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A Simple Guide to Being Peaceful

The best way to start being more peaceful is by trying new things and not being afraid of failure. If you don't make mistakes, then you're not doing anything at all.

By Courtenee HeslopPublished 2 years ago 9 min read

We live in a world that's full of stress and uncertainty. The news is filled with stories about war, famine and natural disasters, so it's no wonder why some people feel anxious or depressed. But there are also ways to be more peaceful! Below are some simple steps you can take to feel better:

It's OK to not be OK.

Sometimes it can be hard to know if a situation is worth getting upset over. Maybe you’re feeling overwhelmed by schoolwork and are worried that you won’t be able to do well on an upcoming exam. Or maybe your family members are causing friction, but they’re important people in your life and it feels like there isn’t much you can do about it.

We get it—life is tough sometimes! Sometimes things don't go the way we want them to, and sometimes people around us aren't acting how we'd like them too. But that's just normal human stuff—what matters most is how we choose to react when those situations happen.

It's normal for humans (and animals!) not always have everything together all the time, but this does NOT mean that there's something wrong with being imperfect or struggling with certain parts of life! As long as we're doing our best every day, that's all that matters at the end of the day anyway!

Do one thing every day that makes you happy.

Do one thing every day that makes you happy.

It can be something you have always wanted to do. It can be something you have always wanted to learn. It can be something you have always wanted to try and experience, even if it seems like a small thing and not something that will bring about any big changes or life-altering events. The idea here is that when we start our days with doing things we want to do, we are much more likely to find ourselves in a better mood overall throughout the day because our minds are no longer focused on all of the things we need to get done but rather what we want to do instead of what needs getting done (which can sometimes feel like they're one in the same).

Stop comparing yourself to other people.

When you compare yourself to other people, you’re wasting your time. You can always find someone who is better than you at something—it’s a matter of odds. But the only thing that matters is what you do with what you have right now. Are you using the resources available to achieve your goals? If so, then there is no need for comparison.

You can only control your own actions, thoughts and emotions, and health in the present moment. That’s all there is: this moment—and everything inside it belongs to us as well as everyone else who lives on this planet with us (although not always willingly).

Don't sweat the small stuff.

One of the best ways to achieve peace is to not sweat the small stuff.

When you find yourself worrying about things that don't matter, remind yourself that they are just small pieces of your life and shouldn't be taken too seriously.

This is a good tip because it's easy to get caught up in little things like what other people think of you or what could potentially happen if an event occurs in your life. These worries can cause stress and make you feel like something bad will happen if they come true, but it's important to remember that most times these situations work themselves out without any trouble at all. If something does go wrong, chances are there wasn't anything you could have done about it anyway!

Be gentle with yourself and others.

Being kind to yourself and others is not only good for them, but also for you. The more you are kind and gentle with yourself, the more likely you are to be kind and gentle with others. The opposite is also true: being unkind or harsh towards yourself causes pain and suffering, which makes it difficult to be kind towards others.

Don't worry about pleasing everyone; focus on pleasing yourself.

[There are many ways to be more at peace with yourself. One way is to stop worrying about what other people think of you. There’s a lot that goes into this, so let’s break it down.]

  • Don't worry about pleasing everyone: focus on pleasing yourself.
  • Take a step back and look at the big picture when something happens that makes you feel bad or uncomfortable in any way. Are you really living your life or have you lost sight of what really matters? Is there something that has gotten in the way of your true purpose? Does what someone else does affect how happy or unhappy I am?
  • It can be difficult not to care about other people's opinions because we're social creatures who rely on our relationships for survival—but remember that sometimes those "other people" aren't thinking rationally, either! People will often act irrationally out of fear and insecurity; they don't always know what's best for themselves so they try to control others instead (and this can cause problems). The best thing we can do is stay focused on ourselves - finding out what makes us happy and doing those things - rather than letting others dictate our actions because then we'll be able to make decisions based off facts instead not just emotions.

Let go of grudges you're holding onto and forgive yourself for your mistakes.

Now that you've decided to pursue a more peaceful lifestyle, the next step is to let go of grudges and forgive yourself for past mistakes.

Holding on to anger only hurts us in the long run and we can't let it affect our lives any longer. Forgiving others will allow us to feel less burdened and more at peace with ourselves. This can also help us relate better with others as well as strengthen our relationships with them. By forgiving others, we are not condoning their actions or saying that what they did was okay; rather we are acknowledging that there is no point in dwelling on something that has already happened and cannot be changed anymore.

We should also learn how to forgive ourselves because it's often not easy for people who have made mistakes in their lives—mistakes which may have affected other people negatively too—to accept those mistakes without blaming themselves for them or feeling guilty about it all over again every time they think about them again later on down the line (which would only add fuel on top of an already smoldering fire).

Try something new and rewarding every day, even if it isn't perfect right away.

The best way to start being more peaceful is by trying new things and not being afraid of failure. If you don't make mistakes, then you're not doing anything at all.

When we try something new and it doesn't work out the first time, we tend to get frustrated or angry with ourselves for messing up. But that's normal! When people ask me what advice I can give them about learning mindfulness skills like meditation or yoga, my response is always this: “Don't be afraid to fail!”

When I started practicing yoga in college, my friends thought it was kind of silly because they didn't understand why someone would want to do such a thing (and still don't). But one day when we were sitting around eating cake after class ended, one of those friends asked me if she could try out some poses too! She was laughing as she said it—but also really serious about wanting to learn how this might help her feel calmer during stressful times.

Take a break from social media sometimes.

You may have noticed that you start to feel anxious, anxious about the past and future, or anxious about the present. You may also notice that your relationships with people are strained. If it's a friend who makes fun of other people on social media, then they might not be your friend anymore because they are so mean to others online.

If you still feel like engaging in social media despite these feelings and experiences, then that's fine! Remember this is just one way of being peaceful; there are many other ways as well!

Not everything is under your control; accept that sometimes bad things happen and you can't do anything about them except move on from them as best you can.

If you find yourself in a situation where your peace is disturbed by something that is out of your control, such as the weather or traffic, try not to fret about it. Things happen every day that are beyond our control and can impact how we feel. We may not be able to change these things, but we can choose how we respond to them. In this case, accepting them with a positive attitude will often help you find peace again more quickly than fighting against them or allowing yourself to get upset over something that isn't within your control.

Things which ARE within your power (for example: choosing what kind of clothes and shoes to wear) should be done with care and thoughtfulness so that they bring out the best version of you possible—this will help keep both your mind AND body calm at all times!

Time heals all wounds so don't expect to feel better immediately when something happens, but know that being patient will pay off in the long run.

Time heals all wounds. You might be feeling pretty down right now, but just know that you'll get better eventually.

There's no way to rush the healing process—it takes time and patience. So don't expect things to change overnight; instead, be patient with yourself and your situation.

There are many simple ways to improve your sense of peace in life

There are many simple ways to improve your sense of peace in life.

  • It's OK to not be OK. The first step toward being peaceful is realizing that you're not always going to feel peaceful. You're going to have bad days, nights, and weeks — and that's OK!
  • Stop comparing yourself to others. When we compare ourselves with others, we usually find ourselves lacking in some way because they seem so much better than us (or worse). Don't let this happen! Focus on what makes you special and unique: the way you think or act; the things that make your life meaningful; how sensitive or resilient (or both) you are; what makes up your character and personality. These qualities are not just yours—they belong equally to everyone else as well!
  • Don't sweat the small stuff. We all want our lives full of joy but sometimes it can seem like there is too much drama around us or inside ourselves that causes stress instead of happiness—and this can lead us down a path where nothing seems fun anymore because everything seems overwhelming without any clear path forward towards resolution. Instead of focusing on big problems like those listed above try taking small steps forward each day until eventually even bigger problems become manageable again!


I hope you've found this guide to being more peaceful in your life helpful! The most important thing is to remember that peace is something we can all work on and improve — no matter where we are in life, what we've done before or what our struggles might be. So take the time you need, start small and have patience with yourself—and don't forget about some of those other things we talked about like finding happiness through doing nice things for others or taking breaks from social media. If you're feeling anxious right now (or if someone close to you is), remember that it's OK not to feel OK all the time; just keep trying different things until they do eventually work out!


About the Creator

Courtenee Heslop

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