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Are there Any Side Effects of Using Invisalign?

Side Effects of Invisalign

By Dave WessonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

Many people who find their smile unattractive surf the internet for Invisalign treatment to help them achieve their dream smile. A couple of years back, checking the internet for a solution to straighten your smile would have given results on rubber bands, wires and metal braces.

However, since the introduction of Invisalign clear aligners in 1997, more people have turned to this alternative to metal braces for teeth straightening. Since Invisalign’s introduction, over 6.4 million people worldwide have used Invisalign to straighten their teeth. Over 1.5 million of those who used Invisalign are teenagers.

The increasing popularity of Invisalign aligners has made it possible for people to read content online about Invisalign. Some materials online now compare the traditional braces to Invisalign. This makes finding information about Invisalign clear aligners easy to help you decide whether to straighten your teeth with this aligner or not.

Benefits of Invisalign

Like metal braces, Invisalign aims to move the teeth into their perfect positions gradually. Invisalign and traditional braces also share other similarities like prolonged treatment time. Although braces and aligners may require a different number of months or weeks to straighten the teeth, both treatments need time before seeing your desired result.

Invisalign has some benefits and advantages over traditional braces. Some benefits of Invisalign braces include:

  • No dietary changes

If you straighten your teeth with traditional braces, you would have certain food restrictions to avoid damaging the braces or dislodging the wires attached to your teeth, which means a change in your diet. With traditional braces, you’ll have to avoid foods like barbecue chips, popcorn, corn in a cob, and pizza crust.

Using Invisalign, on the other hand, does not require avoiding any food, provided you take out the aligners first.

  • No need to feel self-conscious

Many people who wear traditional braces tend to feel self-conscious about their appearance, which impacts their self-confidence. This happens because braces are apparent, and everyone can see them even from a far distance.

Invisalign clear aligners are almost invisible, and people would rarely notice you are undergoing orthodontic treatment. With this, you don’t have to feel self-conscious, and your self-confidence remains intact.

  • Limited visits to the dentist or orthodontist

Conventional braces require frequent visits to the dentist for adjustment, but with Invisalign, you don’t have to visit the dentist often because the aligners do not need adjustments. All you need is to switch out each set of aligners at the right time.

Downsides of Invisalign treatment

 Like other dental and orthodontic treatments, Invisalign has its downsides. However, for most people, Invisalign benefits outweigh its downsides. Some potential problems that may arise with using Invisalign include:

  • Headaches

Some Invisalign users will experience headaches in the first few days of using Invisalign aligners. Headaches during the initial period of using Invisalign occur because the pressure exerted by Invisalign on the teeth is new to them and they are not used to having something in their mouth for a long time.

Even if you experience headaches from using Invisalign, your mouth will gradually adjust to the aligners, and you won’t feel discomfort as you wear the aligners. Some Invisalign users do not report headaches at the onset of their treatment.

  • Allergic reaction

Although this rarely occurs, Invisalign clear aligners can lead to an allergic reaction. The reaction occurs in response to the material used to make the aligners. Generally, allergic reaction to Invisalign is mild and causes minor gum irritation that subsides on its own.

If you experience gum irritation and it persists for more than a few days alongside nausea or headache, call your dentist.

  • Discomfort or soreness

At the onset of your Invisalign treatment, you may experience discomfort or soreness as your mouth gradually adjusts to the aligners. The discomfort may also occur when you switch out your aligners but can be managed with over-the-counter painkillers. Soreness arising from using Invisalign aligners is usually milder than soreness resulting from using metal braces.

  • Extended wear time

You need to wear Invisalign aligners most of the time, but you can remove them for a few hours every day. Generally, Invisalign patients need to wear the aligners for at least 20 hours every day.

You can take out your aligners to eat, drink different beverages, floss, brush your teeth and clean your aligners. Since you need to wear the aligner trays for most of the day, you need to plan when to take them out and allocate time to the things that require taking out your aligners.

  • Weight loss

Many people who used Invisalign lost weight during their Invisalign treatment. Since you have to limit the number of times you have to eat to avoid leaving your aligners out for a prolonged period, you get to eat less, and this may make you lose weight.

If you want your teeth straightened using Invisalign aligners but concerned about losing weight, consult your nutritionist or primary care physician. To avoid losing weight, you may have to incorporate protein shakes into your diet during your scheduled meal times.

So, you can schedule a consultation for Invisalign in London with an experienced orthodontist who will create a suitable treatment plan for you.

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