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8 Tips for Overcoming Writer's Block When Writing Articles (Guaranteed Effective)

Writer’s block afflicts everyone from first-time authors to publishing industry veterans. Learn how to overcome writer’s block with these tips from Brian Fulan

By Brian FulanPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
8 Tips for Overcoming Writer's Block When Writing Articles (Guaranteed Effective)
Photo by Green Chameleon on Unsplash

When writing articles, have you ever experienced deadlock? Deadlock can happen for two reasons:

  1. You have trouble getting inspired to start writing because you're too idealistic or can't find a good topic to write about.
  2. You can't start writing because you lack motivation or material.

So, how can you avoid writer's block? Well, here are some tips!

1. Create Mind Mapping

Mind Map of History of Antibiotics. Source by: RMIT University

What is mind mapping? Mind Mapping is a way of grouping several ideas in the form of a structured outline to help remember or analyze a problem.

The subject is the topic of the article, each idea is a sub-topic within that article and each sub-idea represents an individual point that you want to elaborate on, within that sub-topic.

Creating such a mind map can help you write an article smoothly and easily. Before creating an article, you can make a mind map like the picture above. That way the article's ideas will flow logically from point to point like flowing water.

2. Find References From Images And Videos

Pinterest Home Feed. Source: Pinterest

If you lack material or ideas, then you can try searching for images or videos through sites like Pinterest or Youtube. Search for topics that you want to write about through these sites to get ideas for your article content. So, you don't have to worry about what to write anymore.

For example, if you want to write an article related to Korean fashion, you can try to find image references through Pinterest for example. The result? A cool article that you can read below!

Related Article: 2022 Korean Fashion Trends That Make You Look Instagrammable When Summer Comes

3. Brainstorming

By MING Labs on Unsplash

Brainstorming is a technique used to find a solution to a particular problem by spontaneously gathering ideas.

If you're having trouble finding ideas to write an article, you can try consulting with your colleagues. Who knows, your friends may have fresh ideas that you haven't thought of so far.

4. Find a Good Template

In almost every case, what you're writing about has probably been written about before. For example, if you're writing about a company profile page you can find several examples from other companies within seconds.

There may be some articles that provide templates for you too. But remember, just copy the template as a skeleton, not the whole thing.

5. Observe, Imitate, Modify

By Noémi Macavei-Katócz on Unsplash

Observe, Imitate and Modify is one of the popular methods in the business world and creative industry. This method aims to provide opportunities for businesses to always create fresh, creative, unique, and competitive products or strategies.

In the world of copywriting and content writing, you can use this method to find ideas for writing your articles. Even so, this method is arguably not good because it makes your article seem the same as the article you are copying.

So it's better if you just copy the basic framework and then develop it into a more valuable article.

6. Do Research And Take Notes

Research Article Using Google. Source: Google Search

Before you start writing articles or web content, do some writing-related tasks. Doing research is a great way to start. You can try using Google to filter the keywords of the idea or topic you want to write about.

Make sure to choose keywords with high search volume. You can read articles that are on the first page of the search as reference material for writing your article. Don't forget to make small notes for every idea that pops into your head.

7. Use Tools

Buzzsumo Content Analyzer. Source: Buzzsumo

If you get stuck in writing articles, you can use tools like Buzzsumo for example. Try to find other relevant articles using Buzzsumo and gather interesting ideas from several other articles.

Buzzsumo lists articles in descending order as well as the social shares they receive so it can be a great way for you if you run out of writing ideas.

8. Try to Take a Break

By Jarek Ceborski on Unsplash

Have you tried all the methods above and still not succeeded? Maybe it's time for you to take a break. There are many ways to take a break, you can listen to music, see the scenery, take a walk or even sleep.


Okay, those are some ways to overcome deadlock when writing articles. I hope this article can help, especially for you, a content writer.

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About the Creator

Brian Fulan

Just random people on the Internet who love to playing games and reading books.

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