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7 Reasons to use AngularJS for Developing Your Next Web Application

Why you should choose Angular Js framework to build your dream project.

By Yamini Kumawat Published 3 years ago 6 min read

The current era is the era of e-Commerce, and each and every organization is doing its best to make a mark online in regards to its business. As a result, a huge demand has been created for web developers. Consistent with a recent survey, there are about 876 million websites in the world and the count is increasing. For web development, there are several platforms available.

The purpose is to settle on the proper amongst the available. Introduced in 2009 AngularJS, since its inception, has been creating some ripples within the market. It is an open-source web-development framework, primarily building on HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

AngularJS is an open-source web development framework developed by Google and a private community of developers. AngularJS comes in handy once we need it to wish for dynamic views in web applications. It allows you to extend HTML vocabulary by implementing features at a run time thereby making the code more legible and may be developed very quickly. Being an updated framework it encourages best practices like the use of dependency injection, customized directive tags, RESTFUL APIs, filters, etc.

AngularJS is made in JavaScript which is one of the foremost widely used and versatile languages within the world. AngularJS offers you an entire package for building front-based applications. It makes life easy for web developers by adding a wrapper in sort of a framework to all or any of the complexities and by only exposing the features which may be implemented easily. In that perspective, the following are some of the undeniable reasons as to why you should choose AngularJS for your next Web Application and hire AngularJS developers.

MVC Architecture

AngularJS uses MVC architecture for developing web applications. For implementing MVC you only have to split your app and the rest all is managed by AngularJS. MVC architecture stands for Model-View-Controller.

Invented by Trygve Reenskaug, when he was visiting a scientist at Xerox Palo Alto lab (PARC) in 1978/79. Initially named “Thing Model View Editor” but then changed to "Model View Controller". The goal of Tygrve was to unravel the matter of users controlling an outsized and sophisticated data set. The usages and implementation of MVC have changed over the years. As the MVC pattern was invented before web browsers, initially it was used as an architectural pattern for graphical user interfaces(GUI).

Model : It is referred to as rock bottom level that is liable for maintaining data. As it is supposed to handle data at the logical level so it deals with the data. The model is really connected to the database so anything you are doing with data. Adding or retrieving data is completed within the model component. It communicates with the controller because the controller can never interact with the database by itself. The model connects to the database back and forth then it delivers the required data to the controller.

View : Data representation is completed by the view component. It actually generates UI or interfaces for the user. So at the Development level, if you are thinking of the view level, you should be thinking about HTML-CSS. The presentation of the view is completed by the data, which is basically, collected by the model. However the views have no direct connection to the model, it has to communicate with the controller to get the data from the model.

Controller : It’s mentioned as the most important man because the controller is the component that allows the interconnection between the views and thus the model so it acts as an intermediary. The controller doesn’t have to worry about handling data logic, it just tells the model what to undertake to try to do . After receiving data from the model it processes it then it takes all that information it sends it to the view and explains the thanks to represent it to the user. Note: Views and models can't talk directly.

It is understandable that MVC architecture will separate the interface from business logic and business logic making the Components to be reusable. It is easy to maintain, with components often independently deployed and maintained. With this power in hand when you hire AngularJS developer you should also think to hire developers who will be working on the Models and the controllers of your application.


Directives allow developers to vary the behavior of HTML tags. It's a really powerful feature that permits you to make a customized tag. The utilization of the directive tag tells the compiler to feature some functionality on the DOM element or can even transform it. It also features a wide selection of pre-built directives available which AngularJS developers choose between. Such features help in creating great applications.


Every object utilized in AngularJS is POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Object) which suggests you don’t need additional getter and setter functions. POJO provides you all the quality JavaScript functionalities for object manipulation. It facilitates you to get rid of and add properties from the objects and may loop over objects at will. When you hire an AngularJS developer he/ she will always be very proficient with POJOs.

Ease of Use

Development becomes easier with the rich features of AngularJS, reducing the need to write codes from scratch. When you hire an AngularJS developer the burden of writing code is taken off your head with the implementation of MVC architecture. For implementing data models you don’t get to write getters and setters. Also, directives aren't a part of app code in order that they are often managed by other teams working parallel. These things minimize the necessity of writing the code.

Use of Dependency Injection

An application is incomplete without thorough testing. In fact, testing is extremely important to make sure error-free delivery of the project. AngularJS has been conceived keeping testing in mind. The entire application inbuilt AngularJS is linked by dependency injection. you'll very easily inject sample data into the controller and may measure the output and behavior.

Client-Side Framework

Meant to be a Client-Side Framework, AngularJS is compatible with both mobile browsers and desktop platforms. AngularJS is often used for any project as there are not any backend modifications required. Therefore it is often used safely for developing the front of any application. Also, since it's client-side and may be run on any browser which supports JavaScript the deployment of the appliance is often done easily. It is understandable that when you hire AngularJS developers you should also think to hire PHP web developers for the Server side.

Flexibility of Filters

A filter refines the worth before displaying like changing the decimal places of variety , converting a string to capital , or adding pagination to your website . Filters are almost like directives and work as a standalone function that's focused on data transformations. When you hire AngularJS developers they will always create their own custom filters.

In Conclusion

Selecting the proper platform for web development will be a very crucial part beginning your Web application. So after going through this article you should have understood how powerful AngularJS is. What are the things it can do. However it should also be noted that this doesn't mean that AngularJS is going to be the best option for each web development company Furthermore you may try to find an alternative to web development.


About the Creator

Yamini Kumawat

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