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Affiliate Programs Review

Marketing Tips

By Gauthamdev HollaPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

It’s been about a year since I bought my first affiliate book online for making money and I must say I was completely skeptical but then again you don’t make money unless you make an effort.

Still, I can understand why many people are hesitant to join the affiliate program business, don’t get me wrong it’s a great way to make money it’s just that not seeing something tangible is very unpromising to most people. It does take some research, time, and perseverance but once all those elements are in place you will make money. Affiliate marketing is a numbers game and one that will treat you very well if you take care of it.

For all those looking to make a quick buck forget it for there are better odds of an illegal immigrant becoming President of the United States; but for the rest of you intelligent and discipline-minded people this is definitely not out of your reach.

Let me first tell you how I even became involved in affiliate marketing. What first sparked my interest was a program I came across on the web called the Rich Jerk which can be found on a review page of 2 other useful internet tools.

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Now this guy really got me irate I mean what kind of moron brags about his riches online and how much richer he is than you and to add insult to injury implies that ordering his package won’t make you as pathetic as he thinks you are.

Well needless to say I ordered the package because like many of us I had to try it or at least take a peek at what this bumbling idiot had to say, and I have to admit it was mostly killer and no filler.

Did it make me an affiliate marketing genius? Absolutely not, but it did open my eyes to the possibilities that affiliate marketing has and saved me hundreds of hours on the web which is a key element in the affiliate marketing world and in life in general “time”. Time is the only thing you can’t recuperate so it saved me a whole heck of a lot of time and that’s major if you want to be successful in affiliate marketing for you must leverage your time and energy efficiency to make the most of your efforts. Trust me these are all learned skills and once the floodgates of your mind are exposed and become accustomed to all the lingo and concepts it just links them all together and makes so much sense.

Like I said it’s been a year since that day and I have really come around to this, I, a high school dropout that hardly wanted anything to do with computers because I felt the world would be just fine without them. Looking at my income and lifestyle today though I can’t possibly see how my world would fine without it and that’s just plain facts.

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So anyways as I became a little better day by day, and trust me take baby steps (that’s completely interpreted by the reader baby steps for you might be leaps and bounds for me) I started to expand my horizons and wanted more information I wanted to be the best I could be at this and continue to grow my already decent monthly income. I realized that everything the Rich Jerk had taught me was a great initial step, and one I don’t regret having taken (we all gotta start somewhere) but I needed to step my internet game up and so will some of you potential readers at some point.

That next step was the Ultimate Wealth Package which can also be found on the same website as the Rich Jerk link. So as I was saying the Ultimate Wealth Package provided me with an additional way to make money online. The information is a great addition to the Rich Jerk package (even though that guy annoying it’s a small compromise for the great information) and what the Ultimate Wealth Package taught me was even more helpful. It is full of helpful resources for the below intermediate level affiliate marketer and helps draw a clearer more complete picture of how the nuts and bolts of affiliate programs work.

What’s also great about this affiliate program is how it combines useful resources (that you wouldn’t even know to look for) and provides you with a free website to get started. This wasn’t a no-brainer but definitely an interesting alternative to the Rich Jerk. The reason why I say it’s not exactly a no-brainer is that to some people that may have added value and to others it may not. Now you may say “but isn’t the whole point to having a website to be able to bring potential clients on board?” and you make a valid point but to think a package is only great because of its incentives is wishful thinking. In my opinion all it is, is a helpful boost but not the highlight of the product itself.

Ok, so how does this affiliate marketing work anyways? Well, it’s quite simple, you:

1) need a website (Make your own website in minutes)

2) need a way to direct traffic to that website (see Ultimate Wealth Package and Rich Jerk)

3) need a great product to sell (ex: information or physical product).

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It’s really that easy the Ultimate Wealth Package and Rich Jerk products will take all the guesswork out of how to put together a site that brings in traffic and sells a product you can be proud of. Keep in mind that it’s the overall idea that is important say today you want to promote an online merchant like Amazon or Barnes and Noble and tomorrow you want to sell a product that relates to your field in some way or form. You can become the expert in your niche helping people find the products and services they want.

But don’t limit yourself to one product at a time, you my friend are not loyal to anyone and the moment that your merchants are not rewarding you with the affiliate money you deserve, based on the traffic and sales you generate, then move on to the next. It’s a great way of sticking it to the man, and who knows someday you may become the man, aim high, aim to learn and you too will be rewarded with the benefits of affiliate marketing.

Just remember, similar to the real estate boom there will also be an affiliate program internet boom. Once people catch on to how comprehensible affiliate programs are then a large group of people will begin to do it. But fear not because the internet is limitless and with the thousands of new users every day you’re sure to get a slice of the action, but you have to take the plunge somewhere and learn from the best, don’t re-invent the wheel when it’s rolling just fine. The next step is yours to take, so the question is Are you ready for the Next Step?

If this was helpful please send this article to a friend, remember the more people you help the more you help your business.

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