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A Question That Every Writer Gets

A Question That Haunts Writers Everywhere

By Carly MackayPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

Now, there are many questions that writers get, like what inspired their story, will there be more books, so on and so forth. But there is always that one question that any writer gets that is just down to who is going to ask it first.

That question is, how did you get so good? Or how did you get your writing to be so good?

Just an Answer

Every writer answers differently to any questions, and especially to that one, but there is one thing about that one question—the theme about it, what the point of it is. And that would be practicing, and doing it over and over again. Always learning. Asking people to read over your work. It doesn't matter if you write fiction, non-fiction, or even fanfiction. Every writer keeps practicing to learn the rhythm of their writing, their style. Every writer has their own style, their own take on the world. Their own way to make the story they are writing flows.

A lot of people don't like that answer, just keep practicing everyday, just a little everyday, but it's the truth. You can't just magically become a writer overnight; it just doesn't work like that. And there are many ways to be a writer, like writing articles, or songs, even poems. You can start with any one of these. You can try every form of writing if you want, to understand it a little better, to learn.

What Writing Can Do for a Person

Writing isn't just an art form. It's actually more than that. Writing can take you around the world in just an hour, and you can still be home for dinner with your family. Writing can tell a story about a person's experience. Writing can take you to a world that isn't our own, to a world that is different from any others. But writing for others can be a way to express one's inner thoughts, to pull together all those disjointed thoughts from within to make sense of yourself or why you are feeling such a way.

It's actually suggested for people dealing with a mental illness to write their thoughts out throughout the day if they cannot understand what could possibly be going through their head, to find the problem, to help themselves. Sometimes it doesn't work for everyone, but if it does, then it's a great thing.

For other people, writing is a way to tell a story that they couldn't speak out in their own words. Or to get their words out after a horrible fight. Writing works in so many different ways. It can paint a picture within the reader's head. It's more than art, it's a way of expressing one's self.

A Personal Experience

I use writing as a way to get my thoughts out. I use it to write stories, be it something that I totally came up with, or a fanfiction that I'm working on for people that I know. But I am learning, and using a dictionary always to look for the right words to express what the characters are feeling or thinking.

As mentioned before, it can help people with mental illnesses, something that I have myself, along with my significant other. I suffer from anxiety and depression on a severe level, while he is more mild than I am, but we both been told that writing would be good for us, and it was something that I was already doing before even going to seek professional help.

If anyone you know is having troubles expressing themselves, suggest writing, and if they want, to share it with you or someone professional, because I understand how frustrating it can become when you explain things, and everyone just starts getting upset with you for no reason, especially when you are trying to word what you are thinking or feeling properly. It's easier this way, and than everyone can talk about what is going on in a calm manner, and get a getting understanding of the person through it as well.

In the End

Writing is so much more than what they teach us in school, you just have to go out and do it yourself. As writers say, practicing helps, and it's not a lie; all you can do is to do something over and over again until you understand yourself and start your way to becoming a writer yourself.

Or if you want to use writing to express yourself, practice as well; there are so many tools to help get your emotions across, so many words.

If you want to go further than that, take a course in school, because it's something that can help you with any kind of writing, be it article writing, or anything like that. Keep moving forward, take suggestions from people that have read your work, keep learning, because then you will become the writer you want to be.

Sometimes you can't be a top seller, but you need to remember, you got to keep writing no matter what. Not all the best selling authors out there got it on their first tries, they had to keep trying again and again until they got it right. So, just remember to not give up. And take breaks if you need to, because a healthy writer is an amazing writer. Just don't give up, even if it feels too hard.


About the Creator

Carly Mackay

I'm just a girl from Canada that enjoys writing, and if I can write for people, give my own opinion, than I feel pretty like I've taken the jump.

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