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9 Easy Steps To A $3000 a Month Online Business

If you want to start an online business and make money from home, then this guide is for you! In it I will show you how to create a $3000 per month online business by following 9 easy steps.

By Courtanae HeslopPublished about a year ago 7 min read
9 Easy Steps To A $3000 a Month Online Business
Photo by Alexander Mils on Unsplash

If you want to start an online business and make money from home, then this guide is for you! In it I will show you how to create a $3000 per month online business by following 9 easy steps.

Step 1: Decide on your niche

In this step, you'll need to decide what kind of business you want to create. A niche is an area of focus that allows you to stand out from the crowd and attract customers who are looking for what you provide. For example: if your niche is "fashion," then all of the products or services that relate specifically to fashion would fall under this category. You could include clothing lines, makeup tutorials on YouTube and Instagram (or other social media platforms), or even blogging about trends in different cities around the world!

Identify potential niches using tools like Google Keyword Planner and Ahrefs Content Gap Tool (or any other tool available). These tools will help identify keywords related both directly and indirectly with whatever topic(s) interest me most at any given moment - in this case "online business" - so I can see which ones might work best for my purposes later down the road when creating content like blog posts/articles etcetera...

Step 2: Create a website

To build yor website, you'll need to use a website builder tool. These tools make it easy for anyone to build a professional looking website without having any technical knowledge or coding experience.

The first step is choosing a good domain name for your business. A domain name is the web address that people type into their browser when they want to visit your site (for example: It's also sometimes referred to as an "internet address" or "web address".

Once you've chosen the perfect domain name for your business, it's time to choose where it will live online! Hosting providers offer storage space and bandwidth so that people can visit websites through them instead of directly accessing each individual server where those sites live (this would be really inefficient). There are many different hosting providers out there but we recommend Bluehost because they offer excellent customer service at great prices - plus they're highly compatible with WordPress which makes them easy to install later on down the line once we get into step 5 below :)

>>>Click here to sign up to Wordpress!<<<

Step 3: Start Blogging

Blogging is one of the best ways to start making money online. It's easy, it can be fun and it works! So what is a blog? A blog is basically an online journal where you post articles about whatever you want (your hobbies, interests and passions). You can also use your blog as a portfolio if you want to show off your work or CV so people will hire you.

When should I start blogging? Now! The sooner the better because once they see how good your content is they'll keep coming back for more so keep writing consistently until it becomes second nature which won't take long since writing isn't hard at all :)

How do I make money from my blog? There are many different ways but here are some common ones:

  • Advertisement: This means advertising companies will pay for space on their site so when someone clicks on their advertisement then they get paid by those companies - this happens automatically through Google Adsense (which we'll talk about later). Affiliate Marketing: When someone buys something through one of these links then both parties get paid commissions - this happens automatically through ShareASale (which we'll also talk about later)

Step 4: Research other websites and blogs related to your niche.

The next step is to research other websites and blogs related to your niche.

Google search for sites related to your niche and check out the ones that have the most traffic. Analyze what they have done to get this traffic, then see if you can replicate their success by applying it to your own site or blog.

Step 5: List all the keywords related to your niche in a spreadsheet.

In order to get more traffic, you need to know what people are searching for. The best way to find out is by using the Google AdWords Keyword Planner tool.

Google AdWords Keyword Planner is a free tool that allows you to see how many people search for specific keywords in your niche every month (and how much they're willing to pay). You can use it by clicking here or on the image below:

Once inside the tool, click "Get ideas" under "Search for new keywords related to my topic." Then enter your main keyword and click "Get ideas". This will bring up a list of related keywords that people have searched for recently as well as their monthly searches and average cost per click (CPC).

Step 6: Find content similar to yours on other websites and blogs, then link back to them on yours.

The next step is to find content similar to yours on other websites and blogs, then link back to them on yours.

The idea behind this technique is that when you give away high-quality information in your own blog posts, people will see it and link back to you as well! This is an easy way for anyone who wants a $3k/month online business but doesn't have any experience creating their own content (like me) or can't afford any writers yet.

It's also a great way for you to build up links from authoritative websites in your niche -- which will help boost traffic when we move onto steps 7 through 10 later on in this guidebook series!

Step 7: Add more pages to your blog, as well as additional content for each page.

This step is a big one, but it's also very important. You need to add more pages to your blog, as well as additional content for each page. This will help build trust with your visitors and give them more reasons to stick around.

Add a contact page where people can reach out if they have any questions or comments about what you're selling. It should include:

  • Your name, email address and phone number(s) (you can use Google Voice for this so that people can call/text directly from their phone).
  • An FAQ section where users can search through commonly asked questions about your business or products/services offered by clicking on topics like "How do I use this product?" or "How do I get started?". The goal here is to answer these questions without having them leave the site! If someone has an issue with something related with using/buying from your company then simply direct them back here so they don't go looking elsewhere online trying figure out how things work first before contacting someone directly who knows exactly what's going on behind closed doors."

Step 8: Write great content that is unique and interesting to your target audience. This will drive traffic to your site and keep them there longer.

You need to write great content that is unique and interesting to your target audience. This will drive traffic to your site and keep them there longer.

You can use a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner or SEMRush, which will tell you what terms people are searching for in relation to what you're writing about, so that you can optimize the title of each post accordingly.

A blog format works best because it's easy for readers to skim through posts with titles, subheadings and bullet points (which are easier on their eyes) than reading long paragraphs of text on a page without breaks in between paragraphs or sections within the article itself (which makes it harder for them scan through quickly). Make sure all images have captions explaining what they represent too!

Your goal should always be helping others achieve whatever goals they've set out for themselves--whether that means getting fit or saving money by learning how best practices work together across industries such as marketing automation software programs like HubSpot CRM - Salesforce Marketing Cloud Data Management Platforms such as Tableau Software Data Analytics Toolsets such as SAS Enterprise Miner

Step 9 : Use social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to share the latest posts from your blog with friends and followers who may be interested in reading it. Do not spam though! That is a big no-no! Instead build relationships with people in order to gain trust through sharing their posts as well as yours! There are many ways to do this but here are just a few examples of what you can do with social media networks! Post links on Facebook groups where relevant, join conversations on Twitter by replying to others' tweets using hashtags (instead of just saying something like "Check out my website!"), comment on YouTube videos related to your niche and add Google+ circles so that you can share with people who will actually see it (not just people you personally know)!

Social media is a great way to get your content out there and build relationships with potential clients. You should use social media networks like Facebook, Twitter or Google+ to share the latest posts from your blog with friends and followers who may be interested in reading it. Do not spam though! That is a big no-no! Instead build relationships with people in order to gain trust through sharing their posts as well as yours! There are many ways to do this but here are just a few examples of what you can do with social media networks:

  • Post links on Facebook groups where relevant, join conversations on Twitter by replying to others' tweets using hashtags (instead of just saying something like "Check out my website!"), comment on YouTube videos related to your niche and add Google+ circles so that you can share with people who will actually see it (not just people you personally know)


As you can see, there are many ways to make money online and the possibilities are endless. The key is to find your niche and run with it!


About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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