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An Environment in Crisis, What is to Blame?

Evil? Or... human.

By Ellen DoddPublished 4 years ago 4 min read
An Environment in Crisis, What is to Blame?
Photo by Zbynek Burival on Unsplash

Energy corporations!

The devil in the form of an industry, as the current green revolution would have you believe. An industry that has single handedly corrupted our natural landscape, polluted our air, and is out to kill us all!

Or, are they? Recently I have been beginning to have more humility, and dare I say compassion towards those who work for large energy companies and the stick they receive. Of course, these practices have indeed been hurting the environment, but is it fair to vilify an industry whilst simultaneously demanding its existence? Without electricity and gas, and I’m not exaggerating, we would probably all die. Think about it, we use energy almost every second of every day. Hospital equipment, heating our homes during winter, YouTube! (Okay, perhaps we would eventually learn to live without that...) but you see what I mean. I don’t know about you, but I have absolutely no idea how to derive it for myself and rely on these companies for my life.

In this age of understanding, where everyone it seems is taking the time to better understand themselves and the people around them, looking through the eyes of those we dislike the most is probably the most useful thing we can do. And for me, that includes those who work for industries that go against my morals. Now, if I worked my whole life as an energy company official, giving energy and a better life to the inhabitants of earth, so they could get on with their days nonethewiser, I’d probably be a little p****ed off that suddenly the people I had worked my whole life serving had turned me into some sort of enemy hell bent on their destruction. After looking after them my whole working life!

The phrase “what we resist, persists” comes to mind here. It’s basic psychology to want to do pretty much the exact opposite of what someone harshly demands you to do, and we’re all human right? Yes, that includes those who make up the collective evil energy industry. Shouting at them to change because they’re the problem, could end up being counter productive. Perhaps I’m a little out there, and I’m definitely guilty of fighting them in the past, but I can’t get over the feeling that these companies actually deserve our gratitude. Thanks, for energising the world so we could make the progress that we have. And an invitation to look at other, cleaner options of energy production for the future. After all, they’re the only people with the knowledge, finances, man power, infrastructure, global links, need I go on, that would be able to actualise a green revolution for the world. Vilifying these companies, to me anyway, is not the way forward. Reminding them that we are grateful for having a modern, energised world, and that they are too part of this world and could mutually benefit from shifting to a greener future, is perhaps a better idea.

And yes, clean energy companies exist. But can you imagine if every single person, company, public building and so on suddenly switched to them overnight? They’d crumble! Energy companies working together to genuinely focus their combined mind power towards solutions, seems like the only viable option (to me, anyway). We have a nuclear reactor in the sky and the technology to harness it's endless energy - a little bit of collaboration and the world could have endless renewable energy in no time!

Economically, it’s actually a great idea. It’s not as if people are going to stop needing energy any time soon, or that any of us normies could generate enough electricity for the whole country, or world. Transitioning over to clean and renewable energy production will eventually yield the same profits as fossil fuels do currently - and everyone’s world would be cleaner and a happier place to be as a result. The game of business would be the same, just with slightly different methods of production. In fact, for the wealthy of the world it’s an incredible investment opportunity that seems to be missed. We are all so busy fighting the evil corporations! Or the stupid liberals! To realise that we are all on the same team.

To solve the problems our world has, unity must be brought forth. Fighting against one another, arguing over who should be doing what, will get us nowhere. Looking honestly at what skills we have, and how we can use them to benefit the world, is the best way forward. And that includes individuals working for energy companies, who are amongst the only with the skill set needed to effectively pull off a green revolution.

Perhaps no one at the big corps will ever see this, but perhaps they will. And if they do, thanks. I wrote this on my mobile phone, whilst charging it on an electric train, who’s time I was able to check on my laptop before leaving my home. All of which is impossible without an almost endless supply of energy. I’d love if that energy was derived cleanly, and you’re amongst the only with the power to help make that happen. We only have one world to live in, and we have the solutions to change it for the better now. I truly hope those who we currently percieve as evil, realise they have done great service for the world by energising it, and that the next step in their natural business evolution is to go #green.


About the Creator

Ellen Dodd

I am just a girl, blundering through life and tryna have fun along the way. I like to write and dance mostly. Namaste xox

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