and all the whistles and bells today. Well, we like you better whistling with all the bells her boss said with a smirk. It's only jeans and a tank. It will be Ok India said sarcastically.

Cleaning the counters as customers come and go of empty bottles and glasses. India is approached by a woman dressed up as what appears a big beautiful dress from back in the 1900s so in her mind, she must be a performer tonight. India glad fully helped her 1 because she was a new face so hopefully not stuck up like most women performers. And 2 because if she is a performer, she didn’t want to scare her off. The woman ordered whiskey and straight up at that, but she was kind, had a soft voice and actually beautiful for her age. They talked about the venue and about other things going on in the world making small talk. The woman told her you will be great, and everything you want will happen just pay attention to the small things. India smirked yes of course just making small talk. The woman was on her 3r​ d​ drink so OK India thought an emotional drinker hoped she wouldn't start crying. Another customer walks in and India goes to greet them, while taking the new orders she sees the woman fixing herself to leave. Oh, wait India said I will get your bill. Thank you for the very appreciated talk. As she gets the woman bill ready, she turns only to find her gone. She goes outside no trace. In the woman's seat was a little black book. She asks her customers if they see a woman leave. They all reply no. Having to report the loss to her boss. India is suspended. Her boss felt that either she stole by having the drinks herself or she gave away free drinks without permission. India thought how weird that had never happened but she was tired of the job so she didn’t even put up a fight, maybe she needed the time off. As she goes home, she takes the book with her.

Once home and her daughter are laid to bed after a night of dinner and a movie and quality time. Her and her daughter needed that time together and she worked so much barely had a chance to get out. As India thinks about the missed pay due to being suspended, she starts to open the book to take her mind off of things. It had daily quotes for everyday all the way to 30. Day 1 says to be kind, Day 2 says to show gratitude, Day 3 says to be generous and so forth as the day continues there is a quote for each day. Very interesting she thought to herself, but why did the woman leave it? Maybe just was in a hurry after getting drunk realizing she wasn’t a performer after all. As days go by

India starts to journal each day into the book, exploring each quotation and writing daily. This gave her energy, lifted her way of thinking, she even slept better. It's as if these positive quotations were allowing her to be a better version of herself, she helped more people, she even volunteered at a local shop where she loves flowers. The days on suspension was like the best. At this point everyday was different and she enjoyed waking up every day with something new to do. India also noticed that as the days went by small things occurred, she brushed it off as just having good days.

It was Friday which meant check day she had been off for two weeks and knew her check would be short and prepared to beg to come back or just quit. After all, she was tired of being there so whatever happened she wouldn’t fight just accept however the day went. Today the little black book said “seize the day and discover”. India didn’t know what kind of day this meant. But she was ready. She filled out applications for other potential jobs as she was a bright young lady and maybe it’s time for a change she thought as she went to pick up her check.

As India arrived for her check her boss called her to her office. Here we go though India. Anna just looked at her and shrugged as if to say I don’t know what she wants. As she walks into the office, she tells her boss she quits. I quit! I know you're upset and I didn’t lie just give me my check and I will go. Her boss asks why do you want to quit? India says well you called me in here and I appreciate you not embarrassing me by firing me privately. No! No! No, says India boss, I am not going to fire you! She said with a giggle, I wanted to talk to you and I had decided to offer you a new position. General Manager she said with excitement. I had time to think while you were away and I have to be honest, no one can run the show better than you, no one makes the customers happy like you. Indeed, I want you to stay if you can decide not to quit. India in shocked smiling yes! Oh my God! Yes, with cheer in her voice. WOW what a day thank you! So, does that mean more pay? Yes, India you will have a new pay rate and the duty of overseeing workers, inventory and show line up.

This was the best day ever to India. She reached to hug her boss so tight with happiness and as they shared the moment India looked over and saw a little black book on her desk identical to the one, she found. She asks where did you get that? Her boss says to her I had a visitor and she left it looking in India eyes as she realized after the woman visit that India did not make it up. She told India a woman came into her office to talk to her and as they talked the woman said to her “seek ye and you shall find”. And as she left out to grab the woman a drink so they could finish talking the woman was gone and only left a black book. India smiled with happiness at her new position but also wondering who was this mystery woman?

India started home to pick her daughter up and have 1 more play date before she starts her new position. They head to the bank to deposit the check so they can go about their day. As she deposits her check and the teller gives the receipt to her to leave. She noticed it says the balance was $20,000.00 her eyes grew big and she told the teller this must be wrong. The teller shows her the check and says this is the check you gave me. She studied the check and it says her name so she calls her boss thinking this has to be a test so maybe she gave it to her by mistake. She calls her boss and starts saying she will return it immediately in a hurry. Her boss yells NO! NO! NO! that is yours to go along with your new position. This is an advancement for all your hard work and she goes to tell India Thank you. In shock she rushes to work to hug and thank her boss as she hugs her, she shows India her little Black book and she is on day 3.

Be Generous.

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